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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. More of a political ruling class I would have said.Obama rules with the blessing and collusion of all the other craven politicians. And the blame game is still in service to them due to faux democracy .
  2. Better than politics-as-usual. At least with a monarchy you know exactly who's at fault. No more playing the blame game.
  3. Silent Ambush hunt almost paid off. I sat quietly in a part of the woods I know the Turkey frequent between the hours of 9 and 11 on average. Sure enough a small flock came right toward me about 9:30 am. They dipped down into a creek and were all set to come up about 40 yards in front of me... They never came up. No idea where in the hell they went. Total mystery. I think a neighbor had been calling at them a little earlier before I saw 'em. Maybe that spooked them and they ran to ground.
  4. Troops Prefer Trump by 29 Points Over Clinton http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/09/military-times-survey-troops-prefer-trump-clinton-huge-margin/
  5. Had a nice stalk going on a bunch of Jakes with probably one good Tom. They did not like the clucks and yelps today however. Sidled off into the thick stuff. Ambush hunting for tomorrow.
  6. Silent as the grave today. Bumped a lone hen off the roost. That was all the action for today.
  7. I'm takin my nieces out tomorrow for the first time behind their house. No idea what the local bird population is like however. Gonna be interesting.
  8. It's really a testament to how corrupt the entire system has become.
  9. West Virginia Coal Miner Confronts Crooked Hillary
  10. I jumped out in front of them and just stood staring, They got the message, turned tail and skedaddled.
  11. Almost had a bird come into range.I had a Tom on the boil for about 15 minutes. I even managed to close the gap down to 50 yards by scooting through the trees very carefully. Then 2 trespassers, in full hunting regalia, came barreling up the gas-line I was hunting and scared off the birds. Even heard gobbling this morning. Everything was going so well. Aaaarrrgghhh!
  12. Have to work for a living this morning sadly...Tomorrow however is another story!
  13. President Fox Apologizes, Invites Trump to Mexico http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/05/04/president-fox-apologizes-invites-trump-mexico/ Fox sharted himself after Indiana.
  14. Went out for a bit. Nothin movin. May 1 comes around and our woods shut down. Now if only the season opened one weekend earlier it would be a different story.
  15. I never see Turkey till after 1pm. Wish we had afternoon hunts.
  16. An animal packed afternoon scout. So I head into the woods to check on a deer camera, after which I plan on going up the hill to peek into the neighbors field where Turkey congregate in the afternoon. I wanted to see if the big Tom made it. I bump a bachelor group of Buck before I get to the camera. It's nice to see 'em around but I always get annoyed when I disturb deer on my property. Rather than push on and get the camera, I turn back on myself to go check on the field in the opposite direction. Within seconds I have wandered onto a flock of Turkey, again, in my woods. Typical. This is almost certainly the local flock with the big Tom I wanted. I hope he is still alive. They walked into a stand of Hemlock and I couldn't see 'em through the binocs to check on age and numbers. I look up and see a Turkey buzzard hovering above the flock. I press on up the hill to check on the field. A gas-line opens up and leads out to it. As I'm getting close I see another Buzzard swooping low, back n forth across the spot where the Turkey usually are. I had seen this on Saturday night, and the field was packed with Turkey. I get excited at the prospect of a possible second flock. As I'm walking I see what looks like two sticks behind a bump on the gas-line. I stop, creep closer and one of the sticks turns to look. At first I figured it was 2 hens sitting in the gas-line, but they didn't run off. Maybe they are injured I'm thinking, hence the Buzzards? As I get close these two 'hens' hop up and fly off into the field. It was in fact two Buzzards laying low. Never saw this behavior before. I think they were waiting for Turkey, because there were none in the field. A 4th Buzzard was in a tree right by the field edge. It was a regular waiting party. I take my peek, I notice the neighbor has a blind up in the sweet spot, just nestled into a stand of young Christmas trees. This is where I heard the morning shot from. My tactics are to try to intercept the Turkey when they go from woods to field. I am rarely successful. Neighbor always gets somethin. No Turkey around however. I head back to the house. On the way I look up, two buzzards have followed me and were hovering above me. Makes a big difference from this morning. I hardly saw a squirrel !
  17. Neighbor shot something in the field above me about 7am. Wish I had field... Hope that big Tom is still around from the other evening. Will sit the last hour later. No Gobbles at all this am.
  18. It's a beautiful mornin! Headin out in 20.
  19. This is who UpClown is gonna be voting for: Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-05-01/seymour-hersh-says-hillary-approved-sending-libyas-sarin-syrian-rebels
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