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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Cory

  1. Colder than a polar bears toe nail this winter. We had below average snowfall this year in the Buffalo area. I live north of the city and we tend to get considerably less snow than 5 miles south. I wish the lake ice would melt so the bone chilling winds would calm.
  2. I’m glad you guys have had good luck with rocky boots. Me not so much. I’ve bought 2 pair of the years both are to narrow and hurt my feet.
  3. I absolutely love these videos. Probably because I’m deathly afraid of rats. Only good rat is a dead rat!
  4. I just came from Jamestown area and holy crap they have a ton of snow. Most of the back roads have 10’ embankments.
  5. Unfortunately I’m in Texas and fly back on the 16th.
  6. I’m from WNY but I am always traveling this state for work. If someone sets something up I would love to meet up .
  7. Spotlighting and shooting from the truck. You are a poacher and should never be allowed to hunt again. As far as baiting with corn piles it’s the same as hunting food plots and such.
  8. Sun up to sun down sit today. I didn’t see anything. Very disappointing season for me this year. I only seen 3 deer all crossbow, gun and now muzzleloader seasons combined. Cams are active but only at night. Hopefully next year.
  9. I have ozark trail cheap O’s from Walmart. I believe they were $10. They definitely work amazingly. I use them for hunting and cold Bills games. They definitely became a necessity.
  10. Over 40” of snow at the cabin with another 12” expected tomorrow. I’m thinking my season is over.
  11. I wish I knew that answer I’m in western NY
  12. Yep that’s exactly why I go to PA to buy ammo. No BS ,got pull your own ammo off the shelf and buy it. No wait time or BS fees.
  13. Deer sightings have been at an all time low. I’m just hoping to see one!
  14. I blame Trump for making the sun rise earlier and set earlier than it did last Saturday.
  15. Not a damn thing today. Perfect conditions to be out all day. I’m thinking we have entered the lockdown phase.
  16. Thank you found it without search. 13 point.
  17. 9M east Otto need a dog . Anyone have a number?
  18. Depressing day. No deer movement since last night (cams). It’s like clock work around my piece of what used to heaven. Neighbor moved in about 7 years ago and deer sightings have diminished. As soon as November 1st comes around that’s when he starts his wood gathering . 4 wheelers and dirt bikes all day through the woods. Also decides to have the Amish over to start replacing the rotted logs on the house. Is it too much to ask to start these projects in September? Good luck out there boys. Sorry for the rant.
  19. Deer are moving this morning. Cams are active with buck movement. Unfortunately I can’t get out today. Good luck shoot straight gentleman.
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