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Dakota Dog

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Everything posted by Dakota Dog

  1. I have a self climber and I hate it. I have set it up as a permanent stand and it will stay there. That was my first stand I ever bought 22 years ago. My second one was a buddy stand 16' and so was my 2 and 3rd one as well. I have all of them set up and still use them all. The buddy stand to me is the best in my book. Lots of room for me to move around, shooting rails and plenty of foot room. My 9 year old daughter loves to go hunting with dad as well so we both have plenty of room in the buddy stands. PS she sleeps most of the time but at least she is in the woods.
  2. What a monster. Very nice. You probably should not shoot him so you can keep his gene pool around. LOL Just kiding. Nice video.
  3. I think Doc has guess correctly. LOL
  4. Fantail nice hunting. Looks like You have a real good start on the season.
  5. If you pass him up please send him my way. Nice buck.
  6. You never seen him before becuase your buddie stand is facing the wrong way. LOL
  7. I let it rip over the side and I also smoke in my stand. Most of the years with great succes.
  8. I am ready and excited. I only get Saturday and Sunday but that still will not stop my excitement. I know the 10 day for the weather may change but here in the 6P, 7J area they are calling for sun and a high of 54 on Saturday. Sounds like good weather for a great time in the tree stand. 9 more days and counting down
  9. I really think I am going to try this. If it works I will post the video on http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,1595.msg16928.html#msg16928 10 more days until I will be able to try.
  10. This may sound crazy but has anyone ever put there trail camera on there tree stand while bow hunting? I am asking because I may try it this year. This way if I let something walk by I will have proof for my buddy's and maybe if timed right get a picture of my kill. What are your thoughts on this?
  11. What a great buck. I like the mass. Good luck this season.
  12. WNY this is a great idea. I am excited to see everyone's success this year. Hopefully I will be posting one after the 16th. Good luck to all this year and most important let's keep the season safe!
  13. It sure looks like a porcupine to me.
  14. Cabin Fever sory it took so long to get back. Yes this is between an apple orchard and a corn field.
  15. Can anybody tell what maybe wrong with this little guy? I can not tell if he is loosing his hair or if he is a pieball. What are your thoughts? The picture was taken back in July of this year.
  16. I think the deer may have been moving his head when the flash went off cause this affect but no it sure is not a spider web.
  17. Nice pictures. Just showing the guy's at work some of the pictures and they were like well in 30 more days we won't see you for a month here at work. LOL Thats right!
  18. I am new at posting pictures so I will give this a try. If it does not work I am sorry. I hope it does because I am excited about this hunting season. Picture 018 on the right side this is the only picture we have gotten of right crab claw. I really want to see him.
  19. There is some state land you can hunt over by the Prison in Rome. If going from Rome to Verona on RT365 it would be on your right. I do beleive that it is marked. Also if you don't mind a little ride down in Brookfield they have many acres of state land out at the horse trails. I hunt on private land in Vernon and Vernon Center but my aunt and uncle have about 90 acres I also hunt in Brookfield that is surrounded by all that state land.
  20. 6P & 7J I live right on the line. The back 40 is 6P and cross the road and I am in 7J. It makes it really nice when filling the doe tags. Yes I did get both 6P and 7J this year.
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