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Dakota Dog

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Everything posted by Dakota Dog

  1. Great rack. That there is a fine buck! I am sure you already know that LOL
  2. Dakota Dog


    Thanks for the update. Saves me a phone call. LOL
  3. Dakota Dog


    My buddy owns land in Fleming and he lets me go out when ever I want but I have only hunted it 2 times in the last 3 years. I am not sure if riffle is legal there or not. I used the 12 gauge when I went out. I will have to ask.
  4. Dakota Dog


    If you are from the Brooklyn area you will want to plain a hunting trip. This is out by the Finger Lakes Central to Western New York State. As I like to call it vine country. There are a bunch of big grape frams out in that area that can produce some big deer.
  5. WNY sorry I am not intrested in the stands but I have 2 of the buddy stands and I love them. I am able to leave mine up all year so I will only buy buddy stands going fprward for two reasons. One My 10 year old daughter loves to go hunting with me and two when I am by myself I love the extra room.
  6. Nice deer and for sure a shooter but he is one ugly son of a gun.
  7. I agree because I do have access to land in the 7H area but if I know I have a chance of getting a 7J in the mail I would not even think about appling for the extra in 7H. I would rather go in the back yard then drive an Hour and a half to hunt.
  8. I believe this list is only because they did not get enough applications in them area's. For exapmle, 7J, I was turned down but they may have had plenty of people that wanted them and only 90% of the tags were issued so there is a 10% chance I may still get one in the mail. These area's for example had 1,000 permits to give out but only 800 people applied. I hope this makes sense and if I am wrong please correct me.
  9. How about bow winkle? My personnal favorite is swamp donkey Monster
  10. She does look good and healthy. I bet she can still run like a deer to. LOL
  11. I second that John! Tomorrow is a differnt day
  12. I am no expert on this but I was thinking upper 130's myself like a 137ish. The length and width area nice. Either way good luck hunting him this year and the ones that are steeling your cameras.
  13. Good job Bowman congrats on that there buck. Still a lot of time left to hunt out that 10
  14. Joel I do not know either of these areas but but welcome as a member. I am sure someone here will be able to help.
  15. That is a landscaping rock placed there by the farmer. You see when the haybine goes bang (from running over it) the farmer knows he is at the end of the field and he needs to turn around. LOL or it could be a sharping stone to keep those tines sharpe. OK I will stop it is a mineral lick and CRS that is illegal and NOT even close to being sportsman like. Shame shame
  16. Hard to tell by the pictures. I will not even guess at this point.
  17. Culvercreek you get that to? LOL But I do not mind. At least I still have my dad to hunt with and if it takes me to gut, drag it and cut it I will just for those time he and I have in the woods together.
  18. I sit on both but prefer the evening sit. I have to walk a long hay field to get to my better stand and I also worry about bumping deer on the way in.
  19. Congrats on that doe Pat. I am sure she will taste mighty fine.
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