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About Estobles

  • Birthday 11/30/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dutchess County

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  • Hunting Location
    Dutchess County
  • Hunting Gun
    Deerslayer 12g/Remington 870-20g
  • Bow
    Martin (old, reliable, 40+years old)
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Old original Buck knife my Dad gave me about 50 years ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I agree it's not just about getting meat in the freezer. This year was a memorable year and I am blessed to have the opportunity and the ability to hunt with my friends and son. Some of my most treasured memories are hunting with my dad and brother, hopefully someday, my son will look back and say the same. We managed two put two doe in the freezer.
  3. Peanut butter and jelly sammich, something chocolate and two bottles of water.
  4. How about this freak of nature. This from a friend of mine who has a lease in Texas ( i.e the feeder).
  5. I have a 3M to swap for a 3G or 3F, thanks.
  6. Hi folks, it's almost that time again to get a big game license and hopefully a DMP for this fall. Although I grew up in NY I am now a 'non-resident' and as such my DMP selections are limited. I only have a place to hunt in 3G and 3F. I will more than likely get a 3F but I can't apply for a 3G, I actually do most of my hunting in that zone. Here is my proposal- I can/will apply for another zone as my second choice with the hopes of setting up a swap with someone who would like to swap. If I know in advance what zone to request as my second choice we can help each other out if you apply for 3G or 3F. I did this with a guy from 3M and it worked out great for both of us. Hopefully this works out but if not good luck to all my fellow hunters for the coming season.
  7. Hi folks, it's almost that time again to get a big game license and hopefully a DMP for this fall. Although I grew up in NY I am now a 'non-resident' and as such my DMP selections are limited. I only have a place to hunt in 3G and 3F. I will more than likely get a 3F but I can't apply for a 3G, I actually do most of my hunting in that zone. Here is my proposal- I can/will apply for another zone as my second choice with the hopes of setting up a swap with someone who would like to swap. If I know in advance what zone to request as my second choice we can help each other out if you apply for 3G or 3F. I did this with a guy from 3M and it worked out great for both of us. Hopefully this works out but if not good luck to all my fellow hunters for the coming season.
  8. I can do. Email [email protected]. We can meet at route 52 park and ride on the Taconic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I have a range finder that I bought for golfing but now I find it to be a great asset for deer hunting. For bow hunting it is a valuable tool to mark out exact yardage, it doesn't take much to be off a lot with a slightly misplaced arrow. I highly recommend making a rangefinder part of your basic hunting equipment. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Today is opening day for dove hunting in Texas. Being originally from Clinton Corners, N.Y. I never hunted dove until I got to Texas. I considered myself a pretty good wing shooter but shooting a dove is a whole new and humbling experience. It is like a state holiday in TX. If you ever get to hunt dove I highly recommend it.
  11. Have 3F and would like to swap for 3G. Thanks.
  12. I always wear orange camo vest when on the move. All of the guys in our hunting group wear some orange when moving to or from our stands and especially when putting on a drive of any kind. We are all experienced hunters on private land but we have had guys sneak on to hunt and you just don't know what might happen.
  13. I have a 3M DMP that I would like to swap for a 3G or 3F DMP.
  14. I have a suggestion that may be of benefit to everyone. I received a DMP for 3F zone today. I also asked for and received a 3M. I do not have a place to hunt in 3M and not looking for a place. What I am suggesting is if you hunt in 3M and would like to swap a 3G or 3F DMP for my 3M tag it would be beneficial to both of us. MOD: Geno C Ill pin this thread as we normally have one each year. RULES: there is absolutely NO exchange in money for tags. it works on a tag exchange basis only (tag for tag) If members are asked to pay for a tag please forward to any of the moderation team. thank you
  15. Have 3F looking to swap for a 3G, anyone?
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