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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. They are similar but definetly not the same gun. I had the LCP and sold it to buy the bodyguard. The bodyguard has much better sights, has a built in laser(not aftermarket clamp on) and stays open on the last shot. All the LCP doesn't. The S/W is much more accurate. The only plus for the LCP is the price and it's approximately 2 ounces lighter.

    Thanks for the thoughts on this. The laser on the Ruger works real nice... niot sure if this is an update or not. Didn't know the Ruger din't stay open after the last shot... actually never shot the LCP so thanks.

  2. Just a thought. Where do you fine hunters think is the best place to set up trail cams right now... in the woods or along the edge of corn fields, etc.

    I was thinking that big bucks might like to hang where they are less likely to hit there developing tines on tree limbs but maybe I'm wrong about this.

  3. I would definatly take the camera and leave a nice note saying that you have it and call them. Tell them a place where you can meet so you can see who it is and get a pic if possible. Then tell them that you don't let people hunt your land and they where tresspassing. From there you can give the camera back or tell them it is at the police or with the DEC. Sometimes it is better to be nice than mean.

    Agree here

  4. Concealability/size considerations should be at the top of the list. The best gun is the one that you will be carrying all the time. For me, in the summer it's a SW Bodyguard .380, and in the winter a Glock. Like what was said before, there are lots of great choices these days. Good luck.

    I too would agree the SW Bodygaurd .380 or it's competitor the Ruger LCP .380 for everyday carry. Same gun really but I do like the way the laser activates a bit better on the Ruger than the SW. I have the SW.

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  5. Until I hunted out west in 2000 I always thought they were deer trails but what I learned was they really are game trails... hence turkey, deer, fox, coyotes, etc. tend use many of the same trails. Reason you see all kinds of animals on the game cams.

  6. These are the 3 best bucks I've taken over the years. L-R:

    Left: 9pt, 131 gross score taken opening day 1999 with a 12 gauge. It was the first time I sat on this spot and the first time I have hunted this land. Saw this same buck 2 weeks prior to season crossing the dirt road across from my house. Doe brought him to me and made the shot from atop a bluff about 35 yards away.

    Middle: 8pt, 150 gross score taken Oct 31, 2009 in Illinois. I took this buck with my bow at 17 yards from a sitting position in a tiny hang-on. I had to make a very difficult shot to my left (R handed) and practically turned my body inside-out to get this shot off. If he had taken 1 more step I never would have got him.

    R: 11pt, 141 gross score taken in Mexico in December 2005. Shot at about 85 yards with a model 70, 270 mag. Easy shot came in following a doe on the last day of my hunt at the last hour of daylight.




  7. What you don't realize is the ethanol we burn in the states is not corn ethanol but sugar cane ethanol which is worse. We sell the corn to others and buy the sugar cane for our use but it's sugar so it gums the carbs and injectors even worse.

  8. I finally had a chance to get my bow out and clean it up this morning. I decided to shoot for a bit before things got going for the day as well. Figured I would shoot a group, then move to spots. Heres the first 5 arrows of the year for me at 20 yards. Not bad, I hope it just gets better the more I shoot. Ive been having shoulder issues for months, but have been feeling a bit better the last couple of weeks.


    Put it away until Oct 1st...

  9. It sounds like a hub. A hub where spokes come into an area and go back out. Many spokes so it's hard to see trails but they cross it.

    I can remember as young hunter my Dad had this watch (as he called it) at Arnold's Lake near Oneonta. He called it the PIE. He shot his best buck ever on the pie and kept coming back year after year. He saw 21 doe in a row one day but no buck.

    We looked it over one day and determined why it worked. The piece of land was a triangular shape and the crust was where my Dad would sit. The edge of the pie dropped off on a decline. We always felt the deer crossed the PIE to get their bearings. Whether from the sides and come over the top or from the top and then drop off one of the sides.

  10. Btw, if you cant draw while pointing at the target, and need to hold the bow high while drawing, you are pulling too much weight. I started out shooting 70lbs, then backed down to 65, then 63! Which is the magic number for me. I went through a year of drawing high before someone told me I was overbowed, and I adjusted from there.

    And you listened which most people don't.

  11. This is a 4 part question. After you draw back...

    Do you draw down on the target?

    Do you rise up on the target?

    Do you float the pin on the target and then release?

    Do you hold right on target and release?

    OR do you something entirely different?

    I draw back and then rise up on the target and float the pin on to the target and release.

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