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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. I have seen some action and know of a bachelor group of 7 bucks that have been seen in the section of a field near where my 2 stands are.I was thinking of opening a mock near one of them about 60 yards away from one stand.

    I have some Smokeys preorbital for the branch and was gonna hang a dripper with Active Scrape Thursday night.

    Your thoughts?

  2. sounds to me like you are in the bedroom. not sure what to tell you. you are gonna leave sent all over for sure. I guess if I were gonna try it, I would spray down really well and get in there extra early but beyond that I think I would pull the stand and set it on on the out side of the swamp down wind and hunt it afternoons.

  3. 150?. it takes a really good 10 pt to hit 150 and an 8 pt would need 5 inch brows 12-13 inch G'2s 10 inch G'3s 24-25 beams plus lots of mass.

    My avatar is a 150 8 from Illinois and this buck looks really close and has longer brows.

  4. Welcome Aaron

    First off welcome and thanks for serving in the USMC. I have a son-in-law in Pendleton. Second, you can get lucky and walk in to woods and shoot a real nice deer w/o any real knowledge of hunting but that's pure 100% luck.

    It sounds to me like you won't have a problem with the shot providing you get by buck fever that so many of us have had over the years.

    Now if I were new, I'd read as much about deer hunting as you can. Consume yourself with reading about it. Spend a lot of time looking over Google Earth and the area you plan to be hunting. Look at Topo maps and understand how they work. See if you can get the Topo inlaid over the land so you can see the funnels and pinch points. When you have long drives to where you are going to hunt and only have access now and then it will pay to know the lay of the land.

    I would try and spend as much time as you can in the area you plan to hunt in early Spring when the snow is all but gone. You will more about the way deer travel the land than any other way. Learn the prevailing winds and set up your stand site on the downwind side on higher ground of where trails cross. Always know the wind. Always wear orange.

    Hope this helps.

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  5. ADK foothills and Catskill foothills would be great. Also Tug hill area. I'd be in favor of elk intro in NY. Areas north of Camden;

    southern Herkimer county and northern Oneida cty; Delhi, Walton and Stamford regions could hold elk and not too populated.

  6. I personally think the youth hunt should have been the week before bow season opened, like the 29th and 30th and bow to open the following weekend on Oct 6th. That way everyone is happy, well most everyone.

    In addition to this bow hunters could wear orange the week before and open shooting lanes, set or reset stands, scout, etc. I for one do not agree with guns and bows in the woods together. It just increases the chances for injury or death.

  7. Making the 3 oclock shot is easier if you have the forthought to position your ladder stand or any for that matter. Think of the shot area as 180 degrees, maybe as much as 210. Looking at it is a 180, if you position the ladder facing 45 degrees to your Right you will have an easier time making the turn to the Right for the shot and the other 135 degrees is to your Left. I've even made the shot slightly behind the 180 to my Left, thus the possibility of 210 degrees.

  8. This is such an individual question. I, never have shot a buck with a bow yet, would take him without hesitation. Sounds like you have a real plan for your management of your herd. I am jealous and don't have that ability since most of my hunting is public lands so I can only take what I get before the next gu does.

    I will make a short note here since you mention management but go into greater detail in an other thread. Yes we do plan to practice management now that my son and I are the only ones who have permission to hunt this land and 3 0f the 5 landowners surrounding plan to take only big bucks.

    There is a bruiser in the area. Was seen last year by others hunting the land and I found one of his sheds this early summer. Has to go 150+ w/o any question. Described as monstrous by the hunter who saw him twice. Also the farmer who hays the only hay field in the general area saw him end of Aug and described the rack as a big box on his head... very squared looking.

  9. Enjoy the view and let him walk is my view. Even tho he is a 2 yr old i would give him another year, Myself... Now if you are just in it for the gravy, I say fire away and enjoy the meals. Rack wise he might get a little more mass but with the messed up pedical he will be limited on what he can make!

    This is kind of the way my son and I are thinking too and to let him pass but the messed up pedicle tells me he probably will never be a nice rack. I love me some venison and I will take some meat throughout the season at some point but I don't hide the fact that I'm a rack hunter.

  10. I think this is the same buck we saw last year as a deformed spike on the right and 3 point on the left. The spike was bent down along side of his head. He has grown a lot in one year. I think he damaged the pedicle and he will probably always be deformed on the right. I don't think his genes are bad just the pedicle is damaged.

    My question is should I kill him if I get a chance or let him breed?


  11. Ouch! that is plain wrong!

    The dog found a ground nest Sunday afternoon. I was catchin up on some football and all the sudden I hear my daughter start screaming outside. Kids runnin all over dog as well. Get dog in the house. Jackets are comin out of her fur. She was not a happy dog. Hid in the closet and under the desk the rest of the night. I located the nest today so tonight they will be feeling a little burn them selves when I cook their a$$e$.

    Want a better solution if you haven't burned them out? Tried this several times over the years and works great. Take a large pyrex clear bowl at dusk and place over the hole tightly. Within 2 days the nest will be dead. They come out into the bowl and think they are out side and the heat of the day cooks them. In 2 or 3 days the entire hive will be stacked on top of one another like a death camp.

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