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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. ya moved to the wrong place for big bucks...LOL. No kidding aside here. I'd travel upstate a ways and see if you can find some small tracts and ask permission to bow hunt. Some areas have a real problem with deer population and would be happy to give you permission. It may take a while and it may not happen this year.

  2. NOTE* This is a copy of a post I started about 2 years ago.............

    For the past 10 years I have been bowhunting, I have tried any number of estrus urine scents to attract bucks.

    In early season 2008, (Oct 31st or the first few days of Nov) It was early morning and dark as I walked down in the woods. There was a light drizzle and was gonna put up my tree umbrella. I had not been seeing much and figured I'd hang out some estrus.

    Many had said it's too early for estrus but my way of thinking is - does a buck really know. My thoughts are that if it smells ripe and ready to a buck he's not gonna question whether it's too early or not.

    I hung the scent about 15 yds in front of my stand and then climbed up. I sat there in the dark and about 5 min later I heard a racket about 100 yds away... alot of racket... branches breaking, etc. I thought it was this young hunter who sneaks into the property stumbling thru the woods in the dark and I was getting pissed thinking about it. About 5 min later the same thing.

    Then about 5 min later and still dark but light enough to see, a big rack buck with really long beams, came straight through the thick cover and stuck his nose right on the scent. I had drawn the bow back but he must have seen my movement or the tree umbrella din't look right against the early morning sky. He jumped 180 and stepped behind a tree. Before I could get the shot of he took 3 quick bounds and then stopped. Then just disappeared.

    The estrus scent was a Golden Estrus "Trophy Leaf" from Wildlife Research. The funny thing was I scoffed at this product for a couple years while I used all the other liquid urine products. To date, The only thing that I can absolutely say has drawn a buck is this gold leaf. I do not include a buck that came down the trail in the direction of the scent b/c that could be coincidence.

    PS: I'll not put the scent out until it is light enough to see in the future.

  3. I agree with all of the posts and knowing the deer in your area is important but... knowing your land that you hunt and how the bucks and does typically travel the land is the key. Proof is killing a really big buck that you never saw in person or on camera. Put in your time, play the wind and a little luck will bag you your deer every time.

  4. Why is that? Are they semi-domestic or something? .....Just need a game commission guy to tell you where they are and go get one? Seems funny that it would be so difficult out west and so easy here on the east coast. Makes you wonder how much of a hunt it really is. Any thoughts on why it is so easy?

    I would say the reason for 100% success rate is partially because these elk are used to human presence. Not domesticated per say but w/o question they are used to seeing and having humans quite near them over the years to the point that you can walk up quite close to them. I have been there 3 times in September. 2006, 2008 and 2010 and some are more wary then others but have seen people snapping pics of huge bulls less then 25 feet away. Much to close for safety for sure. I predict at some point in the future a bull will severely hurt or kill one of these stupid people who think they are somewhat tame.

  5. This two party system has polarized this country so much that neither party will work with one another anymore. I lean republican(for a new yorker at least) but for four years all that the republicans have been focused on is bad-mouthing the president. Its time to scrap political parties, the electoral college, conventions and lets take a real one man one vote computerized vote. Whoever wins the overall popular vote takes the election.

    The way it should be... exactly my opinion as well.

  6. Personally, I use 1 pin set at 25 yards and have for years. So does my son. If your bow is that fast, I would also tell you to consider 1 pin. If you are really set on using 2 pins this is what I would suggest.

    I would see at what distance does the arrow really begin to drop. Shoot 3 arrows at 25 then 27 then 29 then 31, etc until you can really see the definite gravity drop. Sight your first pin for 25 yards and set your second pin 5 yards farther than where your definite gravy drop takes place.

    Based on what you are saying, I would bet that drop will be at 31-33 yards, therefore your second pin should be set at about 36 to 38 yards.

    Or just go with a 40 yard second pin. You may find that with practice, you can bracket the 2 pins for those 33-35 yard shots.

    Also, using my 1 pin set at 25 yards, I know that if I hold my pin at the very top of the withers (just behind the shoulder) at 40 yards the arrow will drop into the lungs/heart area for a kill. So you might want to just practice this as well. Nothing worse than getting pin confusion at that moment of truth. Just my thoughts!

  7. Note my post above.........pointers, places to hit OR miss?

    This is a real nice old home in St Marys where we always stay. Outdoor pool and about 14 miles north of Benezette. http://cozyafghan.com/Home.html

    I will attach some more info below. To see the elk take RT 255 south from St Marys about 7-10 miles and look for a L turn onto Caledonia Rd. Take a L on Mt Zion Rd and just follow the dirt rds to Gray Hill Rd and follow any of the dirt rds up and around and you will come out eventually on Rt 555. Benezette is kinda the hub and the road up to Winslow hill but you can see elk on any of the dirt rds so just drive around. Tip: get there early just after dawn. I've seen 26 one morning 6 big bulls and 6 cows with 6 calves. Eat dinner at the Benezette Hotel and there is a good chance you will see elk right there. Then about an hour before dark head up Winslow Hill Rd. PM me and I send you some pics. Oh yeah avoid the 3rd week in Sept. Winslow hill is a traffic jam Try to go in the first half of Sept.


  8. The Catskills would be a better as there is both the mountains and the valleys where cropland is abundant. The PA elk herd is somewhat contained in about a 20 sq mile area about 10 miles SE of St Marys PA.

    I've been there 3 different times in recent years. I know the back roads well. There are between 800-1000 and sometimes some are seen as far away as Coudersport PA, about 40 miles from the herd. So they will migrate some and some do get out of the area. When the herd begins to move out of the desired area, helicopters are used to drive them back. Several of the big bulls are collared so they can track the herd.

  9. I like the dialog where the buck is 150 yds out and he's walking toward the hunter. They say wait til he's closer... wait a little while longer til he's closer... wait til he get's a little closer.... wait til he turns... wait just a bit more... now wait... now wait... let him turn a bit more... there ya go... OK now take him.

    Come on now... these guys have never sat in the woods of NY and had a nice buck come on by. Ya take him the first good shot you got. Anything could just make this buck take off in any direction and your left with nothing... a hot doe could come running out or another buck may come into the field or thru the woods. These shows are BS.

  10. If you want to do it legal ---come on in!! but my great grand parents didn't have to get paid and supported to learn the language. they did it because they had to to succeed. How it shoul dbe now.

    Agree but these are different times. And your 2 year term limit would never fly. I do agree that some people make careers out of political offices. It was never intended that way but it is that way now.

  11. Mine would be similar to Culvers. Id have to add a 4th though. Say bye bye to permanent welfare programs. It would all be treated similar to unemployment, where you can get it for only a limited time to give you a chance to get back to work, then youre on your own.

    That is what I'm saying about the immigrants. It's temporary... learn the language... get a job or after a year it's gone.

  12. It is nice to stir things up and get some thought provoking ideas. I think we agree on immigrants to some degree. You are just much colder than I am about. Illegals deserve a trip to the border but our country was founded on immigrants but they had to conform to our way of life. Today they don't.

    Oh and by the way. Those are only 3 of my proposals... there are more so let's everyone have an intelligent discussion with respect (difficult sometimes) to all.

  13. If I were elected President

    These are 3 projects that would be on my agenda. If you were president what 3 projects would be on your agenda?

    Here are mine.

    1) Protect our borders: Bring all troops home from around the world. It is only a matter of time before an outsider, a country or terrorist group, raid us. By being strong at access points on our borders we can decrease this threat. They need to be patrolled at all points.

    Some countries will never change. There will always be fighting. Some do not want nor will ever really accept democracy so why do we keep trying to change others at the expense of our military casualties and billions of dollars in costs.

    We don’t need to be in other countries. It costs us money to be there the money and protection is necessary here. The Air Force should be flying our borders, the Navy cruising our shores and the Army and Marines patrolling our borders.

    2) Immigration: We have become way too lax on letting anyone in. We have changed our language to accommodate the foreign tongue. An extensive background check would be a requirement as well.

    A requirement would be that each and every person enroll in a English course to learn to read and write in our English language. Our forefathers did… the poles, the italians, the germans, the czechs, everyone. We did not cater to their language, they accepted and learned ours and they were not given one penny. They came here to the land of opportunity.

    Every immigrant would be required to enroll in and pass a basic course of understanding in both reading and writing. The course could be a 6 month course (or however long it was determined for a person of average intelligence to be able to comprehend and use to communicate with others).

    Each immigrant that enrolls would be eligible for government financial subsidies for this 6 month period. After they have passed this testing they would still be eligible for another 6 month of government financial subsidies. After the one year mark they better have a job because the subsidies are over.

    This would be a huge boost in employment in the teaching profession as well as clerical positions in every city in the country.

    3) Jobs: The first thing that needs to be done would be to place a tariff/tax on goods manufactured outside the country. The second would be to place a tariff/tax on goods manufactured outside the country but owned by American companies. The third would be to give tax cuts to goods manufactured in America by American companies. This would be an incentive to manufacture in our country, hire people who live in our country, even the immigrants that learned our language.

    The highest tariff would be placed goods manufactured and owned by companies in other countries. The tariff would be lower for goods manufactured outside our country but owned by American companies. Giving a tax break to companies who are American companies manufacturing in America would allow these companies to pay higher wages to americans who are used to making a better living.

    By doing this it would begin to level the playing field thus encouraging companies to stay completely in America.

    PS: In addition to this no more funding to other countries. We have our own problems that need attention. No more space projects. Mars is 350 million miles away and that’s a long commute every day. This would save the US millions.

    We don‘t need to live on another planet. We‘ve already messed this one up and we need to figure a way to clean this one back up.

    The only funds that I would be in favor of would be a world cleanup fund to work together to clean up the planet we live in now. Other than that no more funding to other countries. Let the private sector donate.

  14. Thanks again for the info fellas. So I finally shot it today. Put the whisker biscuit on and borrowed a few arrows from a friend and it shoots a few inches high and to the left at 20 yards. The third set I busted my buddy's arrow when I hit the end of one arrow with the second arrow. Damn, now I owe him an arrow. I think I'll get the arrows cut at 29" to give it a little more flex and because I don't like having the broadhead behind my hand. The draw weight is very comfortable where it is, probably early-mid 60's and I'll probably leave it right there. On the gold tip chart, that gives me 5575 or 7595. I figure if I go with the 7595 which weigh 295 grain, and use a 125 grain BH, plus inserts, it'll weight right around 450 grains.

    Check your Front Of Center before you commit to the broadhead weight. It should be at least 10% and closer to 13%. http://archeryreport.com/2010/09/arrow-foc-basics-calculate/

    Try a 100 grain field tip and check the FOC. If your FOC is 400 add 50grains of weight to the insert. Try to get about 450gr total arrow weight. A heavier BH will also be larger and won't fly as well either.

  15. This is a letter to the editor I wrote in January 2010. It goes to show you that the current problem we have is not Obama caused. I'm not trying to say that Obama nor another president is going fix this economy and if so, it's not gonna happen in 4 years. This economy will never rebound until we have Republicans and Democrats putting their heads together for common good of our country. Until that happens things will not get better. Below is the editorial. Give it a read.

    The state of our economy can be directly linked to a warning that someone told us about nearly 20 years ago. Do the words “giant sucking sound” ring a bell.

    The "giant sucking sound" was United States Presidential candidate Ross Perot's colorful phrase for what he believed would be the negative effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he opposed. The phrase was coined during the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign, referring to the sound of U.S. jobs heading south for Mexico should the proposed free-trade agreement go into effect.

    Perot ultimately lost the election, and the winner, Bill Clinton, supported NAFTA, which went into effect on January 1, 1994.

    I don’t think Ross Perot himself could have predicted just how much this would impact our economy. Not only did our jobs go to Mexico but to China, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Indonesia and many others in Central Asia. Companies thought why not, we can have overseas worker could do the same work for $3 a day. They could have their product manufactured for much less, yet more often than not, they got an inferior product and with poorer quality control. These countries have grown richer due to our manufacturers electing to build their products for less money overseas thus ultimately killing our own working man and woman.

    Prior to this, the Unites States was known around the world as a manufacturers of great products. Now we are known for our great customer service. Which jobs do you think pay more? Most customer service people make less than $10 with many making minimum wage. Workers on the floor of assembly plants could expect 2 or 3 times that much and many earning more than $30 an hour.

    The US sold it’s soul. The manufacturing jobs are gone and now everyone is forced to go to college, inheriting huge debts through student loans to make that same $25 or $30 an hour.

    Many took Ross seriously, almost 19% cast their vote for him, including myself twice. Unfortunately, not enough of us thought this short, odd looking man with big ears and a funny voice could win the election, therefore dismissed him as a serious presidential candidate. Perot was not only a businessman and self made billionaire but a he was a modern day prophet. He knew what would happen and it did. The US needed someone who knew how to run a large business. Not another politician. Perot understood large business and after all isn’t the government just a large business.

    We live in a looks obsessed world, where people today are judged by how good looking or attractive they are rather than by what they say or do. I have often wondered… what if Ross Perot had looked like John Edwards, Harrison Ford, Bill Clinton or just an average looking man with a normal voice, would he have been our president? What would our country be like today if the NAFTA agreement had never been signed? Think about it!

  16. My arrows weigh 435 grains . I prefer this over a lighter faster arrow . I would rather hear a "thwap" than a "blip" ! B) :cool:

    Agree with Eddie here. Heavier arrow... a little slower... more KE and better penetration. I have never been so pleased since I properly forward weighted my arrows as I am now. You can hear them whack the target and they just sink deeper than lighter arrows. I was shooting a 400 total arrow weight including a 100 gr Montec G5. I now am shooting an arrow at 465gr total arrow weight pulling 58 lbs. My 18 yo son has a total arrow weight of 450gr and pulling 60lbs.

    Not boasting here just illustrating a point. When I killed my buck last year from the ground it was about a 40-42 yds shot, basically flat but slightly uphill.

    The arrow penetrated the left side of the chest breaking the rib... pierced the heart.... and broke the right leg below the shoulder and exited the right side. It did not pass through and exit but the fletching was sticking out of the left chest about 4 inches. Thats with a 58 lb bow. I'm certain that with a 350 grain arrow it would not have done this much damage.

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