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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Getting back to the OP though, I have seen some of the liberal types on this site say that Obummer isnt trying to take our guns. I say he just hasnt tried yet.

    Not worried about the UN arms treaty though, it wont affect us until the Constitution is amended, and I dont see that happening.

    I do not think the law abiding gun owners who have guns/handguns used for target and hunting and self protection have anything to worry about. The laws that the gov't may try to implement will be laws to make it more difficult for thugs and criminals to get there hands on them.

    I would tend to think that loose laws of the past decades are primarily the reason we have hand guns floating around and being used by criminals. There will never be a perfect system that prevents wacko's from obtaining guns to go on terror killings but if better background checks were necessary to help prevent this than I am all in favor of this.

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  2. I was on a 6 day hunt with my 18 yo son and a friend from Oct 26 thru Oct 31 in Pike County. This was my second trip to Pike County, last in 2009 with the same outfitter. My avatar is the 150 class 8 I took in 2009.

    This trip, I saw many bucks in the 120 - 130 range and even a 150-160 class 10 point on the the last day and had him as close as 60 yards.

    There was a buck that the farm had named Stickers, a 6 1/2 year old buck with many points, thus the name Stickers. They had him on trail cam 10 different times and he was known to hang in the area I was hunting.

    Most of the week I was sitting in a stand called Hickory Ridge that oversaw a creek bottom and was down wind of a large bedding area. The wind was out of the north/northwest most of the week. I was seeing as many as 6 really nice bucks each day but if they did cross the creek, they would then stay just on the other side of a dry creek and then pass by me. The dry creek bed was about 6 foot deep by 8 feet wide. I had range finded across it at 35 yards.

    It was Oct 30 at 8am and decided to tip over the bleat can 3 times. At 8:10am I look to my left through the hardwoods and noticed immediately a shooter and I said so to myself. I quickly raised the binos to have a better look and new it was Stickers. The monarch of the farm was walking with the wind toward me. I got ready and hooked on my release. I was shitting my pants but got myself under control and told myself, as I always do " you got a job to do".

    In the next instant I realized he was not gonna come by me close and was indeed gonna go on the other side of the dry creek. I practice out to 40 yards and I use only 1 pin. At 40 yards I place the pin at the top of the body and the arrow drops into the lungs perfectly.

    I looked for the best open area which was between 2 hickory trees about 5 feet apart. There were not any cut shooting lanes out that far and there were some small branches in the way. I did not want to raise the bow too high and deflect the arrow. I hoped that with the added height of the treestand, about 20 feet I would not have to aim quite so high.

    I waited for him to walk into the open spot and when he walked into it I let it go. I did not hit any branches but also did not hear that beautiful thooop sound I hear when the arrow hits a deer in the kill zone. He jumped and leaped again down into the creek and bounded up the other side and stopped. At that point I did not know if I had hit him or not. I do not think he knew what happened either.

    I wished at that moment I could have Googled "what to do next if the buck begins to walk away". I grunted at him and then snort wheezed but he just kept on walking away up through the hardwoods. Maybe a bleat would have been better or maybe nothing would have turned him back to me.

    I got the binos back out and watch him to see if I could see any entry wound or blood on his side. I thought the shot looked good but did not like what I wasn't seeing... blood.

    I got down and walked down and into the dry creek and up the other side. I smelled a musky smell as soon as I reached the top on the other side. I looked and found my arrow. No blood and just dirt in the broadhead. He was gone and I was bummed out. I had shot low... just under him.

    I look back and say to myself. "I should be thankful I didn't wound him and how many hunters ever even get a chance to see a true monster buck like Stickers ever." I later learned he was missed twice in 2009, twice in 2010 and I was number 5.

    These are 2 trail cam pics of him this year. He is probably a 200 class buck. The sheds of his from 2010 measure over 6 inches and you can see from these pics are all of that now. Hope you enjoyed the read and Yes I will be visiting again as soon as possible.



  3. I can't remember the woods so still... no wind... nada... zilch. I released a half dozen milk weed puffs w/o the seed and it never farther than 10 ft and hit the ground. Once went straight down.

    Maybe that's why I saw no deer either. Perhaps they don't care to move w/o some wind carrying scent for them to maneuver. It would make sense that ideally they probably like a 5 - 10 mph breeze.

  4. I have 3 pair of boots I wear when planning to sit on stand, either on the ground or in a tree stand depending on the temperature.

    Above freezing, I wear a pair of Muck boot Wetlands. Below freezing I wear a pair of Hodgeman 1200 down to about 10. Below that I wear a snowmobile type boot with the felt liners.

    The socks I wear are always the same, a pair of polypropylene liner socks and a rag wool sock.

    Still hunting is a different story. It's usually the Muck Boots above 20 and the Hodgemans below 20.

  5. I put my harness in my backpack and secure it to the stand. I put my harness on at the tree. I put everything that I don't need up in the tree into the backpack and ditch it near the base of the tree. Whatever goes up the tree with me goes in my waist pack

    I bring the entire pack up the tree and hang on a hook. I wear my vest under my camo coveralls.

  6. Would it be wrong to steal a deer crossing sign and put it up by my deer stand? If it gets deer to cross the road where they put them its got to work under my stand too. LMAO this lady has to be messing with this guy, no way someone is that messed up.

    I was thinking this has to be spoof... right? Is someone really that stupid?

  7. Well congrats, but I would think such an accomplished archer might find a bit more satisfaction in a hunt well done over just another target.

    Hey whats the difference... sitting in a raised 4X4 by 6 foot high box with a heater and listening to your Ipod and shooting a deer at 150 yards OR what the poster did with his bow off his front porch at 52 yards. Same thing.

  8. I just picked 6 pods and brought them home last Sunday. I slit it open and placed on the oven rack at 190 and dried them out. They are not ready on their own. Love them. I also use thread hanging from my stabilizer as well.

  9. Exeter state forest is due south of herkimer right near richfield springs. Lots of rolling hills and ag land in that area, probably a good spot.... might check it out myself lol

    Yes Exeter has a few state forests around it. Actually it's on RT 51 south of West Winfield. Take 28 south to Rt 20 west to Rt 51 south.

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