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Everything posted by turkeyfeathers

  1. https://www.saltandlavender.com/buffalo-chicken-soup/
  2. Called it. Walked the 400 yards to car and see gobbler walking along different cut corn field. Had hedgerow as cover. He didn’t see me or even perk up to a soft call I threw at him.
  3. He was cutting me off and got to 80 /90 or so and shut down.
  4. Second gobble. He’s closing on me. Phone going away
  5. Currently sitting Indian style in a bog , pinned by 2 hens who just wandered off. But got a gobble.
  6. Shoot the fawker with your boom stick not your phone. Good luck
  7. Just had a chipmunk pass right behind my head on this blowdown twice lol.
  8. Didn’t hunt Tuesday-Friday due to work. Last x I heard this gobbler was Monday. 49% chance neighbor killed him. 51% he just isn’t talking today. I am hearing tiny whispering from my fishing rod to go catch some smb and steelhead.
  9. Breakfast sammich delivery to turkey woods please ?!
  10. Had a hen meandor down grassy field to 20 very quietly yelping while another was yelping off my shoulder at 50-75. Had 4 deer off same shoulder at 10-12 yards. Only songbirds singing now.
  11. And just like that some cutting at 100 or so. Cmon gobbler
  12. Tucked in tight right in their wheelhouse. Alls quiet but a crow where they should be. Got bright real quick. Popped smoke ( Thermacell)
  13. Woodchuck hole almost got me really good. That was as about as close to blowing out a knee as you can get.
  14. Every Sloop tastes like every other sloop.
  15. I read seaon it and season it again. Ordered those egg rings too. Philly cheesesteak gonna be my first go around though.
  16. Just ordered a Blackstone griddle Pretty excited to use it but not put it together.. Anyone have one ?
  17. hunted 5 days so far. I believe only heard gobbling 3x maybe 4 but did lay my eyes on birds each day. Few gobbles on roost and a couple sporatic on the ground. Only came close once to hooking one. Haven't really even played with one yet. Pretty sure I'm only on one bird and 2x now hes had 6-7 hens .
  18. How are they for eating. Unagi is a favorite of mine eating sushi
  19. pizz that hen off ! She yelps 3x you yelp 4x. Maybe she'll drag in Mr. Tom with her
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