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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. KS is a douche bag with a capital D, I stay anyway from anything he is associated with. Buy all accounts the New OB bows are nice shooting but falling well short of IBO rating in many cases. In any event that's something that isn't new for Obsession, considering who there associate theirselves with.
  2. We are so far behind the eight ball it isn't funny. High property taxes and general confiscatory tax rates in NY have killed us. The only way to look at NY anymore is in the rear view mirror.
  3. This horse is best to death and the blood is still blue, just like the color of the state will be on the electoral map. If not Hillary then and other Democrat will win NY. Personally I think we should hope she gets the nomination as she is a best chance we have of winning back the presidency, providing the Republicans can field a semi electable presidential candidate who isn't named Bush.
  4. Reading comprehension eludes you. If the deer made 160 net it would get and award, what is the award? The award is that it is listed in the awards book. At the end of the award period the record record book is published, its takes net score of 170 to make into the record book. Hence when I walk over to my book case and pick the say the 23rd edition and look under typical whitetail deer....they start at 170.
  5. NY spring turkey season would be a whole lot more productive if it opened a week earlier and closed a week earlier...
  6. http://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords/records_faq.asp?area=bgRecords
  7. https://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords/records_minimums.asp?area=bgRecords
  8. Seeing a fair amount, now where near what it was 10-15 years back...but way better then it's been the last 4 or 5 years.
  9. It's getting worse yearly, no two ways about it.
  10. Probably will help the hunting if anything.... Food and cover from the tops, and new growth from opening the canopy up.
  11. Something to keep in mind in the Ke & Momentum calculations.... Because mass is the only variable that stays the same it has the most influence on the equation. An arrow looses velocity as soon as it clears the string, however the mass remains constant....
  12. On Jindel...No brown is brown enough for the left unless their enrolled in government give out programs and card carrying, bussed to the polls big D voters. Stay on topic! Clinton is scum and believe it or not unpalatable to a lot of the left,. the real leftist see her as a phony power driven witch that will whore herself to the left in lip service only..... In other words believe it or not she is too moderate and establishment for them. No don't think for a minute that will stop them from voting for her vs any republican candidate. If she gets the nomination they will glove up and vote for her. Her biggest issue is getting the nomination, she may not ....
  13. I got news for you...she never had an an edge. She isn't considered liberal enough for the base.... They my suffer her smell this time around if they think she is electable and ...they need to distance themselves from the current administration.
  14. Offer them an XL sling and they will email you the last known GPS coordinates
  15. You internet experts crack me up. always jumping at the chance to try to build your own egos at someone else's expense.
  16. Coming from a moron that wants to make himself seem smart by criticism of an Internet picture.You will go far in life. Enjoy
  17. That rope is killing the poor bear!!! The outrage!!!
  18. NY is written off already, probably won't even be contested by the repubucrate that gets the nomination. We either move out of state or don't worry about it.
  19. The same bones and ligaments that allow the said bear to say....propel itself up a tree?
  20. She will win NY so easy make your head spin. We live in the land of handouts and chuckyville. The establishment Repulocrates won't help our cause either. We are beyond a political solution at this point.
  21. Yes those dam biologist don't know anything.....
  22. A closed season on coyotes is asinine. Typical NYS DEC
  23. 160 gets you an award .... 170 gets you in the book. Nice buck.
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