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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. I know where some of the missing ones from the list are....just ask me and I will point you to the lake they fell in.
  2. An today is another great day for the SCOTUS .......love watching rally out side the court waiting for today's ruling ....you will see every flag and banner except and American flag....kind of speaks volumes
  3. Tags are already abundant. The hunters that have access and hunt are filling them, odds are they fill all they want and giving more tags won't do any good. Take Suffolk county for example. Tags are a dime a dozen but access is complex, over regulated and a pain in the ass. Here's a novel idea for the DEC. Find ways to open access to areas in these units that are not getting hunted, open up line of communication with land owners and figure out way to increase the pool of tag holders that have ACESS. Forget about making increasingly complex regulations and seasons. Fix the issue by making it more simple and go to the heart of the problem.
  4. Cory, is the most annoying person I ever seen on a hunting show, it carries over into this article. Nothing but look at me and self promoting.
  5. In a lot of these areas it is not a permit issue or lack there of permits. It an access issue. Till that is addressed the problem will continue.
  6. http://www.syracuse.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2015/05/dec_proposes_deer_huntingnuisa.html
  7. Some interesting water kill observations and pictures here. forums.bowsite.com/tf/regional/thread.cfm?threadid=221523&MESSAGES=89&state=NY
  8. I am all for taking unneeded laws off the books....this should carry over into other areas....there sure is a ton of bull shit laws on the books.
  9. Lazy vs inferior? ....hum you made me think. Close call...but I think I will stick with lazy, considering I have seen more then my fair share of lazy hunters in NY. Thanks for your insight
  10. I think they are way over used for hunting situations in NY. Kind of reinforces the lazy hunter stereotype ....
  11. you really need to look past the first few google results, the ones flooded with animal rights propaganda...here are few of the moronic links your been looking at. http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/coyotes/tips/against_killing_coyotes.html http://www.predatordefense.org/coyotes.htm http://www.coyotesmarts.org/management-tools/ But here are some foot noted research papers that directly contradict your claims.... http://texnat.tamu.edu/files/2010/09/014.pdf http://agrilife.org/texnatwildlife/coyotes/table-of-contents/effects-of-coyote-control-on-their-prey/ https://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/vangilder_cory_l_200808_ms.pdf http://www.jonesctr.org/research/research_publications/Pdf/Howze_2009_SEAFWA12.pdf
  12. That is absurd. All one has to to do is weight the economic benefits of deer and turkey hunting vs the economics of trapping and or any fur trade in coyote pelts in NY. Even the most mathematically challenged would conclude that there is no upside to a closed coyote season. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Trial153


    Thinking we are seeing a sick attempt at satire ...... Except sometimes in jest a persons true colors show up
  14. How do keep a straight face when you type this dribble....
  15. They should be hoarding ammo, just to follow suit with the federal government ....
  16. Is this picture supposed to be validation of a 10 year old conversation/ argument? Because a picture on this scale shows and proves nothing. You can have a local herd winter in an area and do damage like this and yet similar habitat half a mile away can be un browsed.
  17. Pumpkins for me as feed would have to be a secondary benefit, if you can utilize them and leave a bunch in the field it maybe worth your while. As for just a food plot, like mentioned above they aren't my first choice.
  18. No cause for alarm, it all can be explained away. Keep trusting the federal government and everything will be just fine.....
  19. Where did I knock his designs? I called him a D bag, he is he that and more. That's from personal experience and not hear say. As for lots of obsessions not coming close to hitting there IBO that comes from a cultural of disingenuous, that yes KS is a big part of. The simple and honest solution is to rate the bows in such a way that the same results can be obtained for the majority of users of the bow. They had to back track twice already and rate bows more realistically and they should do that this year as well.
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