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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by The_Real_TCIII

  1. I was at the Auburn store in October and I asked a lady where the vest was and she said "There is no vest." I showed her on the website on my phone and she then replied "Well Ive never seen it." Good talk
  2. Notice they dont even list XL and L and 2XL are out of stock since forever
  3. Yup, youre in. We were going to call it "Sausage Fest" but it turns out @Biz-R-OWorld trademarked that term for his annual vacations with his boyz. @moog5050 served us a Cease and Desist inside of 24 hours
  4. The sit down and be quiet part is still the best deer hunting advice there is. Do that long enough and you will get a shot lol
  5. Dry ice will freeze it en route, take it from a fish salesman
  6. Am I ok to thaw my ground, make sausage, and re freeze? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. He was a great villain in Diggstown, which is a really good movie
  8. Got it, thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. I was in three Super Bowls and only won ours, the most important one! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Can we agree that half the people that qualify for the stimulus don't need it and the other half could use double? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Chicken fried venison cube steaks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. I went home for waders and floated one out a couple years ago, but it wasn't that cold! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Biz would make the trip for a mature doe, the hardest deer in the woods to kill Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Don't sleep on the blowtorch, boys! https://www.tacticalflyfisher.com/blog/blowtorch-tag-nymph-fly-tying-tutorial/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Got it, thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. Everyone here will get first crack next year, a renew invite will go out
  17. Ok Cache is paid in full so if you havent paid send to me at @Tacks-Call venmo or paypal is [email protected] Thanks all!
  18. Get your hands on two lengths of train track, thats the base for the bridge at my buddys place. @G-Man is your guy!
  19. Sure is. And once you get those two mallards you better be awesome at IDing, and Im not lol
  20. Today, waterfowl regulations are drafted under the auspices of an international treaty, occur within federal frameworks established for each flyway, and are adjusted by states to account for migration timing and hunter preferences. At each level, recommendations and decisions are based on the best available science, more than a century of experience, and opportunities for public input. That's not to say that the transition from state-based waterfowl harvest management to a federal framework was easy. The first two decades of the 20th century saw considerable resistance from states' rights proponents, market hunters, and commercial shooting interests. But conservation-minded citizens and policymakers were persistent in their efforts to establish a unified approach to waterfowl management, and they ultimately prevailed. It is federal. I agree with you. I still dont understand why we can only kill two mallards but they head further south and can be killed
  21. 6 birds Ducks: The daily bag limit of ducks is 6 birds/day which may include no more than 4 mallards (no more than 2 of which may be a female), 3 wood ducks, 2 canvasbacks, 2 redheads, 2 black ducks, 1 pintail, and 1 mottled duck. Still more than we are allowed but I imagine they are a much bigger flyway
  22. @cachemoney what payments can you accept? Lets get you settled up first
  23. So Myself, Biz, and Jerry have paid. We need two guys to send $20 to Cachemoney which covers his $60 and the others send to me, I can take just about any form of payment
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