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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Curmudgeon

  1. You are just as likely to get good information on coyotes on huntingny.com as you are to get good information on Muslims.
  2. It is sad that you think this is the place to get accurate information, and that I am an ignoramus because I have been depending on peer reviewed science for my information. Wow! I have said it before but apparently it needs repeating: The risks to humans from coyotes cannot compare to the risks of bee sting, domestic dogs, bacon, domestic violence, glyphosate, falling out of a tree stand, self inflicted wounds from weapons (knives, arrows, guns), etc. etc. etc. The fear of coyotes is not based on any rationale risk assessment. It is primal like the fear of snakes. It made sense to fear wolves - or wolf-like creatures - when we lived off flocks of sheep and goats in a pastoral Europe a thousand years ago. You can let those fears go now.
  3. This animated map is a little overwhelming for me to look at. There are birds migrating in NA every month of the year. Raptors migrate south from late July into January. Some are moving north again by the end of February. Some, young birds mostly, won't get to their most northern summer range until early June. Adults head north earlier, driven by hormones and a need to get on their territories before another bird takes possession. Unless we know an individual, we assume that any adult golden eagle seen after the first of March is a migrant. The males of some shorebird species that breed on the tundra contribute their genetics and then head south. They can be in NYS in June after having done their small bit to ensure the future of the species. The peak of spring migratory activity for songbirds is May here. Waterfowl, most raptors and woodcock are earlier. Many arrive when snow is on the ground. With waterfowl, they may move north until they reach ice, then wait. The migration back south tends to be more spread out (e.g.the aforementioned shorebirds) and has a lot to do with the breeding cycle and habits of each species. There are long distance migrants and short distance migrants. Long distance migrants are more tied to the length of daylight. Short distance migrants respond to a large degree to ground and weather conditions.
  4. Let's not get into what again, irrational fears? My SIL won't get on a plane. I think she is overwrought about such things and planes are much more likely to kill you than a coyote. What a waste of taxpayer money. I don't know the PA but this smells like politicians, not professional wildlife managers.
  5. If true - and I have no reason to believe it isn't - it shows how wrong all the coyote hatred is. Now PA lawmakers want to spend taxpayer money for bounties to solve the non-existent coyote problem.
  6. Eagles are much more affected by lead than ravens. Eating the same food, an eagle will have much higher blood lead levels. It has something to do with how they metabolize it.
  7. I takes only a tiny amount of lead to kill an eagle. People say a grain the size of a piece of rice. However, surface area is really what matters. When you have a gut pile with 100 lead fragments, a lot less is needed to kill a bird because the surface area is so much greater when it is fragmented. Sometimes they eat large chunks of lead which are problematic. There is a treatment called chelation - pronounced like chemotherapy "ki" - that reduces the lead levels in sick birds. Unfortunately, many of these birds die shortly after release.
  8. The telemetered golden eagle has spent the last 3 days just off the shoulder of a major NYS highway. I am certain there is a dead deer there. Here are a bunch of recent eagle and raven photos. That large group of ravens completely stripped 2 deer of meat by 8:30 AM the other day. There are probably 100 ravens. When I was there, it was like something from Hitchcock. Most of the meat they cache, which is why they can go through so much. There is one photo here that is not from New York. A collaborator in Ohio sent me the pig photo. I'm glad we aren't getting pigs. Remember, keep these birds safe, use copper bullets. They perform better than lead too.
  9. According to the regs: "It is unlawful to hunt big game with dogs, or aircraft of any kind, including drones." At least DEC is ahead of the curve.
  10. Following up on db's comments, a pond for wildlife will be quite different from a pond for gamefish. If you want ducks, herps, etc. you don't need deep water. My next pond will be a vernal pool.
  11. Right 22 - I keep asking who believes in the rule of law. It seems some here do so only when they agree with it.
  12. They are rare, and rarely seen in NY. Most of the reports of goldens are immature balds. They all breed in Canada and move through migrating. A small number winter at high elevations on the Appalachian plateau. I wrote an article on them that appeared in the NYS Conservationist in December 2014. You can find that on the DEC site if you search. One reason I keep harping on non-lead ammo is because one of our birds died after feeding at a pile of feral pigs that were killed with lead ammo. BTW - The bird that was caught Thursday returned to the same site to feed Friday and Saturday. We never had that happen before.
  13. It is a 20' X 20' net with 3 projectiles. They are each powered by a .22 caliber blank. It is radio controlled. Bow nets would be tough in this situation. Net launcher Bird in net
  14. How about "The Terrorists", or "The Criminals"? What about the rule of law? These aren't patriots. Bernie Sanders is more of a patriot than these guys. Heck, Hillary is more of a patriot. They can call themselves whatever they want. Put it in quotes next time.
  15. "The Patriots"? Wow Woodchuck, arguing is one thing, extreme rhetoric like this is wingnut territory.
  16. This female golden eagle was captured yesterday at the same site with the bear. Her wingspan was exactly 7'. It is in the Catskill Forest Preserve, in an area with terrible cell service, so I probably will get data intermittently. I will send updates on her movements at times. Photodocumenting her plumage for aging and research. Ignore the guy in camo. That is not Curmudgeon. Release The bird with a bald eagle just before capture. Note the blind in the background.
  17. You supporters of the occupiers, do you believe in the rule of law? Do you believe the SCOTUS decides what is the law? Do you believe in the democratic process? Or, do you believe that this is a reasonable approach? If I lived near Burns, I would go out there birding right now with those 400 birders, so-called militiamen be damned.
  18. I speak publicly to a lot of birding groups on eagle research and the use of non-lead ammunition, including a presentation at the NYS Museum as part of last fall's New York State Ornithological Assn. conference. I have never come come under any criticism from birders because I am a hunter. Most birders realize the impacts of deer on habitat. I believe they are more well informed on these matters than most hunters. I know a lot of both. Galli is right - birders can be hunter's allies. They do not understand the visceral hatred of competing species like coyotes, but neither do I. Quote from one of Galli's posts: "Imagine you are part owner of a world-class hunt club on the Pacific Flyway. One weekend, a group of men walks in, keeps your staff at bay with guns, tears down the fences, and declares you no longer have title to your land. Fact is, you don’t have to imagine anything. That is exactly what is going on right now near Burns, Ore., at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge."
  19. As some have already said, this has been going on for years. APHIS can legally use suppressed rifles. They use frangible bullets and take head shots.
  20. I've never lived out there. I hope you are right. I certainly consider him a "nut job".
  21. Yes, the interests of sportsmen, the interests of wildlife, are not served by the so-called "miliitias".
  22. They should start an "Extreme Octogenarian" fishing show.
  23. More photos, including a herd of 4 bobcats. Bald Eagles Golden Eagles Herd of bobcats Ravens exhibiting pair bonding behavior What the heck?
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