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Everything posted by wolc123

  1. I will look for him, at his secret fishing spot, if I make it out there tomorrow morning. I think he is tagged out on deer for archery season, with the unicorn and a doe, so he might be out fishing. I am not sure if he needs to sign some sort of “promise of good behavior” to come back. I didn’t see him at the Eldorado diner in Elmsford last night, as I was enjoying my meatloaf dinner with a White Russian. Maybe he will stop in tonight.
  2. Just one and that is why I quit after about an hour and a hundred or so casts. One of my hand tied bucktail jigs, with a rubber swim bait trailer is now stuck out there somewhere on a rock. I brought a few more, but didn’t want to risk them when the fish were not biting. I was using a 1/4 oz black and white pattern that is supposed to look like a minnow of some type. It worked well out in the Pacific this spring, for spotted bass in the early morning, but no hits on it yesterday in the early afternoon on the Hudson. I don’t imagine that is “prime time” to catch fish out there but it was the only time I could squeeze into my schedule. If, by some small miracle, our daughter’s team wins their game today, I may try it again out there early Sunday morning. The final game starts at 3:00 Sunday I think, so I should have plenty of time to fish in the morning. Otherwise, I am heading back to WNY, to try one last crossbow hunt at home in the late afternoon, while her team does a sightseeing tour of the city.
  3. That’s one heck of a rock bass.
  4. That’s it and I hope you can make it because we could use all the fans that we can get. I think the opponents might be from LI and are ranked around 2nd in the state. Our daughter’s team is ranked twenty something I think, but they are 18:0 this year, including their 3 playoff wins. I just talked to her on the phone, and they loved the big charter bus ride out here. I am hoping they can pull the upset tomorrow and play again Sunday for the finals. If not, my consolation prize might be one last archery season hunt at home Sunday afternoon.
  5. Her 1st game starts at 2:00 tomorrow at Center Each high school on 43rd street. If they win that (long shot), their next game is 3:00 Sunday.
  6. The sun came out now but the stripers are not biting:
  7. No luck with the stripers in the Hudson today:
  8. Happy birthday from 3/4 of the way to New York City :
  9. Good luck to all you folks out hunting this weekend. I am getting ready for the long drive all the way across the state this morning (from NW to SE) for our daughter’s field hockey team’s playoff game(s). If they loose the first one, I might be able to make it back for a Sunday afternoon hunt. I will still be rooting for the win.
  10. Not sure what wildlife management unit you are in. I have averaged seeing about 6 antlerless deer for each antlered one, in wmu 6, over the last 10 years. If the ratio is similar where you are, then you ought to be seeing a buck pretty soon. I came pretty close to getting a buck with no snow last year. The only two, that I have been able to take up there in those 10 years, was when there was good snow cover. If you get blessed with some snow then your buck odds will greatly improve. Have you found any scrapes or rubs ? I would concentrate my search downwind from where you have seen the most does. All that fur is pretty cool. If you had to rate the taste of all that you have tied, would beaver come out on top ? I have often thought about trying coon, but it is usually too warm and they are full of bugs when I catch them in my corn in the summer.
  11. Last time I was there (late August), I had a rueben for lunch and salmon for dinner. Both were very good. Our daughter’s high school field hockey team is playing in the state high school championship tournament this weekend on Long Island.
  12. Yes sir, Friday and Saturday night, and that’s where I am eating. I am a very fussy eater and used to subsisting on a mostly wild game diet. That’s the only downstate food joint that has met my standards for quality, service, and value.
  13. Any chance you or Chef might be able to make a GTG at Eldorado in Elmsford tomorrow or Saturday ?
  14. The saving grace of the runaway inflation and high fuel prices, is that it will make for a Republican blowout in the mid term elections. The recent VA governors race was a very clear indicator of that. If Biden wants any chance of keeping his cohorts in Congress, he best think about reopening some pipelines fast. If gas is more than $ 4.00 a gallon, by election time next year, he will be dealing with a House that is more than 60 % Republican.
  15. Is beaver a lot better than muskrat ? Interested to hear how the bobcat tastes. The only thing I for sure wouldn’t try, would be coyote. Those are the only carcasses that I have thrown out back here, that the crows won’t even peck at. I think I remember a Meateater episode where they choked a little bit of that down but it didn’t look like they liked it too much.
  16. Are you going for beavers ? They made a mess out the creek I wanted to wade up that way this year. I also heard that they are pretty tasty. I wonder if muskrat taste similar, or coon ?
  17. I owned a narrow chunk of land, that was just a bit larger than that, for about 5 years. It was narrow but deep and about half open field and half mature hardwoods. It was about half way between our place and my parents, and it was nice having that extra spot to hunt. The hunting was ok there for a few years, until the year after I killed two good sized bucks on it (one on opening day of bow and the other on opening day of gun). That year, neighbors on either side put up stands within site of mine (I didn’t have enough woods there for more than one). I don’t think I saw any deer there after that. There was always someone in one of those when I hunted there. I sold it the for about 2 times what I paid the following year. I guess it was worth it for the profit, a fair amount of meat, a couple of shoulder mounts, and the extra place to hunt, but I don’t miss the maintenance and taxes.
  18. My mom always goes to the trouble of stuffing the rolls and she uses beef not venison. I definitely prefer my wife’s “unstuffed” and made with venison. They are easier to make and easier to eat.
  19. Do you use a .243 ? My only experience with that rifle was butchering those two deer that I described in detail above. Great round on deer for a center lung shot, but not so hot when it hits solid bone. The shot that hit right where I wanted to mentioned above was well rested not offhand. I meant “at this time” when I said “offhand” in that earlier post.
  20. Bad in Wmu 6c, up on the nw corner of the Adirondack park. I wiped a non-attached tick off the back of my neck a few weeks ago up there. I was in my truck on the drive back from drooping my early ML doe off at the butchers in Harrisville. I pinched off it’s head, so that it couldn’t get anybody else (my mother in law was also in the cab). I learned, back in 2016, to never bring another deer home whole again from up there. I found hundreds of them little suckers on one then, while I was skinning it at home in WMU 9F. I have never found a tick on a deer that I killed around home. After that, any deer I kill up there gets butchered up there (by someone else). I also always treat my bibs and pants with Sawyers, when I am hunting up there, and so far I have not had any of them little suckers stuck to me. My father in law (who lives in wmu 6c, had one stuck on him this summer.
  21. Several years ago, when I was looking for a new Adirondack deer rifle, I had narrowed the choice to a Ruger American .243 and a Remlin 336BL. I have yet to get a shot a deer up there, with the 30/30 that I opted for. I am hoping to break it in on one this Thanksgiving weekend.”””
  22. I am sorry, and I have made more than my share of mistakes myself. Offhand, I can only think of one shot where I hit exactly where I intended. I have lost several with a bow, and guns m, so I know well how you feel. Good luck on the rest of your season. I am in the sidelines until gun opens up.
  23. Check the pa chest girth chart for the estimated edible yield for a 182 pound (on certified scale) field-dressed buck. G-man can get you a copy of that chart.
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