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Core last won the day on November 9 2019

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    Wayne County, NY
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I think sight trumps all of them. I put zero effort now into scent control and I have had so many deer walk happily downwind of me near my stand on so many occasions, with zero reaction. These deer are potentially used to smells of people living in a rural (but not desolate) area, but at least the ones I've seen go from upwind to down they just don't care. Just because deer's smell is incredible doesn't mean they key off everything weird as a threat. I've had a vanishingly small number of deer look directly at me because I moved, they pause to continue looking, and they subsequently forget me and continue on. It's happened but it's rare; they either leave immediately or they do the head-jerk around thing for 10-15 minutes seeing if I'll move again--meanwhile I have no chance in the world of taking a shot because they are staring the whole time.
  2. Meh, just found a destroyed tree in my yard, bark rubbed raw on all sides. Checked my security cam and a buck did it Sunday night.
  3. Not been hunting since september but this week I've seen bucks around my backyard (rochester area)--at least two distinct ones. Activity has been absolutely highest I've ever seen it as of a week ago, even though this is very limited anecdotal observation. Seeing these all through the day.
  4. I first saw this fawn about a month ago. It looked freshly born. I estimate it cannot have been born any earlier than mid-September (?). I took this pic yesterday. It's definitely putting on weight but I understand its odds are not good being this small at this point in time. For size comparison the tree next to it is 5.5-6.0' tall. I would feed this thing corn or something but we have quite a few deer around here and I fear they'd just crank through the food instantly (apparently it's also illegal).
  5. I was a lazy bugger this year and didn't train on vertical. Xbow starting Saturday. I do not hunt at my house, but it has been hopping with deer this week. The weather looked to have been truly magnificent for hunting!
  6. This early season thing was a bust. Very little movement. Maybe too warm. I doubt DEC going to see many tags filled tbh. I could have had a doe but on two occasions it has one or two babies with it and I couldn’t bring myself to. Was waiting for larger groups Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Not a thing today yet. Normally bow season on October 1 woods are hopping. Was weak last sat also. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Fawn and mom walked by. I am getting soft. I just had no inclination to orphan this deer. Waiting for a lone doe or a group. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Just had something walk 50 yards 8 min before sunrise. IMO under heavy cover it’s absurdly dark 30 min before sunrise to ever consider shooting! It’s weird being out this early—and with a gun, no less. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Saw a 1.5 @ 7:00 then dead rest of morning. Nothing even in the brush to kick up. Most disappointing season since I started, though I did finally get one last weekend. Done until maybe muzzle loader now. Just too time consuming for very little harvest! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Dead for me today except one deer[emoji17] Even went through the brush they are normally in. Very surprising. No idea where they were today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Weather is amazing today. Warm and nice breeze. 1.5 year walked up at sunrise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. This clocks back thing, yuck so easy to be getting up. Weather amazing next two days and very much looking forward to start of xbow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Just watched a 1.5 yr chasing doe around 50 yards off Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Fourth year at this property I can confidently say now since last year the deer are down. Last year and this I simply am not seeing as many at all. Xbow May bring a respite as my range will increase at least. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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