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Uptown Redneck

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Everything posted by Uptown Redneck

  1. I have said it before and I will gladly say it again, Lavoy Finicum got exactly what he wanted and deserved. As for the other "cowboy terrorists" they should never spend another day as free men.
  2. As my original post states I brought the Garmin Striker 4 portable online at Dicks Sporting Goods for $200. Its scheduled to be delivered today so maybe I can go out and play with it this weekend, if not then definitely next weekend, I will let you know how it works then.
  3. Really??? I can see you really do suffer from some sort of depilating mental disorder. Do you impart such absolute bullsh#t upon the students you are wrongly in charge of educating? Its no wonder with jacka$ses like you teaching our children that America's education system is in the dire situation it is.
  4. Only if you want Hillary to be President Better then the disaster that would be Trump. However I will be voting for Bernie tomorrow.
  5. Not much of a trout fisherman myself, I chase bass, but last week I was catching Brookies on a Mepps in-line spinner. Good Luck!
  6. Anything done to keep Little Hitler (AKA Donald Trump) from getting the nomination is a thing worth doing.
  7. It wasn't the most deadly weapon to choose. The end result proves otherwise
  8. Luckily he didn't walk in with a shotgun instead. The death toll would have dwarfed what it was. Comments of a real idiot
  9. http://www.newsweek.com/connecticut-judge-dismisses-gun-manufacturers-motion-dismiss-447918
  10. http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:e6fc02ebcc644379861b80f87152c9bd
  11. Now that's a different take on a flank strap
  12. They're the equivalent of watching porn to feel loved. Hey, don't be knocking the importance of Porn in America. Where do you think I learned some of the tricks that put a smile on Mrs Redneck's face (and other's before her). lol
  13. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/USA-Update/2016/0413/What-a-Minnesota-poaching-case-says-about-the-4th-Amendment-and-GPS
  14. State imposed "Sin" taxes make up the majority of what cigarettes cost, the tobacco settlement has very little to do with the price of cigarettes.
  15. Anyone use a fishfinder on their boat and if so which one. I just ordered a Garmin Striker 4 portable one and looking for tips on how to properly use it.
  16. You would be right, I pay very little attention to paranoid right wingers and those who bitch and whine about how America is about to collapse
  17. Sadly none of the concerns you stated are new, and none have led to imposing Marshal Law. So yes, such a concern is right wing paranoid nonsense.
  18. So Hillary is better for the US? Compared to the front running republican Hitler wannabe, YES
  19. The last time I brought a pack of good ole Marlboro Reds they cost about $2.50 a pack. And how does one relate paranoid thoughts with the current price of cigarettes?
  20. Marshal Law??? Wow, the right wing conspiracy nuts here never cease to amaze me with their ever fanciful paranoid thoughts.
  21. Marshal Law??? Wow, the right wing conspiracy nuts here never cease to amaze me with their ever fanciful paranoid thoughts.
  22. And the same can be said about the right wing jacka@ses that tune in daily to Fox News
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