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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I think that puts you in the minority here if you respect women judging by the comments here. People are pretty quick to use the b-word which i think is another b-word.
  2. True that,too bad we will loose the most honest president ever. What have you been watching the last four years?
  3. Yeah,they are both bitches to you insecure manly men.
  4. You guys are funny..Anything but arian is just not cool. Thanks to colonization there has been a little bit of mixing of races going on..Can one be more than one ? Impossible to grasp for some.
  5. That is your opinion and i think you got two strikes as well. Carry on...
  6. Sure,I will go with that. I could have written non white,that is the point.
  7. Got.a problem with a black smart woman? I guess that makes two strikes in your count. Pathetic.
  8. That is so ignorant. Nobody was rioting for democrats. A different issue altogether.
  9. Gore conceded after the recounts. Trump is gonna keep crying like a baby and trying to undermine democracy,just like he has been doing.
  10. I dont think i ever heard a squirrel snap a twig on the ground,regardless of moisture levels. I would say 75/25 sight over sound for me,but it does depend on the setup.
  11. I drove from Newark to Cooperstown today and saw tons of deer in the fields between deposit and walton.around 4 p.m. They still feed on warm days.
  12. You do realize some states like oregon have all mail in voting and people like trump and rudy and millions of others used mail in voting themselves before. Condemn it when it is inconvenient,just like trump trying to stop the vote count in states that he had a lead in.
  13. You lack some common sense there. Voter turnout anyone? Do you know what that means? If half of 50 million vote for the candidates,how many votes does each get? If half of 100 million vote for each how many votes total is that? Not a trick question. Trumps biggest accomplishment is this voter turnout,i give him full credit for that. You either love or hate the guy,no middle ground there.
  14. Sweden is pretty awesome,my best friends parents bought a house there when i was a teenager and we spent some summers there. Loong days in the summer,short short days in the winter,but i am sure you are aware of what latitude means. This was southern Sweden...
  15. Haha,rudy is a complete nut. Glad you have him in your camp! If you rely on him i wish you all the best, really.
  16. People should make money. But in my mind one also has a responsibility to the employees. Free market means the CEO's try to get away with whatever you can,human nature. Bigger companies have bigger pull. Have you ever seen a 15 employee company getting tax breaks for opening up in a certain area? Or getting subsidies like big oil?If the top earner in a company makes 400x more money than the lowest paid worker,what do you call that? Appropriate? I call that greedy a.f.
  17. Trump pays more taxes in china than the U.S. You don't believe anything thats reported on cnn or nbc and everything trump says. It is hard to argue when we have entirely different "facts". Trumps businesses created some nice jobs for people,also some illegal immigrants. But if you think he started those businesses for the good of anyone besides himself I would disagree. Trump cares about Trump,and Trump only. How that escapes people i dont understand.
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