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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. bogus. Look at any European country or Canada. U.S. healthcare is a joke,the most expensive in the world,yayyyy
  2. I pay school tax and have no kids. I think that is not a great setup,so what? public school is socialism?
  3. Why not? It is better to take some time off and be motivated when you are out. I haven't been out since opening day of gun. I may not get back out again until the middle of the week or maybe next weekend even.
  4. I am rooting for team @nomad andand also @Swamp_bucks. Two guys that put a lot of time in and are due for a withdrawal from the built up deer account!!!
  5. Congrats @cynthiafu. I went home and grabbed a sled to drag my buck out last week. That made life a lot easier. I tied two pieces of 3/4 inch rope to the sled,it worked real well. I hope you find someone close to you tomorrow help.
  6. I think hunting pressure makes the deer choose their bedding spots more wisely,where they can either see you coming or hear you. I think they are more lax about that early on but remember pretty quickly that their life depends on it. With no snow on the ground the deer definitely have the advantage of spotting us first.
  7. I always wish there was a way to know how many deer i walked by on a long still hunt or how many snuck off without me knowing. I dont think i would like the number.
  8. Ideally you want the rigor mortis to subside. My buck from opening day has been hanging since today when i butchered him. Temps were perfect. My bow buck got processed the next day because temps were not ideal and i had to get it done. Keeping meat in the freezer also ages it some.
  9. I think they have multiple bedding areas and also sometimes bed wherever feels right at the moment. I sometimes still hunt and cover a lot of ground and dont even spook a deer,that is frustrating. It just means that they are not there at that moment or maybe the day. Deer sort of do rotations in my opinion..I have no clue as to the schedule,but have noticed it. I also think they do group up and that makes you think the woods are empty if you dont see the group. My hunting buddy has been hunting hard since opening day and seen next to nothing. Opening day he spent all day in a stand and saw not even a tail. Things will turn around sooner or later.
  10. I will wait until the deer go back to close to normal,which should be by next week sometime. The weekend after this looks great right now..Cold and possibly snow. Deer hunting can be hard enough when they are active,i dont need to try it when the deer are hiding after opening weekend. Plus i am in a fairly good position with two bucks in the freezer. Muzzleloader season is great.
  11. What a beauty. Here i shot my biggest buck ever but then people like you make me feel like i only shoot little ones. This forum.... Seriously though,congrats on that.
  12. Took me a while to count the zeroes...What s the annual membership gonna run?
  13. Thanks for posting this and best wishes for recovery. I wish you guys well and hope you wont have any lasting effects.
  14. My sentiments exactly but i do think that's what happened. Or the buck doubled back,but more than likely something fishy transpired. Either way,it sucks to loose a deer but dont let that stop you from hunting. Do all you can to find it and learn from it. I haven't lost one with the gun yet but sure did with the bow. It sucked,but i learned a lot from it and was able to recover some less than ideal shots since then.
  15. Doing great personally. I got a buck with the bow and my best ever on opening day with the gun. Not common to get two bucks for me,usually it's a couple of does. I am focusing on work for the next week or two and then i will leisurely go after another doe,probably with the bow. Or i may join some friends on doing drives if the schedule jives. I find that in these super heavy acorn years it isn't easy to get on deer since they could be about anywhere. I saw a group of nine in early October walking by single file out of range. Nine deer together leaves a good section of woods empty.
  16. Keep us posted how you make out. I am interested in a modified unit,but it is outside of my skill set.
  17. I am excited about the weather,my buck will be hanging for a week if this keeps up.
  18. interesting,the front shoulder of my buck had a yellow discoloration like that. I thought it was from possibly hitting a tree on his death run. I have not cut into the shoulder yet to see if there is anything foreign in there.
  19. I stripped of some layers of clothing a few years ago when still hunting with the bow. After i made it 100 yds or so i noticed i never put my release back on. That was a very frustrating half hour combing the area where i stopped for it.
  20. It's more than the opposite here,i would say 8 to 1 doe vs buck sightings. And the trimming is true to some extent. My bow buck was fat,this one is not,he jas been running.
  21. You probably dont bowhunt,right? That would really drive the point home of trying to stay calm after the shot and taking in all the info you have on the shot location and the deers reaction and path. I improved on that a lot the last couple of years and it was helpful yesterday after i shot my buck too. I replay what happened several times in my mind and pick out distinctive landmarks that i can find later for orientation. I walked right up to the spot where i shot him after 15 mins or so and found hair and blood and took up the trail.
  22. I don't mind eating does at all. Most years i wouldn't eat any venison if not for does. Plus we have too many of them here.
  23. Nine points for team 2. Lucky me,right spot at the right time.
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