hunted near hammondsport today a great outing. bailey my cocker spaniel did a great job. we started our hunt at 730 am it was a chilling 28 degrees. worked the back side of the pond and she flushed a grouse hard in the first thicket, could not take a shot as i would have been shooting towards the neighbors house. worked around towards the buddy stand letting the young spaniel lead the way at the thicket below the buddy stand she flushed 2 more took a shot at the second one but missed. the first flushed on the far side and just caught a glimpse of it a second hunter would have been nice. watered the dog and headed across to the state land no birds in the old orchard but flushed another in the thick stuff near the old foundation shot and missed. worked towards the overgrown field and flushed one more no shot available. headed to urbana to try our luck but saw only one bow hunter who did not appreciate our presence in "his deer woods". i love how some people think state land should only be used for big game.closed camp up and hit the thicket filed by the old farm the dog worked well got real birdy near a red brush bubch but could not make her way through worked around and to the power line cut and back towwards the truck wehn we got to the red brush she had been real birdy on previous ly she bee lined to it and flushed one more grouse wich flew 20 yards broad side to me but i missed. i need to get some clay targets and practice my wing shooting.