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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nuynai

  1. Yes, very tasty. Signed, Wiley Coyote
  2. Check out lawnmowerforum.com. They have all kinds of experts and info on topics like this. Good luck.
  3. Also, several gun companies have said they'll move out of state due to the cost. COBIS is a joke and hasn't worked but it's still on the books, but God forbid they do any real change, like cutting taxes. LOL.
  4. IMHO, the firing pin is stamped with the serial number, so the round has the pistol it was fired from. Even if you buy a handgun out of state, they send it and it has to meet this requirement. What a bunch of Bravo Sierra.
  5. Just my 2 cents. Beef suet is gone once it's cooked, leaving the meat as dry as plain venison, Years ago, before I did my own butchering, the processor used beef suet and that's how I got this opinion. If it works for you, go for it.
  6. Check out sausagemaker.com. They have a commercial fat replacer that's USDA approved if you don't want to use animal fat in your recipes. Says it gives it a creamy, fat texture. Hope this helps.
  7. Check out this website-Feral Hogs in Texas. Lot of good info on why we don't want them in NYS. Also, just read that Texas is allowing hunting from helicopters, as they're coming into towns, cities, and urban areas.
  8. Thanks, Pat. Will make sure I do it in the north 40 of the property and where I ain't gonna catch a wif of it cookin'.
  9. Did you scrap off the fur, meat, etc or just boil it whole. Thanks in advance for your input.
  10. That's why I always pray for snow. Banned a guy from my property, as he shot 10 X, got out of the stand once. OK, so now we have, say 8 does wounded, each carrying 2 fawns. That' s a total of 24 less deer for next year, and so on, and so on, not only having the ones wounded, suffering a slow, painful death.
  11. Have to agree FastEddie. If I could invent a test for common sense, I'd be a Billionaire. Figure if you have 5 million hunters and have 50 accidents, you doing pretty good, statistically.
  12. Sorry, IMHO, it's nature's way of thinning the herd. The rules have been the same for years. Ii don't think it's necessary, just follow the rules.
  13. IMHO, put down some black plastic also, as it keep in moisture and weeds out.
  14. I'm sure you'll need some form of certification of a pistol safety course before they'll let you handle one.
  15. Burt, once they get leaves, take some pics and send them to the DEC. I did this for problems with white pines I had and they replied, with the solutions. Good luck.
  16. I use tree shelters. They protect the trees and act like a greenhouse. Only thing is, I cut them about 6 inches above the tree, let the tree grow to the light, then once they get about 6 inches over, redo the tubes again as previously mentioned. Deer may get the tops but rabbits and mice can't get in the bottom. At least the trees get to establish a good root system.
  17. Minimum of 40 but I'd go with 45. Good luck in your LE career and be safe.
  18. Everyone should look up and follow the progress of this bill. They want to charge us for every firearm we own, then charge a annual fee for them. Time to make some calls and oppose it.
  19. Thanks, WNY. This is not what I signed up for.
  20. I take black walnuts, butternuts and put them in the woods for the squirrels to plant for future tree/food/wood production. I don't hunt on the piles. Is this baiting. It's easier for them and they do a better job than I can at planting/starting young trees. Plus they work all week along, when I only can be there a few days a week, if I'm lucky. Thanks.
  21. I'm looking but finances prohibit it. Will have to do with Old Faithful till than.
  22. I'm only 6 numbers away from hunting these animals. AKA-Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, etc. LOL.
  23. Plus, if you lose your card, you can transfer the points to the new one. Didn't know about the 1 yr. use thing. Thanks.
  24. Best time to shop for hunting clothes is now. Got $240 worth of clothes for $70.
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