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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. Great information and nice to be informed by someone actually in the field. Just goes to show that Hochul is no better than any of the other politicians that want to make themselves look good and in reality, aren't doing squat. She has been on my list of "who not" to vote for.
  2. There are no limits to the politicians that need to go. We are way overdue for political reform. One leader wanting to do the right thing for the country instead of all the special interest groups, races, ethnicities, with some common sense and big balls would be a step in the right direction.
  3. The sad part for me is the fact that as great as this country is and all of the talent and intelligence available the best, we can come up with is Biden & Trump??? We need change and people like Pelosi, Schumer, and lifelong politicians with only their self interest in mind need to go.
  4. Maybe you should quit responding to my posts because you CLEARLY don't get the point very often. The point of the post was that manufacturers are not going to change the way they make product like TV's, furniture, mattresses etc. to meet New York State requirements. You truly are a lost soul.
  5. Why is it that anyone that doesn't think like you or agree with your way of thinking is an idiot or worse. Asking for a friend because I could care less.
  6. So you say. A lot of people think different.
  7. Had 32 in my field tonight just after 5:00 Six were bucks still showing horn
  8. Oh man I wish I would have heard about this sooner. My daughter lives less than ten minutes away from there. Could have had a visit and a seminar. Sounds like a good one...maybe next time
  9. He lost the election, it's over, get over it and maybe concentrate on the FOOL you helped elect. If you look hard enough you can find enough to criticize him. He is the one with our future in his hands not Trump.
  10. Not my president and not my quarterback
  11. I personally still use the 12gauge auto when hunting hardwoods. Most shots in the woods are not that far and the rifle bullet I use is somewhat touchy and less tolerant of brush, etc. than a slug, so I tend to only use the rifle when hunting field edges or have the possibility of a longer shot.
  12. Not sure if they issue a new permit. I believe you only get a confirmation letter notifying you of your next renewal date.
  13. I hear ya. He saw one at the Hamburg gun show last weekend and fell in love with it. I have been pushing him but have not heard back yet.
  14. State Police update/clarification: 1/13/22 State police want to clarify that an individual’s recertification due date is dependent on their initial recertification date, and must recertify every five years. New York State Police clarify pistol permit recertification dates | RochesterFirst
  15. Trying to get someone I know interested but he is looking for this "320"
  16. Maybe not unless he runs to stay warm: Just days before the highly anticipated Wild Card playoff game against the New England Patriots, Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen revealed why he’s not super excited to play in what are predicted to be single-digit temperatures on Saturday, January 15. While speaking with the press on Tuesday, January 11, the 25-year-old franchise star said staying dry and warm will be a “big task” because he suffers from poor circulation in his feet. Allen said keeping his toes “as warm and as dry as possible” is important. “I got bad circulation within my feet. My toes get really cold and they go numb a little bit,” he said.
  17. What else is new. In your eyes everyone but you are wrong.
  18. Mandate if they will where it might make a difference but to mandate the entire population that isn't going to follow it anyway and is not enforceable becomes a waste of time and resources. Similar to the "contact tracing" they just figured out doesn't serve a purpose and unsustainable.
  19. I say the same thing every year and end up hunting til the end. The only way to really accomplish it is to tag as early as possible
  20. The mask mandates mean squat with no means to enforce it. When you can see thousands of people crammed together at football games, and other venues without masks. It is nothing to go in stores and see people not wearing masks. Mandates like laws that cannot be enforced are a total waste of time and resources and serves no purpose for the benefit of society.
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