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screamon demon

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by screamon demon

  1. So I have a somewhat stupid question. I bought a new bow this year and I have been firing arrows almost everyday. I bought a dozen Mayheim Carbon Express arrows. Yesterday I noticed that my nocks are not glued in at all. I can spin them with ease and even had one fall out. I had been shooting an older bow with aluminum arrows for 20 years. This new equipment is all new to me. I wanted to ask on here (somewhat humbly) if these nocks are normal? Thanks
  2. I stand corrected on the trail cam post I made above. I made an assumption based on the simple road side signs that say I cannot use permanent structures or leave my treestands out past the season. Here is a link to what I found. It opens a PDF file. do a find on Trail Cam to get the correct paragraph. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/administration_pdf/deceo25summary.pdf
  3. it's not illegal to leave a camera or a tree stand on public land. it cant be a permanent fixture or damage trees, etc.
  4. I have shot plenty of deer (mostly with the gun) due the fortunes of sitting in my tree while others needed to walk around. Great advice given above the only thing I would add is a little woodsmanship goes a long way. A little pre and post season walking around and you will find bedding areas, feeding areas, and the game trails that lead to and from them. I would also suggest a climber. I love my climber but getting up and down and toting that thing around all day gets old quick.
  5. I ordered a bow in August on line because i had a $50 off promo code. First thing they did was lose the order and set me back 3 weeks. When I tried to straighten it out they were not going to give me the $50 off that I had orginally had unless I had the promo code. luckily it was still cached on my pc. Mind you I had an order confirmation from them. Then I tried to get a little extra off due to the hassles and they would not bite. When the bow finally arrived I had it set up at the Tonawanda store. The pro was great, very friendly, helpful, knowledgable, and patient. I used to live near that Tonawnada store and it used to be really nice. I spent a lot of time in there and a lot of money. My return trip last weekend was disappointng. The store has gone to hell. I felt like I was at a going out of business sale. I stood around for 20 minutes before anyone asked me if I needed anything. Vests must have passed by 20 times before I went over and interupted a very important conversation about scopes between two vested employees. It was a joke. I will take my money to Dicks and save myself the milage on my truck
  6. I don't really see the attraction to xbows so I wont buy one. However, I think the arguement that we will have more wounded deer due to hunters not knowing the limit of the weapon is poor. What stops those same guys from buying a compound and not know their limitations? It would not bother me to see xbows as part of the archery season I will just not take a part in it. For the fellas shooting those 7 round Winchesters. I knew I read somewhere that there is a 6 shot maximum for big game. I copied this from reg page. This gesture is not to point fault but rather giving you a heads up. Manner of Taking It is unlawful to: Take big game while the deer or bear is in water. Possess a firearm of any description when bowhunting or when accompanying a person bowhunting during special archery seasons. Make, set or use a salt lick on land inhabited by deer or bear. It is unlawful to hunt big game with: A firearm or bow aided by any artificial light or a laser that projects a beam toward the target. An autoloading firearm with a capacity of more than 6 shells (one which requires that the trigger be pulled separately for each shot), except an autoloading pistol with a barrel length of less than 8 inches.
  7. nycoyotehounds..BUB That's really great. No better way to teach a kid than that. I have little guys at 2 and 4. The 4 year old has been out scouting with me and he has been out hunting squirels with me. This May he will be in the tent with me for gobblers. The 2 year old rides in the back pack for scouting trips and trout fishing. I love the youth hunt and wish they would add one for deer. To be able to concentrate on getting a youngster onto a bird is just plain awesome. I think I would be more excited to watch one of my kids get a big tom than if I shot it myself. For the scum bags who break the law - karma is a bitch.
  8. I think the seasons are fine the way they are. All hunters are given ample opportunity to harvest game throughout the entire season or just the regular season if you so choose not to archery hunt. We are afforded the opportunity to pursue game and when life throws us a curve (weather, birth, death, etc) there is still an opportunity to get out and hunt. I think a lot of folks who complain about not seeing game are not interested in trying new areas or new things. It's easier to blame the bureaucrat for giving out too many DMP's or too long a season then it is to actaully hunt. If the season was shortened this forum would be full of posts that said the season was too short. No body wins.
  9. I have not seen a rabbit where I hunt in 10 years. I live in WNY and I am looking for some spots that might be good for some bunny hunting. Please dont send specific spots I am just looking for some public land or at least regionalized (N, S, E, W) area where knocking on doors would get me to some areas that hold some rabbit. Please send PM and thanks.
  10. It sucks espescially since it appears it was finally shot after legal shooting hours. I think it's wrong but you really have nothing to gain by knocking on the guys door other than a confrontation. If i recall my hunter safety course from 20 years ago I believe for archery it is the first fatal shot claims the deer. However, for regular season it's the first person who claims the deer. I have never read anything in the DEC regulations about this so it could have just been the instructors understanding. I also believe that this debate ranks up there with how far from the road you need to be before you are leagally hunting. Anyone?
  11. You did not mention mistakes which I guess is kind of the opposite of skill. I mention it because i make plenty. I guess it's about what is important to you. As a hunter you get to measure success for yourself. You could be happy to simply be in the woods and enjoy ma nature, or you could be happy just seeing a few deer, others want meat, and still others want a trophy. In any case if you get to set your own goals. I feel lucky enough to be able to have the opportunity to hunt. As far as skill is concerned it takes many years and a ton of mistakes to start to understand deer. And similar to women if you can actaully figure it all out write a book cause you will be rich. However, I take stand placement seriously and consider all the factors, wind, travel routes, time of year, food, pressure, etc. if I take my climber to a tree I have never been in and I used my skills to place that stand and I harvest a deer it's not luck to me because I used years of education to put myself in that spot.
  12. That was my point - it's not gun season. It is regular season and if you are afield with a bow you are bow hunting. Using that logic it would then be illegal to also carry a gun. I think it's stupid myself but I guess it clears up any confusion during the special archery season if someone decides to turkey hunt and deer hunt on the same day. I once asked the DEC why i could not use two hooks while steelhead fishing in the winter time if they were under a certain size. My example was a couple of egg or nymph patterns size 12 or smaller. His response was that it removes doubt and confusion by just making the law a single hook 10/15 - 3/31 perhaps the same logic is used in this case.
  13. I would not want to try and explain myself to the CO However, the only defined firearm season is late ML. What is referred to as "shotgun, gun, firearm, etc" season is actually just the "regular season" where archery equipment is a legal implement to hunt with.
  14. I knew I had read this before in the manner of taking section.
  15. Doc I hunt some stateland in Alleghany county. I went out on Thanksgiving and I was the only car and byself for approximatley 1200 acres of state property. On opening day it was about 5 cars. Think about that for a minute if there were 3 guys per car that's 15 hunters for 1200 acres. That is an awful lot of land without a hunter on it. I doubt 3 per verhicle is even a good number I would estimate it closer to 2. To answer your question in my opinion it is a lack of participation and those that do it are not as enthusiastic as they used to be. I blame that on internet and television. Hunting is not super easy but the internet and tv make it seem that it should be. I think a lot of guys get frustrated when they dont see deer and instead of trying something different they stay in bed. Just my $.02
  16. You can leave stands on state property during the season. They have to be removed after hunting season and they cannot be permanent structures.
  17. I thought the same thing. I dont leave my safety rope in the tree I bring it with me. If the person using it is doing so without a safety harness - well that's just plain stupid. NY is an assumed liability state. If that same hunter fell out of a tree he climbed (no stand) or if he tripped over a tree root he could not sue the state. I know there is a loophole somewhere. I have the thing locked to the tree and I will get it out after the season.
  18. First off I will start by saying that I hunt state land and I have done so for many years. I enjoy it and personally feel there are a lot of larger deer on state property simply for the sake of the enormity of land and lack of hunters. With that statement I will also say that this was the first year I put up a ladder stand. In the past I always had a climber. Once i installed the ladder stand I assumed someone would use it. it's close to the road and in a decent spot. I really dont mind someone using it as long as I dont have to get into an argument if I want to be in my stand on a particular day. I hunted on opening day (southern zone) and not again until Thanksgiving. I had to leave the previous Saturday in a hurry and forgot my scent bombs. When I got to my stand on Thursday I noticed my bow/gun rope was tied to the stand so I knew someone was there. Next I climbed up the stand and looked down to find candy wrappers all over the ground. Lastly I looked out around my stand and my scent bombs were taken. I dont care if someone uses the stand but jeezes be decent about it and dont take my scent bombs. It's not the cost of them it's the priciple. Secondly pick up after yourself. Being an ethical hunter has never been something I have had to work at. When I see ignorance it really fires me up.
  19. There was a show on a few years back on the outdoor channel. It was short lived but I loved it. The host and his wife hunted and had a camerman. They claimed to only hunt public hand and had footage of dragging climbers around with them. I dont know how true it was but they did have a few shows where they did not harvest anything. I personally liked that show and wish there were more like it. Here in WNY there was a guy a few years ago who filmed a show on his game farm. It was the funniest thing you'd ever seen. He would be in the treestand and say "oh look a 10 point" and then boom you'd here the gun go off. There absolutley no footage of the deer until he was holding it. I think I saw 4 shows with the same buck being used. Pitiful to say the least but I watched it for entertainment sakes.
  20. yes Mac same guy. no need for me to create new screen names. I am happy you got your deer. I took a doe opening day. My dad just signed over a permit to me today since his hunting time will be limited. My family will easily consume 2 deer. I liketo brag to yuppie tree hugging, organic friends - you dont get any more organic then fresh venison. and it's not $15 a pound
  21. had a simlar issue in 2005 however, i was in a tree stand. i was on state land close to a neighboring property. Three doe came running by8:00AM opening day. Some cowboy from the other property started running through woods firing at these deer. I literally mean running, gun shouldered, and firing. The last deer stood between he and I and he fired again. It was at that time that I yelled over to him and his response was "yeah i see ya" Well we exchanged f-you's and went on our way. As if that whole scenario was not bad enough he never even checked to see if he hit any of the deer. He just went back into his part of the woods. The though of running through the woods with a firearm on my shoulder has never even crossed my mind. I have never been that desperate to shoot at a deer let alone first thing in the morning on opening day.
  22. Ruger Super Red Hawk with a 10" ported barrel. I mounted a Nikon scope on it a few years ago. She shoots great; the guy pulling the trigger is another story. Some observations and opinions on using it for deer. I have taken a few deer with this gun including my best to date. However, when I got it 10 years ago I shot a lot even if I did not shoot the .44 I would shoot some .22 pistols that I own. And as everyone knows practice makes perfect. When shooting a handgun your mistakes are magnified. I dont have the same time as i used to have on the range so I reverted back to a shotgun. I hated to do it but it was only fair to the animal and the sport. I am joing a local club so I will have more time to shoot handguns again and hopefully take the old hand cannon back into the woods.
  23. I have a feeling that he did not get his license in time to apply for one. I hunt in 9 not in his area but in same region. Typically we do not get rejected for the first DMP. I know it's different in other parts of the state. Perhaps you are judging this situation based on your personal experience where you hunt.
  24. Why is that greedy? The guy is looking for a DMP. I would think someone who has no plans on shooting a doe who applied for and received DMP's is greedy. This guy is just looking for a tag to get some meat. Seems pretty innocent to me. Nor do I think compensating the other hunter is out of the question. I dont agree the tags should be sold for a profit but giving the guy the $10 it costs to apply is the right thing to do. There are far more worse infractions being done on a daily basis.
  25. thanks to everyone for the kind words
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