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screamon demon

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by screamon demon

  1. Here is a story of some arrests from WNY from last weekend. Lot's of complaints on this site about not doing enough here is an example of a win. http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/crime/seven-ticketed-during-opening-weekend
  2. i use a .44 and the entry and exit wounds are just not that great. I have taken deer with it however, unless it is a perfect shot you do not get the same kind of impact that you get with a slug thrower or rifle.
  3. i took my 4 and 5 year old the last saturday of Bow season. We saw a few deer from the ground blind. They got a kick out of the calls and binoculars. Had some does sneak in at 15 yards sure wish I could have sealed the deal with them with me. And I agree with 2-3 hour max!! Thanks for posting - if it wasn't for my father giving up a few good weekends hunt when I was a youngster I wouldnt be as passionate about it now
  4. It sounds crazy but the stateland I used to hunt never had enough pressure. It is 1500 acres and on opening day there would be maybe 10 hunters some years.
  5. I will respond first by saying that I totally agree with all on this thread. However, I got to thinking about it a little as devils advocate. If a hunter shoots a buck on Saturday and tags it legally with his tag then hunts Sunday and tags another buck with his wifes tag who is he cheating? His wife could have shot that second buck. It's not legal, it's not ethical, I don't agree with it, but as far as the population of deer goes nothing is impacted any differently regarding who shoots it. I think some guys have to get up everyday and measure what they got in their pants in order to prove they are a man. Those are the same hunters who measure success by quantity not quality of they hunt. Some of my best days in the woods I have come home empty handed.
  6. $3 a round for Remington Coppersolids and Dicks usually has a rebate on them. I get a good group and killed some deer with them. None going more than 80 yards. I also keep the plug in the gun and only keep one chamered and 2 in the magazine. Being as frugal as I am am the extra money puts another check point in my head before pulling the trigger. The only reason I put the smooth bore down was because it is a 1963 sweet 16 that was handed down to me and it's previous owner was a hunter not a gun collector. I love to use it but I hate to take out in the elements. There have been a lot of trophy animals killed in teh NY SZ with smooth bore shotguns than anything else.
  7. It wound up that way. I hit in front of the shoulder i wasn't aiming there.
  8. I dont think I would want it at this point. Even during the busiest part of the season. It should not take more that 5-6 days to get your deer butchered. And that would be from someone who has it refrigerated or at least a when it's cold like 40 ish or below.
  9. Wind moved the arrow quite a bit. Well that's what I tell myself anyway. It could just be I am a terrible shot. He was broadside at 35 yards. The way it looked I thought I hit him in the upper leg. I waited an hour before checking it out. I figured i plowed it into his upper right leg. When I found blood I was still not sure I had a decent hit. The blood trail proved otherwise I was able to harvest him.
  10. I once shot a deer during gun season that was quartering away up hill head down. I hit him the lung and the bullet traveled up his neck into his head. I didn't realize it at the time so when I walked up on that deer and saw blood in his ear I was praying the other side of the skull was intact. It was, and it ended well. What I find amazing is what folks post on the public internet; from bragging about illegal activity to a picture of a deer with an arrow skewered through its face. It's not an email to a buddy it's the equivalent to a billboard on I90.
  11. From last Sunday in 9N. He was hot on 4 does, he gave me a window at 35 yards. After that the 3 blade spitfires did the work. Recovery was 100 Yards.
  12. A few years back I put a lot of time scouting for spring turkey. I was so over prepared for the opener it all went too smooth. When I got to the woods and opened my gun case I had a nice AK 22 staring at me and no shot gun
  13. Shot this guy yesterday. I watched his big brother beat him up a bit. At a distance all I could see was wings flapping and birds jumping in the tall grass. After that commotion this guy presented a 30 yard shot that I could not pass up. It was a special moment for me. I used the call in the picture. It was my late uncles who lived and breathed turkey hunting. Out for big brother this weekend. Hope to have another addition.
  14. been doing elf on shelf for a few years. it's a great tradition. i have 3 boys 2 old enough to find the elf. every day between thanksgiving and xmas is an adventure. i am trying to talk the wife into a youth bow for the 4 yo its not going well
  15. i shot a 4.5 year old doe this year. i had it aged at a check station. it was the only deer taken from the property i hunt
  16. 1 buck tag a year would just mean that first buck wouldnt get tagged.
  17. I dont smoke but I can tell you that I have had several deer walk up to me while drinking a hot cup of steaming coffee.
  18. There is no such thing as just a "poor" family in NYS. This state (and your paycheck) subsidize damn near anyone and everyone who puts their hand out. The only people I could say have reason to claim to be poor are the folks living on the street. And for those folks I help out any time I can. There is such a sense of entitlement in this country it is sickening. What if they didn't buy car insurance becasue "they didnt think they would ever need it" then they ran into you totalling your vehicle? Would you happily pay to replace your own car because these folks are less fortunate? I have seen first class what poverty looks like. Take a drive around some trailer parks or projects. You are going to see Xbox 360's, 60 inch LED, Surround Sound, new applicances, ipads, ipods, etc, etc, etc. That's your hard earned dollar at work. I beg you to go around the ferw days following xmas and take a look a the empty boxes going in the garbage.
  19. No doubt!! That goes without saying. Shady business indeed
  20. They had a fee to pay it was $75 and that is the end of the discussion. I am so sick and tired of hearing about people making stupid decisions that the rest of should have to pay for. It's terrible that they lost their home but at some point you have to be responsible for yourself. So what if they couldn't afford it? Find a way! Shovel driveways, pick produce, pump gas!! You do whatever it takes to be self sufficient. It was $75 - I am not going to make any sterotypical statements about what they spent their money on but I know that $75 is less than 2 tanks of gas, less than a few meals out, it's less than my cable bill. I dont think I am going to get hurt or sick but I pay for Long Term Disability insuarnce just in case I cant work for some reason. I dont expect some one to pay my way. I will get off my soap box now - but before I do I am also pissed off at all these "Occupiers". Bunch of whiney idiots with $150,000 in student loans with a degree in philosphy. Am I supposed to feel bad for some guy because he feels he is entitled to a BMW, a 4000 sq foot home, and a 2000 sq hunting lodge. My advice work hard - pay your bills, shut your mouth.
  21. It was quartering away I hit partial lung and an artery right at the heart but the heart was intact. The entrance wound due to the angle was huge and exit hole was a little over an inch in dia. Last year I got a double lung shot on a doe. Same gun same ammo. I knocked a large piece of lung out of her at 35 yards.
  22. i Started using the copper solids three years ago. Deer I killed this year left a blood trail like I have never seen before. It looked like someone turned on a faucet full tilt while running 60 yards through the woods.
  23. I dont know if any of you fella's ready Justin Shit My Dad Says. If not I suggest you google and take a look. You will be pissing your pants. Anyway I saw today a conversation that the guy put up on the. Kind of fits here - Made me laugh made me think. http://www.funnyordie.com/articles/322261cd73/why-internet-commenters-will-eventually-end-the-world Sorry for the mini Thread Jack
  24. I don't think it is. I am not really into to hunting from one of those condo stands. But to each there own. As long as we can keep more people into the sport I am all for it. I do have an issue with anyone under 40 using a stand like that
  25. What says you cant shoot a deer from camp?
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