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Grizz1219 last won the day on June 15 2023

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About Grizz1219

  • Birthday December 19

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Western Ma
  • Interests
    Family, hunting, fishing

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  • Hunting Gun
    T/C Pro Hunter
  • Bow
    Mathews Q2XL

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  1. Cool. That time of year. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  2. Kids are too busy with phones, video games, sports etc. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  3. I skin and quarter big game. Load into my garage fridge. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  4. Buddy killed a 250lbr last night. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  5. Lol. True. Wife was happy but worried as to where he will go. [emoji1787][emoji1787] Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  6. Shot him with a TC Pro Hunter with my 338WM barrel. Recovered the slug to boot. Doing a half body pedestal mount to show off the body size. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  7. Weight is estimated at 450 to 500. No measurements yet. In time. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  8. Ok. Here's what I posted. An AMAZING night last night on stand. Everyone knew when I shot a bear 2 hours into the hunt it was either a color phase or a monster black. Well. I shot a monster black!! Heard him coming from behind me. When he looked thru my brush blind at 3 feet I thought "Whoa" but when he put his head up over the log at 2 feet I about " you know what almost happened in my shorts" He knew something was wrong and ran 10 yards, turned broadside and I dropped him where he stood. Biggest bear ever taken at this outfitter. No scale but being told 450 to 500lbs. Over 80" nose to tail. I'm still in shock and feeling so blessed. Truly enjoying camp, bunch of great guys I'm with and having a ball. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  9. Had a great hunt with Beaver City Bear Hunts in Denare Beech Saskatchewan. Shot an absolute giant black bear 2 hours into the hunt. Trail cam pic is from the week before. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  10. Hoping color phase black Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  11. Speaking of that. I leave for Saskatchewan on June 3rd for bears with my 338. [emoji1787][emoji16][emoji106] Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  12. I've been involved with the NWTF for 30 plus years. That part about inbreeding is new to me but Damn that makes a ton of sense. All the trap and transferring we did back in the day spread genetics huge but we don't do that much any More. Damn that's a great point!! Thanks. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  13. As far as I know there are no commercially available silencers. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
  14. Not a silencer. A suppressor. Just lowers the decibels to a level not harmful. Still loud just not damaging. Sent from my LM-G850 using Tapatalk
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