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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by huntography

  1. Thanks Localqdm! No sponsors. No ad placement. Self funded. Just what actually happens in deer camp.
  2. Deer Infomercials are what some of the extreme ones are. I enjoy seeing the story - before, during and after. The small things. D&DH is good. They are different. They actually help you learn something about deer hunting. Love em. Oh, and they are from West NY as well. Good stuff. Rudy
  3. I grew up hunting in NY myself and currently live in CO but would love to film in my home state again. There are some folks who are filming in NY and we need to support them more.
  4. Thanks Toruk! I was supposed to film in NY again this fall but I only have so many days off from work that I could use
  5. I love some of the earlier videos as well. I have bowhunting October Whitetails 1 & 2, love the Benoit videos and actually really like the first season of Primetime Bucks 1 from Hunter's Specialties. They were more informative rather than just stack em and whack em. I had all the Fitzgerald vhs tapes and a bunch of others too, over 60, that I regretfully parted ways with. Wish I hadn't. I'm shooting season 2 of Huntography this fall....Please tell me what you want me to capture on film, content wise like how-to stuff and stories, and I'll do my best for you. Here's a look at my schedule. http://www.huntography.com/2011-huntographers/ Thanks all! Rudy
  6. Hi guys! It's amazing how many folks feel the same way re: many of today's hunting shows and dvd's. If you have a chance, check out my trailer for last years season 1 trailer - Filming America's Hunters. One at a Time. I filmed two NY hunters and we hunted in Orange, Dutchess and Delaware counties during the late season. I film regular hunters like us on state or private land. http://www.huntography.com/2010-huntographers/ This fall, I'll be filming more regular folks in 12 states. Rudy
  7. Safety is of the utmost importance to me. During the regular season, yes. During bowhunting season, sometimes I'll wear an orange hat on my way in and out of the stand in low light. You never know who's out there and how well they confirm their target before shooting.....Experience has taught me this the hard way....especially when on public land....
  8. Looks like the link on their end changed for some reason. Here it is: http://bit.ly/fEDI4F
  9. I'm happy to hear you support female hunters as well and I support everyones right to choose to vote or participate in anything they want. Each lady had a short Bio under their photo so you can learn a bit more about them. I did not know any of them personally either. Nor did I have anything to do with organizing the contest. From my point of view, if someone can get so many of our female hunters together and shine a spotlight on them - in April mind you, a long ways from deer hunting season - and get so many people interested, then in my opinion, just like rain, it's a good thing.
  10. No, I think I will pass on that. I see enough of them at sporting goods stores and parading in camo during hunting season. They are usually sweating and breathing heavily when I do see them, so I think the exertion of a contest might actually be a bit too much for them. That's fine by me. I'm just a huge supporter of our outdoor women who love to hunt.
  11. Maybe we can help one of them win. Here's the link to where New York starts: http://bit.ly/eEFD97 Just thought I'd share with everyone.
  12. I love capturing deer hunting experiences on camera but the way these guys behaved is just way over the top disrespectful imho....not what we need in our deer camps. It all goes back to having the right mentors and influences while getting started in the shooting sports and hunting culture. On a side note, while filming this season, I actually caught something similar on camera but the feeling and reaction I personally had to the spine shot buck and that of the humble hunter was night and day different compared to these "hunters"......The footage I have is pretty dramatic, and let me tell you, that moment really touched me as I felt privileged to be in the woods with him at that moment and to see that buck take it's last breath right under my tree.....I value my time in the woods and respect our game.
  13. You guys think our deer calling "Horse" experience qualifies for this DEC "Great Stories from the Great Outdoors" contest? http://www.suburbanbowhunting.com/2010/12/dec-kicks-off-great-stories-from-great.html Thanks to my friends at First Light Gear for bringing this to my attention.... - Rudy
  14. Awesome 8 point! A buddy of mine shot a monster 10 during bow watched him go down. The buck panted for a while and then got up and went into some thick stuff. He tracked that buck a bit after the kill, then backed out till the next day and got help to look for it. They looked and looked and lost the trail as the blood dried up. It was dry ground btw. Then about a month later, while rifle hunting in the same area, they found him. So it wasn't from a lack of trying, just lost the trail and couldn't find him. Could be that something similar happened in this case. You just never know. Nevertheless, for NY, it's a great 8. Congrats on finding it and for sharing the story with us....
  15. Congrats to both of you on the 2 deer. Nice try at that slick fox
  16. 1. New York deer do not like iPhones 20 feet up in the dark. I hear they prefer Blackberries 2. Videotaping other hunters hunting is at times, as fun or more fun than hunting myself.....Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to hunt myself next year again
  17. I have the primos Can and a Hunter Specialties True Talker....and the Drury call just sounds so realistic to me compared to those two....Love the range and ability to control the tone and duration too.... The horses posture and reaction reminded me that of a mature buck in rut as he would come to a call or decoy.... @blur - horrible. Funny re: the goat
  18. I'm laughing just envisioning that myself. At least you now have a deer hunting story that you and your friends will be talking about for a very long time. To me, it's moments like this that make hunting special - you never know what our great outdoors will bring us.
  19. Alright! Sounds like you had a great time....Enjoy your bounty!
  20. I would love to have seen that caught on camera. Hopefully, no one got hurt....
  21. Hi Geno! I now have the Drury heat bleat on my wish list for Santa.....The sound quality is so good..... Funny you mention that. I told Gasper that if the farmer was watching, he might have thought we were actually trying to kill that horse.....which obviously we were not.... If that horse was a buck, it would have been a bit out of range for an ethical bow shot...as Gasper was another 10 yards behind me.
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