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Everything posted by huntography

  1. Certainly not arguing with you Steve. In fact, I agree. Ideally, whoever owns this range would do everyone a favor by having some of the targets reversed. In fact, I will make that request and let you know how it goes. But don't hold your breath. Thanks so much for your feedback. I value it. - Rudy
  2. I totally understand your concern and I had it too the first time I was at this range but this is an official bowhunting club and range. I believe it's been around for many years and approved by the city. Plenty of league and competition shooting takes place here. But yeah, I totally agree that it "looks" unsafe. I wonder if I ran the idea of rearranging the way they have it set up by who ever runs the place, if they'd actually consider it. Maybe they already did. - Rudy
  3. Hope everyone is doing well. I did an unusual video test recently and wanted to see how the arrow sounded at different yardages. This brought me to ask my fellow bowhunters - do the deer jump the sound of the string or the sound of the broadhead/arrow? http://www.huntograp...rrow-broadhead/ Thoughts? Thanks all! - Rudy
  4. Thanks! I film everything as it happens. Can't wait to start filming again in 3 days! - Rudy
  5. I know how you feel. I actually missed a couple seasons when my kids were born and when work was really busy. That was tough. Letting that first arrow fly or squeezing that trigger sure does feel good.
  6. I've had the feeling since the close of last season. I'm so ready to hit the woods.
  7. That blood trail was unreal. I've filmed a Rage kill and the deer died within a few yards of the tree. The shot was well placed but I was shocked how quickly she died after the shot.
  8. June is when I'd typically get the feeling. This year however, I've had it since the last day of the season. Non-stop!
  9. Hi guys! Deer & Deer Hunting has, in my opinion, has done a good job of making some rut forecasts over the years. Listen to Charlie talk about this year's peak of the rut - around Nov 10. http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/2011-rut-predictions I did an interesting post showing how the peak of the rut coincides with online google searches - they peak at the same time: http://www.huntography.com/2011/08/11/how-peak-of-rut-coincides-google-searches-for-deer-hunting/ Ultimately, what I do is just spend as many days in the woods as I can. Weather permitting of course. Rudy
  10. Sadly, I heard from some people in the business, if you don't get the kill on camera, you don't have a show or DVD. When I heard that, something didn't sit well with me. Surely people watching care more about just the kill.
  11. Sad to hear all the stories of family and friends being shot and/or killed while hunting. I've always had a fear of someone shooting my way while hunting, especially when on public land. I've experienced some close calls of hearing shots from all around me on public land in both Wurtsboro and in Naples NY. Not a fan of pumpkin patches. Now I make sure to hunt or film where other hunters won't go. Getting away from the crowds takes work but the piece of mind can be priceless.
  12. Congrats on your new bow! I thought about getting a new bow, but had it tuned up....
  13. I'm actually turned off by videos of hunters who are rolling around and laughing after a kill. Sure, a congratulatory fist bump might be in order to celebrate a successful hunt but taking the life of an animal is no laughing matter. Nothing against those who do it nor am I condemning it. I equate it as a joke that didn't pick up. I just don't see what's so funny. I agree.
  14. Management bucks.....don't get me started on that one..... Much of what our kids see on TV is unrealistic to the majority of America's hunters.....I grew up learning about deer hunting from my dad and the other folks in our Ulster Heights deer camp. Getting any deer for the freezer was respected, not frowned upon. Heck, if you got a 6 pointer you did pretty darn well for yourself. Back then, not one person in camp had a grunt call, a bleat, used any scents or lures...we just hunted. I actually do have a vague memory of one of the guys using two sticks to make sounds...at time, I had no idea what he was trying to do.... But, times sure do change.....
  15. Hi Ford! Shows you see on TV need to make money for their advertisers other wise, they have no funds to produce their show. So that's why you can rarely "feel" what they are experiencing. For me, since I have no advertisers to please, just you, the hunter, I can focus more on the experience. I did my best last season on my first DVD and learned a ton. Things I could do better and things not to do. So this fall, I'll focus on capturing the moment even more. I'm with you, as I sit here typing this, guess what I did? I sprayed myself with my fresh earth spray. Why? It brings me back to those woods. It helps me relive the feeling of smelling that cold morning air as i first step put of the cabin in the pitch black darkness. These feelings to me, are what I love about deer hunting. It's the total experience, not just a kill. And believe me, when I did kill a deer myself, I was humbled. I sat their and absorbed the moment. I never once in my life hooted and hollared like you see on TV. That is not part of the way I celebrate the experience. - Rudy
  16. Toruk, Many thanks for buying my DVD and for the awesome candid feedback. I really appreciate it. That's exactly what I try to capture, not just the hunt or the deer, but the people. Happy that came across. Filming in real hunting conditions was such a learning experience last season. Not only did I have all new camera equipement and tree arms and such which took time to get 100% comfortable with but I was filming people i never hunted with before. We both were learning what worked as we went along. That doe was right behind the tree and I couldn't swing my camera arm around anymore. It actually came loose on that scene as I quickly moved from one side of the tree to the other. Had Opie and I communicated better, we would have been synched up for the shot. But that's what happened. This season, I'll have signals w/ the hunters to let them know I'm on the deer. The backstory on that buck is that both Ronnie and I were facing the other way. We heard him coming, and fast right behind us. By the time I swung my camera arm around and pushed record on my HDSLR, he had already squeezed the trigger. Actually, if you watch that part back and listen closely, you can hear the report of the shot as I get the camera on the deer. That's how fast it happened. Ronnie mentioned that, he just did what came natural to him, see the deer and shoot. He never had anyone film him before so I guess he forgot I was there filming I will certainly follow your suggestion and get more advice and tactics and tips from each of the hunters this season. Things like, why were hunting in this spot, local area deer conditions, etc..... I can't tell you how many folks say the same thing, just like you said - that I'm on to something with what I'm doing. That means so much to me because I'm really passionate about our sport and the people who continue to carry on our traditions. This season is going to be so exciting. I'll be sure to take everyones feedback to heart and bring you guys a deer hunting video you will want to watch over and over. Best, - Rudy
  17. My Ruger M77 in .243 worked very well for me.
  18. Thanks ny hunter! Appreciate your support. - Rudy
  19. Hi Buckstophere! I'd love to support a fellow Huntographer and their work. Originally being from NY myself, I'd love to watch your video. Where can I purchase it? Best, Rudy
  20. The only things I'm paying for is my license, gear, food and travel. Public land or private land. No outfitters for me, personally. But, to each his own.
  21. Hi Warren! I still watch all the hunting shows and buy some dvd's but I do it mainly to see what I should NOT be doing when I film hunters. Yes, there are some things that are interesting, but I agree, some of the stuff they put on like the 8 year olds who sit in a blind on a super managed ranch where they know all the deer's names and what time they come out is a tad bit unrealistic. I just watched Bowhunting October Whitetails 1 & 2 the other day, again. I watched it because there is something pure about it. It's not an infomercial. I'm taking all this great feedback from you guys and incorporating it into what I do this season and beyond. Thanks for your time! - Rudy
  22. Thanks ny hunter! I almost fell out of my tree when that horse came into the bleat call over and over again. I never seen that, ever. To give it some context, it was early December of last hunting season during a cold morning hunt. Out of all the horses on the farm next door, that one somehow got out. Since I had already spooked what I think was a buck in pre-dawn darkness with the light from my iPhone screen, and nothing else was moving, I asked Gasper, the hunter i was filming to try and call him in w/ the grunt call. He did but the horse did not respond to the grunt call at all. Then he bleated. That's when he came in. It was a fun time in the woods. It's times like these that I cherish. Even though we didn't get a deer that morning, this was by far a great hunting memory that will stay w/ me forever. PS - No, we don't hunt horses in case anyone was wondering - Rudy
  23. Pretty cool vids, The guy asking if the other guys scent lok working and him sayin I still smell like sh-- and The guy in his underware at camp were priceless!!! Will take a look, you might be on to something here. Thanks erussell! The only people I have to please is you, the hunter. So it's raw and unfiltered. Heck, the deer camp experience and chatter that happens is what I love. It's what I remember as a kid in our Ulster County deer camp. The older folks playing cards, telling stories and the younger ones reading hunting magazines and talking about where they were gonna hunt. Precious memories. I hope you get a chance to watch the whole thing one day.
  24. I'm all about family. Last seasons dvd includes a mother daughter hunt. It was the first deer hunt for both of them. They told me they loved seeing their hunting heritage captured on film. This season I have more families lined up. One family from Wisconsin's motto is, "A family of 4 that hunts together, stays together." They have never been filmed before and are excited to be on camera. I'm excited to capture their deer camp. If they get a deer or not, it's the conversations and stories that they share that make what I capture special. I'll focus more on this for you so i can really get the "reality" of hunting on dvd. Thank you Landtracdeerhunter! Rudy
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