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  • Hunting Location
    Finger Lakes
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Saw some chasing today from the stand. All on the neighbors, none near me. Eating my lunch at 1:00 I looked out my kitchen window to see this Button Buck.
  2. Nice morning sit, saw multiple doe running around but no bucks chasing them. Already looking forward to the afternoon sit. Might hit a tributary for trout in the meantime.
  3. I’d say create a new account. Call it “EnormousBuckDown”. Good luck to anyone up and at it this morning.
  4. First solo sit of the year this evening. One lone small doe strolled through at dusk. Surprisingly quiet. I’ve been hunting a bit in a double stand with my 5 year old boy, so anything sounds quiet after that. I heard reports of lots of buck activity in the neighborhood (Finger Lakes) today including a big buck shot chasing a doe at 11am today.
  5. Five mornings in the woods, no birds seen, zero gobbles. Sure is a beautiful day though.
  6. Hunted from 10-12 today close to home on a property that I normally only deer hunt. No gobbles, no sightings. I did find a very well used dust bowl full of feathers. I’m going to put a camera there before this afternoon’s rain, should have some intel by next week.
  7. A comedy of errors for me this morning. Overslept, nature’s call, gun jammed, no gobbles 5am-Noon. Still a great morning in the woods.
  8. Spooked a deer on the way in. Tracks all over. Old scrape just opened back up. Wind is terrible, I think my scent has been blown in all four directions already. Quick hunt before work. It’ll have to be a nice one that gets me to shoot before this warm stretch.
  9. Plenty of deer out tonight in 8N, just not the right ones.
  10. I saw a ton of deer tonight, probably 15+. No good bucks within range.
  11. I saw seven deer on the way to the stand. That’s a good sign.
  12. It was a very quiet morning in my woods in 8N. I saw some chasing activity on the next property over, couldn’t tell how big the buck was. With two doe in the freezer, I’m looking for a buck.
  13. Lots of deer on their feet this morning. I took a drive and saw one mature buck chasing two does in a field, another two bucks cruising. I hope to make it out this afternoon for one last bow hunt.
  14. I’m unfamiliar with how deer leases work. Shouldn’t there be a provision in the document to avoid such disturbances during deer season?
  15. 8N, watched bucks all morning long from my home office. Beautiful 10pt wouldn’t leave a small doe, chasing her all over the place. They ran all over my yard but it was too quiet to sneak out for a shot.
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