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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Calling for semi auto bans makes you anti-2A.
  2. Had a good day on Conesus today with one of my buddys. It rained on us all day and the fishing was a bit slow, but we still did all right. Caught a few pike and a few smaller bass that we didn’t take pics of.
  3. 2-3 lb largemouth are the average for that lake. 4 is a real good one. There were guys out there today hammering sunfish and crappie. Walleyes were starting to bite about the time we left. There were a bunch of boats still on the water as it was getting dark.
  4. Had an amazing evening at Honeoye today! 21 bass for me, with only 3 or 4 below 2 lbs, and 14 for my buddy with only a few under 2 for him. Multiple 3-4 lb fish. The bite was on big time. We were catching so many so fast we did t have much time for pics, but here are a few of my better ones.
  5. I could Do it out of a stand or whatever. It’s not hard once you get it. Longer distances are what need to be practiced. Shot angles need to be learned, but the same goes for crossbow.
  6. Had a killer evening today on Honeoye. Took Evan out and we hammered them. 12 good bass total plus a huge rock bass. Evan caught his first bass from the boat, and it was a good one.
  7. It’s really not a ripped up Senko, it’s my little secret. It is a specific type of worm that I “modify” and it works better than any Ned specific worm I’ve used. Probably because it’s different than what they normally see.
  8. I dont shoot groups, they don’t matter as far as hunting goes. Spots are where it’s at.
  9. Went out to Honeoye yesterday. It was like glass and the water was clear as can be. I could easily See the bottom in 15 feet of water. Things started out slow, but really picked up early afternoon. I caught A ton of small guys, and saw a bunch of good ones but couldn’t get the bigger ones to bite. I figure it might have been the water being so clear had them a little spooky. Water temps are really starting to come up quick, it was 6-7 degrees warmer than it was less than a week before, even with all the rain.
  10. It’s archery equipment and takes the same skill set to be successful with. No season belongs to anyone. I do or have hunted with every legal implement out there short of a flintlock and longbow, I’m a hunter, not an elitist. What you hunt with has no bearing on “how much of a man” you are. It’s personal preference. You can ignorantly call it whatever you want, but you aren’t doing yourself any favors by doing so. BTW, modern vertical bows really aren’t that hard. I havent shot mine in over a year and guarantee you I could pick it up and put an arrow in a softball size target at 30 yards right now. Ask Biz how long it took him to get his compound on target. Are crossbows a little easier to get accurate with? Absolutely, but why is that a bad thing? I’d rather see folks actually kill deer cleanly more often and wound them less. my original point still stands, crossbow organizations are not out there working against other hunting implement organizations like NYB does.
  11. Lol I am already not far behind you, and the delivery trucks have been rolling in all week. Last year I started Getting this Mystery Tacklebox thing every month, and it has made things way worse. I keep Getting new stuff that I’ve never tried, and then end up ordering more of what works. Problem is, most of what I’ve gotten has worked great so far.
  12. Yeah, I dont Have to worry about sun damage, everything goes in the under deck storage and I store My boat in my barn with a lite cover to keep dust and dirt off. Everything except spinnerbaits, buzz baits and soft plastics will just stay in the boat all year round.
  13. I bought one just like the Zman binders but from Bass Pro. It’s just as inconvenient to me as my tubs really, and I’d have to have a bunch of them. Probably 2 each for senkos, Ned rig worms, creatures, tubes, jig/spinner trailers, swim baits and misc plastics. Seems like a lot to fumble through.
  14. Yeah I wouldnt Use it for spinnerbaits or crankbaits, I ordered Specific boxes for those that will drop right into the well with the rest of my 3700 series trays. I was Thinking of these just for soft plastics, and maybe even just keep the majority of them in my Ziploc tubs, and just take what I need For the tournament out the day before and put them into the boat on these clip organizers, then put them back into tubs after the tournament. I do See what you’re saying as far as melting goes. I havent Run into that issue yet, as my stuff has always been in tackle boxes and bags in the house when I’m not using it. The ins and outs of storing in the boat is new for me, which is why I’m asking what you all do. I really Appreciate the tips like that.
  15. I’ve been looking at different ways to organize things in my new boat, particularly soft plastic baits as well as other baits. Currently I use The plastic tackle trays that you can change the compartments around to fit your baits, which is totally fine for hard baits and terminal tackle (hooks, split rings, weights etc, but they aren’t good for soft plastics. I like To keep my plastics in their original bags because of flavor and scent, and have them in a waterproof tub. The problem is, each time I want to change or replace one, I have to get the tub out and rifle through it until I find What I’m looking for. I picked up a worm binder, but that isn’t working well either. What are some of you using? I ran across this system and it looks very interesting. https://easyviewtackle.com
  16. Difference is, there are no crossbow organizations that actively advocate against vertical bows and their use or legal status.
  17. I saw The commercial last night and just shook my head. I dont Watch nearly as much TV as I used to. 99% garbage.
  18. Had a fun morning on Honeoye today. It started out windy with 2-3 footers on the west side and fishing was slow. Gave me time to get used to how the boat handles in wind and chop, and how the trolling motor does with wind. Right around 10 the wind died and the lake became glass. I did A bunch more tooling around before I got Into some largemouth shortly before it was time to head home. Ended up with 4 total, the biggest one pictured weighed 3 1/4. The boat looked amazing once the sun came out. She shines like a new penny! Caught me a crankbait to boot!
  19. Thanks. I love the boat. Missed on a Ranger a day before I found This one. No regrets. i joined a club this year that ive been fishing with as a guest for 4 years or so. I’m planning to fish about 10 tournaments this year. First one is Saturday, a pike tournament, biggest fish takes the cash. Evan will be fishing as a guest in a few tournaments since he’s too young to be a member. Gonna be a good summer.
  20. Thanks. That’s my dads truck that he left to me. It’s a 2000 with only 125k on it and runs like a top. Holds a little sentimental value, so I opted to sell the Ram and keep this one.
  21. I forgot That lake has a 45 speed limit. My buddy reminded me after I blew Past the Sheriff doing north of 60 on the GPS. Had a bit more to go but she started chine walking and I let off. It hangs with his 21 with a 225 on it.
  22. We did conesus this morning. I fish All over though. Here are pics from today.
  23. Thanks, She’s been kept in great shape.
  24. Previous owner said she will hit 62 on a flat day. That’s plenty lol. Tournament loaded I should be in thei mid to upper 50s. We will see this morning.
  25. I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, and finally sold my deck boat and found a great deal on a bass boat. I left Yesterday morning, spent the night at a friends house in Jersey and picked her up in Philly this afternoon. It’s a 2006 Stratos 18 1/2 foot with a 150 Evinrude. I bought It from its original owner, who had only put a verified 150 hours on the gas engine since new. Most of the lakes he fished were electric only. The boat is in almost new condition, and already has everything I need To get on the water. I’ll upgrade a few things over time, but she’s a great rig as is. I’ll have her in the water tomorrow for the shake down run!
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