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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. 70s and 80s are too warm for me. Id be sitting around in shorts or boxers at that point. Id rather keep a lower heating bill and wear jeans and a sweatshirt.
  2. HAHAHA, yeah I should have just jumped out of the stand and charged at him. Im at home now, be back out there later.
  3. Yes, I did grunt again to try and get him to come back, but he was outta there. Im gonna get back in that stand tonight.
  4. I'm so mad but so pumped right now. Just had. Crazy looking 3.5 year old 140ish buck at 20 yards that I grunted in. I got at full draw on him but couldn't anchor well because of my safety strap. I have never been that close to a deer of that caliber. My bow ticked my stand and he busted out. I hope I see him again.
  5. Been in the stand for an hour. Heard deer around me before light. Getting a light sprinkle.
  6. I have the mid weight Rocky stuff for above 30 degrees. You can get it at Walmart. It works great. I have the heavy weight stuff for the winter too. I love the stuff, and its a ton less expensive than the Under Armor base layers.
  7. Id go with the 2-7. Im not 100% on the eye relief numbers, but I can imagine it would have to do with what power the scope is set on at the time. Someone else will have the answer for you on that though.
  8. You dont see the bow laying on the deer? LOL Parma is SZ, bow only right now.
  9. The funny thing is I got sick almost the exact same time frame last year. Odd. So yesterday, I grabbed the Nyquil caps, got home, popped them, hopped in bed at around 6pm and there I stayed, sound asleep till 5am today. I am up and popped a couple of Dayquil caps and I feel great! I cant wait to get into my stand!
  10. So here is what I programmed ours for. 5am till 8am weekdays - 66 8am till 4pm weekdays - 60 4pm till 11pm weekdays - 66 6am till 11pm weekends - 66 11pm till 6am weekends - 60 You dont want to drop the temp too much when you arent home, you will lose efficiency if you have to heat too much at once.
  11. Hey now theres an idea! I do have a nicely chilled bottle of Crown in my freezer.
  12. That sounds like a great time in the stand to me!
  13. Youre more than welcome to watch it for me, as long as its through a pair of high power Binos lol Dont worry, Ill be out there! BTW, I was headed over to my Dad's the other day for something (cant remember why now) and as I passed the field that my stand sits on, there was 2 nice big does hanging out with 2 fawns not 15 yards from the stand, and in a shooting lane no less. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes lol.
  14. Yeah Ill probably have one of the hunting channels on when I go to sleep later today.
  15. I agree, it belongs on the forum. No apologies needed though. A topic is easy enough to split lol.
  16. Right, the magic deer that are unable to starve, even if they eat all of the available food and no longer have anything to eat. BTW, Western NY was apparently an extreme location back in the 80s and 90s lol.
  17. Overpopulation causes lack of food. Lack of food causes malnutrition. Malnutrition causes starvation. Overpopulation can happen in ANY environment if the animal numbers are not controlled. Come on man, you cant be that stupid.
  18. Oh hell no, I took time off of work to hunt. There no way Im staying in tomorrow, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I plan on picking up some Nyquil on my way home and taking it as soon as I get home today. Hopefully some good sleep will have me ready to go in the morning!
  19. Ahhhhh, the old, compare lean venison to fatty beef tactic. ;D Entertainment at its best.
  20. Heres one example.... http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10370_12150_12220-26946--,00.html and another.... http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22667148.html more... http://www.suwanneeriverranch.com/WTinfo.htm want me to continue?
  21. Are you serious? You are really saying that if deer overburden their environment and eat all available food (that has nutritional value), that they are not going to starve? Man, those whitetails are supernatural creatures, right? :
  22. It started on Saturday morning, my throat was feeling raw as can be. Then Sunday night when I got home, it really started kicking in. Fever, sore throat, sinuses plugged, achy all over, the whole 9 yards. Ive been barreling through work for the past 3 days in hopes that the cold will be getting better before Thursday (tomorrow), because thats when my first 4 day weekend for hunting starts. I couldnt breathe last night, so I got about an hour or two worth of sleep and today I just feel like I want to slump over into a pile. I hope I have enough energy tomorrow to wake up for the morning hunt. I have changed my plans around a bit and will hunt my ladder stand tomorrow morning instead of going up in my climber like I wanted to. Maybe Ill have enough energy to do the climber thing in the afternoon. I just hope I can gather up enough strength to draw my bow if a deer comes in lol.
  23. Looks like the jacket will be here tomorrow. Woohoo! ;D
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