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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. As some of you may know, my fiance and I found out a few months back that we will be having a baby. We were both pulling for it to be a boy and we got our wish! Now that Ill have 1 of each model, its time to go see Dr Stop! LOL. No really, his name is Dr Stop.
  2. I dont know. Thats just what they told us when we picked up the camping permits.
  3. We use a FoxPro mostly, but I picked up one of the mini phantom predator calls and it works pretty good too. FoxPros are by far the best, but they are pricey.
  4. Could be the blades came out on the BH.
  5. I thought it was illegal to store anything on public land, including a treestand or blind. I have friends that I go to their "camp" with most years, their camp is basically parking campers up on state land that they have been hunting for years and years. His father has hunted there for over 50 years. We have been told by the encon officers up there that we had to remove our stands when we left. As long as we were camping on the land, etc, they could be up, but we had to take them with us when we left. Otherwise, they could be confiscated because it would be considered storing items on the land. Just what I have been told.
  6. Oh please, youre just trying to make excuses for breaking the law or saying that breaking the law is ok by you. People like yourself are the ones that ruin hunting for the rest of us that follow the rules. Who is the first hunter the anti points a finger at? The one that breaks the law. Who is the hunter that causes non hunting landowners to post up their property? The one that breaks the law. You and the other guy that said he would break the law by using his wife's tags in this thread are prime examples of the kind of people we do not need in this sport. If you were my neighbor, or I knew who you are and I knew you used your wifes tag, Id call the DEC on you at the drop of a hat.
  7. Climbers dont damage the tree. They scrape the bark a little, but thats not damaging.
  8. My new cold weather camo will be here Friday, and Im getting my Encore out again to run a few more rounds through it this weekend. I still have to get my hang on stand up. I hate daylight savings time.
  9. Sounds like a call to the DEC might be in order.
  10. Nice! I bet he might shoot one out of it this year, youd be surprised how quick deer can get used to structures. Might just not be until the later part of the season though.
  11. You are correct, 1 buck (antlers over 3") in early bow.
  12. Would you be able to just swap out the nocks in your old arrows or are they glued in? I wouldnt be too afraid of swapping the string out if they can get it done quick. You can have it sighted back in within an afternoon. I still would stay away from box stores. I am just speaking from experience. Ask around the area, Im sure there is a reputable local shop. Ive overheard the guys in the archery dept talking about stuff at that particular BPS before and I wouldnt let them touch my bow. I actually bought my daughter's bow there, and took it to my local shop to get setup.
  13. The rack on the buck I have mounted looks very similar to Bubba's deer. Dark on the bases and light up at the tips. All of the bucks in my area look like that as well.
  14. I have never had any luck with scents except for making mock scrapes. This year I decided to try them again after not using them for 5 or 6 years. I picked up a spray bottle of "Peak of Estrous" Doe scent from my local shop. Its a scent made by North Country Whitetails, a local deer farm. It stinks to high heaven. I have had zero luck with it so far.
  15. Dont take your bow into Bass Pro Shops, they are a 2nd rate shop at best. Find a local, reputable shop to take it to. They will be more of a help.
  16. You dont have to stop hunting, youre allowed to hand write one temporarily.
  17. Im surprised too, but why would anyone diss a crossbow? The crossbow didnt shoot the deer statue, the moron that fired it did. It would be like dissing guns for a shooting.
  18. Are back tags really that much of a pain to wear? I have never lost one. Knock on wood.
  19. Right, but real ribs are much better tasting than those processed pork patties.
  20. Sorry to hear that. Theres always next year, right?
  21. Right lol. thats around 1/5 of the calories you should be consuming in an entire day if you dont want to gain weight lol. Now check the fat content and complex carbohydrates and the real picture of how bad it is for you really reveals itself.
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