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arrow nocker

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Everything posted by arrow nocker

  1. We removed 4 buckets when we reposted it before i took it over.Found a spot where some dirt bag sat there and left a bag full of budwiser cans and soda bottles and a bunch of candy wrappers and snack wrappers.Left the chair there and everything.It was a mess.I will get it cleaned up after season when i aint lugging in and out gear.Found a rock where they left a cushion and a bunch of bush cans.So this evidence shows its more than one person. I think i can eradicate this situation tho.They Know my presence is in there now. And i know that a lott of people search the forums weather they are tresspassers or not.This time of year people are searching the web to see what kind of bucks are being taken in their area.More than you might think.Its a one month fad for some people.Some people just hunt gun and usually just put a few days in.They depend on drives and hunt in groups.Then they talk the hunt talk when hanging around other people.Seen it many times.These are the guys i usually had problems with on another parcel i used to hunt.They like to drive the posted land with some younger guys and have some shooters of on thier land.Then when you catch the driver on your land he says "i was lost.sorry.wont do it again."mean while they are dragging out that 5pt you passed on during archery. Don't get me wrong.I ain't stereotyping.There is more etiquette hunters out there than slob(i hope).Just know how the slobs can act.I have know many through my years.Some like to brag about that buck they shot on the neighbor track.hell.....hahaha.one night had a guy brag about hiding from dec and gutting a deer in the dark.Ya.......wanna join my hunt camp?hahahaha Any how no i am just venting.
  2. I got a couple.But i have them on the deer trails.They probably see them cause they are in lock boxes.
  3. even 12 feet can kill ya.Most of us hunt 15 to 20.Must be harnessed up!!! too bad for family.
  4. Well it really is a fact of frustrated with people that think they can hunt anything that wasn't posted before.Now it is posted and they don't care.They still want to hunt it.I had a guy bust me up on a 4pt. yesterday.He came into my bleat then took off.then walla.here comes mister hunter hiding his face with his balcava. Yep.it is BS. BTW i woulda passed the 4pt but i like to have them around me so i can experiment with movements and calls and such.
  5. Don't do it.I ain't giving second chances.I pay a lot to hunt this land.Put a lot of time in to scouting and controlling my scent.I put a lot into my entry and exit of my area with controlling my scent and sounds,so the deer aren't spooked out or get a pattern. I aint taking your silly excuses like i am looking for my buddies stand,lost track of the boundries,"oh this is posted?",I "had" permission last yr,Im tracking a deer,and so on. I have DEC and OC sheriffs office in speed dial.If you hide your back tag i will take a picture of your face for them. If you don't have blood on you arrow STAY OFF MY LEASE!!!OR PAY THE JUDGE!!!!! If you are LEGIT tracking a deer......Show me the bloody arrow and i will help. During gun season..................DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!! I have my 12 yr old there hunting with a bow. Stay out...........You will be charged with trespassing even if you are tracking a wounded deer.No excuses during gun.You should be a better shot.sorry.If you need to Call the land owner.His name is on the posted signs!
  6. That was me this morning.the "BRANCH"But i saw the branch and i couldn't get a clean shot.It walked right toward me instead of into the clean shot zone.Then at 8 yrs he looked up at me and took off.Two more steps and i would have had a kill zone shot.If i would have ducked down lower when i was drawd i coulda have got him in the heart at about 17 yards,.But i was gambling on him walking left instead of coming to me.The vanilla i sprayed on the leaves is what messed it up.He was following the scent.LOL.He was and ugly rack kinda but would have been my biggest.But i aint a trophy hunter.I am glad in a way he didn't present that shot tho.Next yr he will be impressive with that split brow tine if he makes it.
  7. im in 7a and they are going good.Called in 2 with the bleat can.a little 4pt.(i think.tresspasser chased him off.) and a really funky 6 or 7 with split brow tines.He had a really ugly rack.LOL.tall and tight.
  8. i havn't seen nothing till these last 3 days.I had a lott of time on watch too.They are moving how.be in the woods and you will see something.i know 6k is hard to hunt.I have hunted there before and usually go there about 5 times a yr.l always see some deer.Only ever seen one buck and a button but i am on the move too.Maybe if i was to scout it harder i would find a good run to set stand. Hell.my son shot a nice 8pt buck up in 6k his first 3hrs ever in the woods.They are there.If you don't have private parcels to hunt you just have to put some time in those woods. And just cut that tree with a chain saw and be done with it.
  9. way to geter done with out letting the finger get you down.
  10. I will be.I am shutting my phone off every day.I will have to leave a couple times to go pick up my 12 yr old.But just to take him to the woods too.
  11. I actually hove one like you have Elmo.But the steel model.Got it on sale from dicks for like 80 bucks.Ya,it is a tank.The aluminum one is about same size just lighter.I leave mine in the woods all season at the bottom of a tree so if i get off work and want a quick hunt i can sneak in and climb it up.No one has stole it cause i think they dont want to carry it out.Haha.
  12. missed an 8 first year and a 8 the following year.Same tree,same shot,same spot.Just different bows each year.Then i took two last year.Both kill shots,spot on.With second bow.I don't even care for gun season.I like the challenge.I am addicted.I take out my 50 cal hawkins during gun.
  13. you are cutting those the exact right length for your draw right? Nota good idea to be using cracked arrows.
  14. arrow nocker


    you get what you pay for.
  15. They came back again.I was about 150 yards from the last spot they roosted.I was about to use one of my rage 2.3's on one of the gobblers if he cam close enough.They just went on their way away from me.So i decided i would just leave and get out of the rain.Too bad i wan't big into turkey hunting.Those things are in there like Mad.
  16. Sometimes that's the best hunt.Just walk in and decide,Hey......I think i am going to sit here.Make a little blind then hang out.I do this alot during gun season.I can't hunt out of a stand during gun.Just get the feeling i need to be in a different spot.If i am walking i will find a spot and just make a little blind or pull out my poncho and hang it with my paracord to make a little blind. Thats waht hunting is all about.
  17. What does that titan weigh?My summit open shooter with the straps off a hiking bag i put on it, i can carry it for ever with my rain gear straped to it and my jacket slung over top that has all my gear n the pockets.
  18. All i can do is follow the law and try to be on the look out.You are never going to stop the antler addiction.Im happy with a 6pt shot with my bow.Don't understand why someone would wanna hang a rack on the wall they illegally got?
  19. Nice buck.Too bad it went down like that.
  20. whats the worse could happen.Smell like rotting flesh?I may try mine this week.Put one blowing over the beddin in one spot and one blowing over the bedding in another.then just sit in between.
  21. The tip,and now that.OMG.that finger was meant for some serious damage.Ya,that isn't some easy recovery.
  22. Havn't burnt but maybe 3 arm fulls of wood so far.Crazy.last yr was warm but it was different.It was hot for a while then like 3 days it was pretty cold,then warm again for a while.This year it is just warm enough i don't have to start a fire but cold enough i have to snuggle up to momma.Kinda nice while on watch but sweating on the way in stinks(literally) and the deer just aren't keen of it. This weekend will get some of this 20 cord i have stacked burnt.Like maybe 4 arm fulls.(LOL)
  23. one area could be on fire.While the other area could be dull.Plain and simple.from holloween till 3rd week in november be in the woods as MUCH as possible.
  24. Indians used to never think of the hunt before the hunt cause they thought the deer could hear them think.(so i was told from my grandma).So ya,they can read minds.
  25. the 2.3 Xtreems come with just the shock collar.I loved my 2 blade so i saw these and said hell ya.I think the shock collar is just made in china like every thing else.Maybey i should wast one and try it in my target.But then again,what if it shoots fine but another one is bunk.IDK.
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