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Everything posted by sbuff

  1. Went white water rafting on the sacandaga River wow that was a pretty good rush . My 9 year old will differ and she thought we were going over board a few times . I'll admit I thought she was going over if I didn't have hold of her life vest. First time doing it , I'd recommend it
  2. Someone looks to be about ready to get a nice upper right hand. Looks great won't take long to warm that up. 24'?
  3. I love it when I can go two weeks with out mowing
  4. Yes memorial day of 21 that electric fire place bailed us out . It has a fan blower in it too . It had to be 80 in the trailer I was roasting. We used it to dry clothes we were all soaked . Made make shift tarp for cooking and salvaging any type of outside activity with kids . They were troopers. They all wanted to leave early but toughed it out . By far our coldest memorial day . I usually bring my little honda generator no matter what just in case power goes out. This trip i forgot it , storms rolled by yesterday and I got nervous power would go out. I may buy a champion duel fuel inverter generator in near future .
  5. For lawz and turkey feathers
  6. Nice pop up, we started in tents, then pop ups then to the 28 footer size as our family grew . Great set up. Moho81 this is the fireplace that keeps us warm at the start and end of the seasons. Last memorial day it was 48 degrees when we went
  7. sbuff

    Powder Prices

    Powder across the board is in short supply and if found at $$$ higher then it should be . Hate to say it makes me hold back a little on shooting
  8. I'm away but mine usually comes right after the 4th
  9. Yea i agree on getting higher payload. I get sale flyers from dealer all the time l will pm you the next one I get .
  10. Whats your tow vehicle now , our camping crew has 1/2s but we added air bags to theirs and mine. Makes a world of difference with the weight distribution set up. And thanks grampy it was much needed break from the grind
  11. Expensive for sure but by far best sites in nys.
  12. We made the mistake of buying a 2019 jayco 28' with out bump out . Two years later bought current 28' with bump out . 100% worth the added cost. I made the mistake in 2019 saying we didn't need it. Wife made me eat crow in 21. We actually got it in March of 20 the day before albany rv shut down due to covid. Being a 21 and getting in 20 it was like we got a year free value wise or so I tell myself. Wife got electric fireplace which has been huge for early and late season camping. I'd rather use campground electric then my own propane to heat all day long . Upgraded to 15k AC which comes in handy on dog days of summer . Tows like a dream with my 3/4 ton chevy 2500hd. Just turned 55k on the ole girl . Not bad for a 2002 garage queen . For our family of 4 its size wise perfect . Two other camper family's have similar 28' with bump and they too are happy . https://forestriverinc.com/rvs/travel-trailers/aurora/28BHS/5311
  13. If anyone else is at moose this week shoot me a pm. Plenty of ice cold beer and food . The added sounds of a 11 and 9 year old girl is free entertainment. Breakfast of champions
  14. Come on kid you ought to know better .....
  15. Finally a week with no softball, got a 5 day break from the games and work, took a trip to moose hill lock in lake George.
  16. I'd say that sounds correct . Only my thoughts of course. People are buying pitted omega muzzleloaders for 400 to even 500 . Granted they may only want the action for a smokeless build but they were not that much new . That's only one example
  17. Don't take this the wrong way but you should know the value of guns you have . Gun prices are sky high on gun broker ,it blows my mind what people are paying for guns these days. That's even in piss poor condition.
  18. Works like a charm https://intheswim.com/p/in-line-chlorinator-cl200---9lb-chlorine-capacity/16208.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_content={16591018468}_{}_{}&utm_term={16208}&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzqSWBhDPARIsAK38LY9Yh_XjxW3MqxS2LsqksHlxXE7l9BGUrBG58LqHJizA5BktRcA1CRQaAqRjEALw_wcB
  19. That's like finding gold these days
  20. Mines 30' so its on the bigger side of above ground pools . I'll add I get a new winter cover every two years because they dry out and rip.
  21. I may be Odd man out but maintaining a pool couldn't be easier . Three tablets every Saturday morning in chlorinator and clean if needed every couple weeks . Maybe it helps my wife and kids and half of the street are in it daily. Its 84 now in it . Check with test strip and all 4 categories are spot on. Add water as needed now and then .
  22. So to my understanding since I'm one with a ccw in Albany County I'm going to recertify before 8/31/22 to then allow 3 years before I have to certify again on paper or live fire .
  23. I have a dolphin robotic cleaner but more often then not I use this pool blaster. Works great . https://www.amazon.com/s?k=pool+blaster+max+li&adgrpid=55468167305&gclid=CjwKCAjwq5-WBhB7EiwAl-HEkmfxR7tJONJ9vQwWl-7Fx43mARKAq0wfpVD9oi9zCxwSWjO5sWTfPxoChjMQAvD_BwE&hvadid=274673097594&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9004664&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9836736275351414328&hvtargid=kwd-315031013180&hydadcr=4064_9615877&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_918quxmdic_e
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