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dinorocks last won the day on November 2 2022

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About dinorocks

  • Birthday 08/25/1969

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  • Interests
    Primitive archery, geology, fly fishing, canoeing, flintlock, trapping, gardening, primitive skills, maple syrup, camping

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  • Hunting Gun
    12 gauge 870, Flintlock 50 cal
  • Bow
    47# rattlesnake-backed Osage selfbow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Hi Robby- thanks for your response! I would love to meet up sometime to chat! Do you still shoot your selfbows? We have a “not too formal” primitive rendezvous at my archery club (Hawkeye Bowmen) in April…if interested, I’ll send you details. Lots of cool events and typically there are bow making clinics.
  2. Thought I would share a couple videos that my good friend @OldBrianmade of the deer I harvested the other day as well as the bow I used to harvest it. Brian is quite the videographer and we have fun putting these together…I hope you enjoy them. Also, please do not hesitate to ask questions regarding the gear that I make…I would be happy to steer you in the right direction if you were ever interested in making your own archery equipment. As mentioned in the video, it is extremely satisfying to harvest game with equipment made by your own hands. Take care, Dino
  3. This guy was on a mission a few minutes ago…cannot wait to see the video!
  4. Yes, all my equipment was made by hand (although I wasn’t using my stone point…Zwickey). Crazy angle now that I see it from the inside…the deer was literally above me…arrow went in low and out high…always a first! I still cannot believe he didn’t know I was there!
  5. Success! From my angle, the shot went in low and out high.
  6. Was sitting just upstream of the mouth of a very small draw. I saw a sapling on the hill right above me moving around. I got ready and the deer walked down the hill right to me. I stayed extremely still and squinted my eyes. When it turned broadside at 8 feet, I took my shot. Very exciting!! I heard some splashing…hopefully from a beaver and not the deer crossing the creek. In the photo, I’m pointing my bow where I was sitting…I’m standing where the deer walked down the hill…the deer stepped over the log to the right of the yellow beach branches (the front of my blind). Unfortunately I wasn’t nocking my stone point…was using a two blade zwickey with my selfbow.
  7. Hey Treeguy…I inquired on the 2.75…if it works out for both of us, we can brainstorm on picking them up.
  8. Jay, I know a guy who would be happy to help you put up the coyote ;-) …although it might be getting a bit ripe by now…I could also help you clean the skull…I’ll be in skull prep mode soon for someone else…keep me posted! (Hopefully any deer you stick don’t run that way) Good luck!!
  9. Same one I use…love it! Try coating the cube steaks in pan searing flour first…best thing ever!
  10. Sick rattlesnake bow! On top of the hand knapped broadhead Thanks! And my wive wove my basket quiver. Hoping to get close enough!
  11. Ha! I don’t think it would open properly using my selfbow!
  12. Good luck recovering the deer and congratulations x2 Tacks! I’m feeling positive vibes that I’ll have an opportunity this evening!
  13. Two buck fighting a few minutes ago…scarred off by a couple coyote (note time stamp). I’ll need to fix that on October 25! Hopefully after work I can get back in my ground blind. Good luck to those in the woods this morning!!
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