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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Stop deflecting from the topic belo . You are not fooling anyone.
  2. Yep it's a doggy dog world the dogs have more rights then people now. Crazy
  3. I have been to Jamaica all I saw was lots of wild goats and chickens along the roads .
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.stabroeknews.com/2019/news/regional/jamaica/01/27/us-hunters-looking-for-permission-to-hunt-deer-on-jamaica/amp/
  5. I read someplace saying the The swamp fears the Clintons they still have popularity . She is forced to run it's the only way she can keep all the Cronies from talking about her crimes . They don't speak out against them because they are scared she will win and make there lives miserable. Look what happen to trump when he want after her .
  6. Exactly after you get so many guns sometimes you just want to experiment with something different just for the hell of it . If I do much deer hunting with that particular gun will see, I want it anyway . im always looking for new ones even if I don't need anymore it's a addiction.
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/27/politics/inside-politics-forecast-cnntv/index.html Hillary Clinton tells friends she's leaving 2020 door open
  8. Crows they say have the intelligence of a chimp more or less yes there smart they also can recognize the faces of different humans they remember.
  9. That's just crazy so if a women 1 day before or after the baby is do . Gets into a fight with there husband boyfriend they can just kill the baby to get even ? Talk about cold hearted crap . I don't like abortion but if someone has one at least do it before the baby is formed .
  10. The pistol caliber versions are lighter and I just like the looks of it better then the 45/70 version that Taylor makes . I'm not in places where you can get shots past 70 80 yards anyway . I have other hunting guns for that . Even if I don't hunt with it all the time I want one anyway just like the looks of it . https://www.google.com/search?q=alaskan+takedown+44+mag&safe=off&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjt2K2uuY3gAhXITd8KHZciDDgQ_AUoAnoECA0QAg&biw=360&bih=512&dpr=4
  11. Samon with mushrooms and artichokes. Upside down
  12. Don't trust the new Marlins since Remington took over but yea they look nice .
  13. Which is better in a lever gun for big game 45 colt or 44 mag ? Thinking about getting a lever gun the biggest caliber the model im looking at the Alaskan , comes in is those two , Which is better ? .
  14. I hope chef sal monella is not working that night
  15. The dems are very good at handouts with other people's money until the check comes and we are all stuck paying the bill .
  16. So who has eaten at this place anyone here ?
  17. I'm not to far from new heaven line , I guess I would have to go all the way to the city to change to the Hudson line probably take for ever . I guess it would depend on how many beers I have in me
  18. Why socialism does not work , just imagine trying to feed all the wild animals on you property , at first you maybe able to but eventually the animals will over populate that area and you will never be able to keep you game feeder full . Eventually you will go broke from artificially tampering with wild animals lives , And they will either starve to death or migrate over the border to your neighbors land and most will loose there ability to take care of themselves in the wild . This basically describes the migration of illegals from one country to the other around the world Governments with socialist programs basically create the conditions that create over population and people that are unable to take care of themselves making them poorer and poorer in the long run as those populations grow and the government losses its ability to feed so many people . Just like You can feed only so many wild animals on your land , a government can only take care of so many people before they go broke you see it time and time again all over the world . That's why these systems always collapse over time and the people in them eventually become poorer and poorer you can see this right now in Venezuela.
  19. Don't know how much power they are going to get in upstate NY from solar , see them when I was out west near Las Vegas in the desert I think they take up lots of space for little energy production and that's even in the desert , I guess time will tell . Nothing wrong with them experimenting with it I guess .
  20. I have a feeling most her followers on social media are 13 year old girls . I often wonder How does one have access to all the knowledge of the internet on ones smart phone and not figure out that socialism does not work ? Has not worked in any country that it's been tried and the more of it they try the worse country's have become because of it . But this nitwit ran on that and won, Sad
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