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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Yea, deer That is another thing if I play around with that trying to figure out what is safe act legal I guess i need a fixed mag lower first ?
  2. Been thinking of getting a AR but in something with more power then 223 for hunting Noticed they make many different barrels/ calibers that work with the AR platform . Besides .223 Do they work good . Which one of them would be best for big game hunting 458 Socom ? anybody here mess around with the different barrels / calibers you can use with them . Do they work right . Does accuracy or reliability suffer ?
  3. Yes true but to them it really is there country as there family owned it for about 1000 years
  4. All of the royals are into hunting the father and grandfather and even the Queen all hunt big time . Hunting was originally the sport of Kings
  5. Someone should invite Oprah on a hunting trip get her on are side the left would definitely cut there crap real fast
  6. Acually it would be good for the sport if Harry could get her to go hunting with him the left would maybe shut the f up about hunting and maybe guns in General if we got some popular women afro American celebrity into the sport of hunting .
  7. It is the producers and writers that make shows like that work . They could put anyone in shows like that and make that demographic watch as long as there half way good looking .
  8. The wedding kind of reminded me of the church scene in The Blues Brothers https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PKKVVnKjr2g
  9. Probably the same people that watch the Kardashians that is who .
  10. There is chatter that it is a fake wedding that Harry is doing this as a PR stunt to make money for the family that reportedly is going broke Who knows
  11. Actually I heard Harry hunts but the girl is against hunting peta type so he stopped going on hunting trips
  12. O so that is what happen. All at once it went from total com to windy like hell for 5 10 minutes sounded like a train passed by .
  13. I would use them but for practice only use new ones for hunting. As others have said
  14. Chipmonk said the mouse taste like chicken so why not
  15. Take a deep breath and except the fact that dealing with other hunters on land you don't have exclusive rights to is part of the game .
  16. Nothing beats a genetically farm raised animal for meat . Deer is ok but not my first choice for meat .
  17. Actually more about having to drive up to the range 40 min drive just to test them . But I grow up kinda of poor got a few bucks now 30 years later but fear of being poor always in back of my head keeps you from waisting money if i dont have to even if its, not logical Especially when they tax the living crap out of you . I plan for the worst and hope for the best .. Just like you do when you go big woods hunting .
  18. Changing brand of ammo on a hunting rifle will it effect accuracy enough that you should site in your scope for a particular ammo every time you change before you hunt . Just wondering if I change ammo will it make a big enough difference that it could cause me to miss ? I always have used the same brand ammo at the range that I use for hunting. But I just got some different stuff I would like to try out . before the deer season I will try it out at the range more then likely anyway but my question is could it really change point of impact enough that I would miss a, deer at 100 yards ? What kind of difference have you gotten from one brand to another.
  19. The money for the ticket will be less then if you have to pay a lawyer so unless you have a bad record its not worth it either pay up or just plead not guilty and make a excuse or ask for a break on the fine .
  20. I usally leave all my hunting gear in the trunk all the time . Except weapons and ammo .
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