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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Not for me really since I know the best ones are far away from me and I probably not going to.get a chance to get there this year , I know it's going to be asked by someone else again figure I just start a thread , makes easier for guys that don't have the patience to search for old threads on here .besides things change from year to year what's good few years back doesn't necessarily mean it is good now .
  2. Oh I know that's why I didn't bother asking specific names of state land just General area units.
  3. Greek dish called Aegean platter it's made up of spinach pie lamb rice something else that kinda like eggplant parmesan with goat cheese I think . Anyway it was good Greek place in Tarrytown on the corner of the main strip . And bizz they make great lamb chops over there
  4. That is what I saw on there last time I checked . Sucks I never got a chance to go look around those areas .
  5. Which wildlife management unit has the best hunting when hunting public land ? This got to get asked every year probably,
  6. Have not had a chance yet either been busy or it's been to warm to go don't like hunting in 80 degree weather .
  7. Salmon with chili teriyaki sauce I think it was it was at city limits Diner in White Plains I don't know but the fries are really good usually when I go A little pricey for what it is so I don't go much .
  8. The one bee was dead and it was eating at its head area . Maybe CPR lol
  9. Anyone ever see this before bee eating a bee one was dead and the other one looked like it was eating it
  10. Truck drives like a truck that they try and blame it on you is crazy . What do they think you are driving a sports car . No way you could avoid that if he just jumped out in front of you like that with that type of truck .
  11. The whole thing is a joke if co2 was such a threat it would BE cheaper and easier To just make carbon capture machines to suck the CO2 out of the air but then al gore would be out of a job now wouldn't he .
  12. You should check out sestri Levante just down the road from there
  13. Never crossed my mind to ask I dought they would allow it . But that's a good idea , thanks for some other places I can think of I may try that .
  14. Yep , My dads been in rehab ,had knee replacement. And on the property I see deer all over the place but there is no way to get to them no hunting around there . Most of Westchester is like that more or less . You don't need bait just access and patience.
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