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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I hope you are not planning to run for office black face is not PC .
  2. No excuses get out there you got the best spots in the county to hunt
  3. I really wish I didn't click on that link . Wow unreal to live through that.
  4. Same goes for weschester and the ones up north from 3n i never get parked out
  5. During the week you will never have a problem finding a spot at least I never have . On Weekends sometimes you may have to park down the road or something but I have never not been to any of those places in 3n and not found a parking spot maybe not in the exact place I wanted to park so you have to walk more but no big deal . Only anoyoning thing about public is it seems like you always find someone hunting in the very place you want to hunt in the woods .
  6. Cool dairy , are you planning to hunt that state land or opting out . Here's my diary went to the closest place to home yesterday, I saw nothing yesterday the 5 guys that also hunted where I was at also saw nothing today I drove by this morning nobody there why ? Because it's all hunted out . Just my theory . Plenty of time left to go farther up state to spot B then c d e and f if I get a chance .
  7. I wonder if you could born all the skin off in a fire instead of boiling it , or this way . Or born then boil it so it is less of gross mess to deal with maybe .
  8. San Francisco Mayor Orders City Officials Not to Interfere with NRA Business https://www.nationalreview.com/news/san-francisco-mayor-orders-city-officials-not-to-interfere-with-nra-business/
  9. Dude you wouldn't say something like that if they were standing in front of you so don't say it on here . Think a little guy.
  10. You having a bad day or something no personal attacks, Remember.
  11. You should get kick out of this video talks about this stuff funny as heck.
  12. It's like the lottery anytime you eat out brother even a expensive restaurant can get you sick.
  13. The next morning they said and her friend both of them . And correction Just emailed him. Said it was at ruth chris
  14. No different then most restaurants I would imagine someone was telling me they got sick after eating at that fancy steak house in white plains just the other day the one next to cheesecake factory and dicks I'm sure you know it . The Best food comes from home .
  15. Hopefully I see you around out there and you can help drag one out , Or vice a versa I will do the same for you .
  16. More like you don't know and want me to tell you and I'm not except to say there all over hunted . That's why first chance I get I'm going up to the middle of nowhere to hunt .
  17. Seriously you have no clue i know every place in Westchester and Putnam don't no why you think i wouldn't no them all since I been hunting here longer then you. what ever you read you misread it obviously. I ask about best in state not in my back yard .
  18. Yea I have unless it has no parking at all I have been there and how did the ladder boys get there if that was the case helicopter:)
  19. The left hijacked environmental issues to promote there aganda. Let's take climate change for example, If true why not support things like carbon capture technology more . Because then they wouldn't have the power to force people to change what they eat and drive it's all about control . That is why you never here them talk about it ..
  20. That's what I figured now I definitely recognized those ladder stands . Over there almost guaranteed anyplace deer run someone will be there on opening day at 4am the can be good only if you can get there before everyone else . Or if one guy jumps them in your direction from the other side it's like gambling.
  21. Sounds good wolf but I don't consider that something strange to do Before the season but I guess Times are changing.
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