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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. No but I saw the actual spot it's just as bad and was left like that for years . Right after they fixed it they know they mess up it's a village park only residents can go there . All they want is for them to pay the medical bills and the glasses they broke that's all they don't want to get rich off this pass to get in .
  2. For wanting them to pay there medical Bill's? They don't want any money except to pay for medical Bill's and there glasses that got broke you can guarantee when one of the village workers gets hurt on public park property they pay them. Not like they even want to sue . There insurance is supposed pay with out issue for things like that.
  3. I bring mine to give to the local Chinese restaurant they make soup with it .
  4. Side walk suppose to be level by code . That's the point of them . They collect millions in tax and don't even bother to fix the most basic of things how much does it take to patch a side walk in a park give me a break and this is in Westchester high tax area . And to add insult to injury they don't even offer to pay for the medical Bill's . Give you the run around and force you to get a lawyer .
  5. My dad has had those says they are poor eating mushroom not worth to pick .
  6. The second ones have eaten before never new the exact name my dad always picked them I'm pretty sure I have had the first ones before also never new the name , says online those honey are good but you have to really cook them well done or you can get sick .
  7. Any one know the name of these mushrooms?
  8. When I was there last they just passed a law that said you need to buy a license to pick mushrooms Be careful .
  9. She probably doesn't care if she loses again , Clinton Foundation needs those donors to survive. She will run again just to keep the so called charity running there is big money in it for her to run and Clintons are all about the $$$$$$
  10. Yea but the big dem donors love the hilderbeast And that's all that matters don't be surprised if she jumps in last minute.
  11. Ok here is the story someone I know fell in a town park on the side walk that was uplifted by tree roots they fell on there face broke there glasses cut up there nose knee pretty bad . Called cops and ambulance right away they took the person to the hospital . Now there getting medical Bill for it talk to village they give insurance info file claim Then 2 months later insurance says there not paying because nobody filed a complaint before hand about that side walk being mess up . Unreal . They have picture of it and police report. It is not like the roots magically pushed up the side walk overnight . Now this person probably going to have to sue and then it's going to cost them 10 × more now go figure. They said the insurance lady said that is the law they have in new york . I know that can't be right . Or is it ? Or maybe that just protects the insurance depending on what is in the village insurance policy .
  12. There is not Westchester is bow only Putnam is shotgun they don't count I was asking about rifle zones That's what I ment when I said no place near me .
  13. Nope not saying at least not publicly those are good spots and I would like to keep it that way .
  14. Or I know something about digital photography that you don't and GPS and cell phones and terrain hmm 007
  15. Because he told me the general area he hunts and I have been to all of them and there are only so many spots like that in Westchester . This is not the catskills you know .
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/i-can-beat-him-again-hillary-clinton-teases-2020-run%3f_amp=true
  17. I wouldn't be surprised well that is if she and Obama and the rest of them don't go to jail first lol
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