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Everything posted by greybeard

  1. .I've shot and ate old squaw( a sea duck) they're awful, in my opinion.. I'd try them different ways when I'd get one... I think that even a Brant tastes better I got some spots where I used to hunt for them in the regular duck season.. They have the greatest call.... and I love the look of the drake with that long tail....It's the only specie of sea duck I ever shot, or ate . I've been looking for migrating ducks where I've been fishing on the north shore( I haven't been to the south shore in a few weeks) and haven't seen many yet.. only one hen bufflehead so far...
  2. Shawn.. IF I ever do go would be my pleasure
  3. Shawnhu.. Thank you for the offer...but I think if I go I'll use my air rifle it's 800 fps and has done a good job.. I used to use the Crosman 99, lever action, and it did a good job, but it doesn't meet the requirements in NYS...
  4. I used to see a lot of black squirrels one town over from me on L.I., but haven't seen them there for a while now. Last year I went to a social event(a rarity for me), which was in Astoria, Queens(NYC) and saw loads of Black Squirrels.. more then I've ever seen in one place..I seem to recall seeing some in the Bronx too. .Isn't it called something like the melanistic stage, or something like that when a grey squirrel is black ??? I had a mounted one years ago, but needed his tail for some flys and lures, and his fur for dubbing on the flys so I chopped it up.. The tail and fur worked good and I got a bunch of trout, but now I wish I kept the squirrel... I've shot a few raccoons years back that were pretty yellow, but never thought of them as blond...I'm not sure if that's what's meant by a blond raccoon though..
  5. Thanks Predate..I appreciate the words.. I wonder why that I can't remember what day it is, or where my keys are , but I can remember about crows.
  6. "IF" I remember correctly, there is a Treaty with Mexico and the U.S. agreed to limit the amount of days that crow hunting would be allowed..Each State was allowed to regulate how they would fit the crow hunting into those amount of days.. N.Y. chose to do it this way.. I think that in Mexico they protected crows because they ate bugs...Now, it "IS" possible that I am "TOTALLY" wrong since I'm going on memory from some years back.. BUT it does make an interesting story , doesn't it ...I guess I could look it up, but I like my story so I won't. Did you know where crows hang out is called a ..... A crow bar....and that crows are flock birds and when they stick together are velcrow....Sorry, during the decades of being a fanatic crow hunter I researched all that I could about crow hunting I read everything that I could and these were in there.. ...forgive me, I'm old with an odd sense of humor
  7. Thanx Elmo.. You're right about the 1322 it doesn't meet the legal requirements..I just looked it up.. I just ASSUMED that an air pistol, if powerful enough, could be used. I guess I better check that out before I go any further.
  8. Does anyone hunt with air pistols. I have a couple of air rifles a .22 and .177... in years past I took a fair amount of squirrels with the .22 and a couple with the .177 , but was thinking of getting into air pistol hunting .. no real plan.. just thinking... I have two air pistols .. one is a crossman 38c(.22) and the other a crosman 1377 pump (.177)... Many years ago I used the .22 a bit , and remember killing a muskrat one night while fishing and probably some other things that I don't remember. I bought the 1377 a few years ago and mainly used it on frogs upstate ny, also some wasps.. It's really accurate, and when I put on the rifle stock I shoot even better...I did kill one gray squirrel with it , but it took a shot thru the brain to kill it. .I was not happy with it for squirrels.... I am considering the crosman 1322 to use eventually on squirrels ( I have to see if I legally can in NY first I don't know if it has the power to be used legally to hunt with). The 1322 was discontinued , but brought back. I could use the .38c, but would prefer a pump pistol.. If any of you have hunted with air pistols , I was wondering what do you think about it
  9. Congrats Elmo... good job... Luck doesn't always just happen.... The harder you work the luckier you get.. You showed up... You worked for those birds ..... you deserved those birds.. You will relive that hunt for those first pheasants for the rest of your life
  10. I was discussing eating squirrels with a non hunter and was asked ..... Are suburban squirrels safe to eat since most lawns are treated with fertilizers as well as insecticides. I never ate a backyard squirrel, so I guess that I never gave it too much thought. I know that it's a strange question, but wondered if anyone had an idea if the lawn chemicals would taint the meat. The squirrels around here are always digging into peoples lawn and eating whatever....
  11. Good for you...I agree I have been an archery hunter as well as small game hunter so it's not like I'm taking sides. For the archers, there is a benefit to having small game guys in the woods during archery season.. They push the deer.. It's like having a drive. Granted it is not a controlled drive, but they sure can get those deer moving from their beds in the day... There's always a chance that some hunter will unintentionally disrupt another. I've had turkeys answer my calls and were heading my way only to be shot by other hunters before they got to me.. I had it with waterfowl too. Both happened to me more than once..It's just the way it is if you hunt land(or water) with public access. .. As long as we all respect each other there is no reason for friction..Don't we get enough grief from the antis
  12. AARONBLAIN.. I sent you a message thru this site regarding permits and potential spots
  13. AaronBlaine..I liked the club, I'm just not all that social.. but there were some nice guys and I hope you meet guys to hunt with there...Ask them about the small book "Ducks at a Distance"...I don't think you can get it anymore, but maybe they'll know...( It's on the internet too.. but I used to bring the book, in case I saw some in the area and wasn't sure...).. so check if it's gonna be there again this year.. The festival is on the South Shore, "usually" off Ocean Pkwy east of Jones beach at Cedar (The bay side) It's past Tobay and Gilgo).. I'm not sure where it is this year it was a dollar or two to get in.. so check...I've gone a number of times,. They even shoot over the water ( it costs a little , but not sure how much).. they have duck boats (they get judged somehow I think).. Vendors (decoys, calls, books other stuff), a raffle, and I have seen local law enforcement there.. so maybe you'll get some questions answered while you're there.. Don't know if your interested in the festival, but figured I'd just let you know. I CAN help you.. spots( walk in spots too)...etc. I think it's better if we do it by email thru this site...Then you can ask away and if I have an answer I'll forward it to you... Spots..... permits....some town ordinances.. I'll even fill you in on small game spots , if you need to know that too. I was out today chasing bluefish in my kayak and saw my first migrating duck of the year... This is the time the ducks start coming....The brant also very soon...I used to practice calling this time of year in non hunting spots ( I guess you know that there is NO waterfowl hunting allowed in any waters in Huntington) I gotta caution you before you email me.. I'm an old guy and I can be pretty wordy, but I'll try to keep it short.. you gotta let me know if I get too much....I won't be insulted.. Also, I'm not on the computer everyday, so if it takes me a day , or so to get back to you that's the reason why. So think of some questions and fire away ! Remember , I;'m not an expert, but have some experience and knowledge.of waterfowling and have small game hunted on L.I. since the 60's
  14. The Southshore Waterfowlers are having their waterfowl festival in late Oct., with a rain date in November.It's on their website..I don't know if you're interested, but figured I'd pass it on... They apparently had their Duck ID course today.. I took it a few years ago and liked it a lot.. You may want to call them to see if they're going to have another one...I am not a member, but met some nice duck hunters at the duck ID course. I haven't duck hunted in the past few years, but did enjoy some good hunts on Long Island.( One year I hunted almost every weekday during the season). I hope you can team up with a waterfowler... I hunt alone mostly so I taught myself, including calling so I understand why you'd like to go with someone with experience...I did eventually meet other hunters in the marshes and had some great times, and learned from them too. I'm by no means an expert, but would be happy to answer any questions that I can...so you can email me if you'd like. and I'll TRY to help you..
  15. Sitting bull.... If you have some questions I suggest that you contact the Bay Constable's office in the town where you want to hunt....Some towns call them different names..Like, Harbor Master, etc. .... You're probably going to run into them out there so it's best to get the info.before you go. I'd also check the DEC in Stoney Brook ..(.I rarely ran into law enforcement while hunting on L.I. EXCEPT for waterfowl hunting. When I was in the marshes, or on, or near the islands waterfowling I would get checked constantly . I haven't checked yet, but the Southshore Waterfowlers have a Waterfowl Event every year in Oct., or Nov. ( I think Oct.). You can check their website and get the info.. If you go you'll meet a lot of waterfowlers and possibly some Law Enforcement people who can answer your questions.. good luck.
  16. I came back to this topic tonight in hopes of reading informed opinions regarding the forfeiture procedures referred to at the beginning. I am disappointed to see the direction that the discussion has gone. It's too bad because I looked forward to a meaningful debate.. shame on me...This ends this topic for me.
  17. Grouse.. I was addressing Federal forfeiture laws, so when you wrote that the government had too much power, I misunderstood because I thought you meant the Feds. This case was abuse of Local Government authority. So you're right. He worked for a New Jersey prosecutors office and did eventually kill himself. My understanding of this, was that after an individual was arrested for selling cocaine, the Prosecutor, Bissell, made a deal with him and the violator AGREED to forfeit land rather then be prosecuted, which at auction was sold below market value to members of Bissells office.. So, as I wrote above, this is different then the federal forfeiture laws that I was addressing. Again, in this case it was a Local prosecution, and it was an agreement reached with the prosecutor. The man who had been arrested, in fact, contacted the federal government who subsequently arrested the New Jersey Prosecutor for Embezzlement, Tax Fraud, and Abuse of Power. He committed suicide after he fled and was about to be apprehended. The abuse of power was not the Federal Government, and in fact, it was the Federal Government who stepped in and arrested the prosecutor for his violations. Felonious Monk... We disagree on this. It must be a lawful seizure and the person is given the opportunity to fight the seizure. Also, a seizure cannot be made on lawful prescriptions, there has to be a violation of law. So it has absolutely no affect on me and I agree with the forfeiture provision. In my America I want felons prosecuted, and their merchandise seized and forfeited. I want MY government to be HARD on crime.
  18. ANTS...I did some quick checking... so double check me.... If I understand it correctly this delegation to ATF is a trial period of 1 year. In the past they would turn the weapons etc. seized relating to violation of narcotics laws ( Title 21) to DEA for forfeiture, now they can do it themselves, ( ATF is now under the Justice Dept., as is DEA so it's all under the Attorney General anyway) The forfeiture now can be done administratively and can be done in 60 to 90 days. The cost of JUDICIAL forfeiture can be 100's, or thousands of dollars,( also storage and maintenance). If I have the right ruling ( I'm pretty sure I do).. .. It does not expand the government's authority as a matter of law, it just authorizes ATF to do the forfeiture.. So,...if I have it right, all this does is give administrative authority to forfeit , the person can still present a defense, so to speak, to the agency.. It would be too lengthy to write the stuff I found, but this is a brief summery without going crazy. someone's answering this topic as I'm writing this so maybe they put something on this....
  19. Ants.. I haven't looked for it. I used to look up many laws and enforcement authority statutes,and regulations, but haven't done it in some time and the one's I read were on the books for longer periods of time... I would try to find it now , but I'm computer illiterate, and it would take me a bit of time. Like I wrote earlier it doesn't effect me so I would never have an interest in spending time looking for it. . I used to look them up in law books.( I still listen to records and tapes ( I use a walkman), so I guess you can see how bad I am with modern technology.) I realize that it is a gun law,but I don't view it that way. , I look at it as a more efficient way of dealing with violent criminals . In this case, a violation of the narcotics laws must authorize seizure of the weapons and the seizure would be made according to law. It appears to me that it is the ultimate forfeiture authority is what was changed. I think if the seizure holds up then a less bureaucratic and less costly method of forfeiture is a good thing. SteveB I think that you're right in that .the drug offender would not care about another law especially since this law does not impose criminal penalties. However, this law only seems to make it more efficient to forfeit the weapons. It's the law abiding tax payers who should be happy with this. I'm all for the United States Government saving time and (my) money. I would bet that in these cases the weapons would be forfeited anyway after judicial, and, or administrative procedures. Early.. I think if you check the Obama record since he was President you will find that he actually relaxed three federal gun laws, and passed none that would hurt us. I have often been amazed that whether a person likes him, or not that he. or she would not appreciate the changes in OUR favor. I'm sure everyone who keeps up with both sides of the gun control issues has read that the anti gun people are not happy with the President , or Governor Romney. They think that they're both too soft (my words) on gun control issues.
  20. Ants.. I disagree...the law targets narcotics offenders, not law abiding citizens. There is a BIG difference.. . You are right, in that if someone is possession of ILLEGAL narcotics, their guns will be seized. I doubt that any reasonable person would think that they should keep their weapon while committing a felony. The law does not say that if ATF " THINKS " that you're a drug dealer they can take your weapon.. That is a big stretch. I haven't read the law, but "MY" understanding of what was said is that it applies to forfeiture and not seizure, therefore I ASSUME that the standards for seizure have not changed.. ( I often research laws that I think effect me, but this one does not so I have no interest) I can't imagine that any American would want a person(s) who smuggles narcotics into the United States, a meth dealer, a drug supplier, or gang members, etc. to be armed. Defending a narcotics violator's gun rights is not what gun owners should do. Could you imagine the field day that gun opponents would have if gun owners defended the gun right's of drug offenders. This is not a liberal thing. Remember Richard Nixon's, Ronald Reagan's and George Bush Sr's stance on narcotics, and conservatives overwhelmingly supported them. Look at their records !! They knew what a curse narcotics were to the U.S. Violence in the drug world is not new, but it has gotten worse. ( Look at the increase in violent gangs across the country, and it's growing). If drug violence was as bad then as it is now I would "EXPECT" similar laws to be signed by them.
  21. I approve of it...100% What's wrong with forfeiting weapons from narcotics violators ? They're not like us.. the weapons are not for collections, hunting, or target shooting.These weapons were , or will be used in the commission of a crime. Most if not all of the weapons would have probably been purchased illegally anyway. This law should make it easier and less expensive for the tax payer to eliminate more extensive forfeiture procedures. I see no downside.. . It is what it is.. A more efficient way to deal with criminals. I hear and read all the time from gun owners who say target the criminal.. WELL, that's what they're doing . Narcotics violators, who carry weapons are among the people who make it bad for us legitimate gun owners.
  22. Culvercreek...We had some of that too.. and the beer was fifteen cents(mug was a quarter)
  23. No air conditioners in cars, and no one had one in the house...Black and white t.v. Could never imagine that a snow blower would be invented. Mowed the lawn with a push mower.and pulled out dandelions and crabgrass with a screwdriver. Bodybuilders weren't all juiced up with steroids. When someone committed murder they "GOT THE CHAIR" You could buy army surplus rifles from barrels in a dept. store. I bought a British Enfield carbine for $28. and my girlfriend, now wife of 41 years, bought me an 1873 45-70 Springfield carbine for $45. Learned Taxidermy from the Northwestern School of Taxidermy (mail order). Smoked non filtered cigarettes and didn't worry about it.(but we all were told that Arthur Godfrey got cancer from smoking) You could smoke in supermarkets. You could buy non filtered cigs for twenty cants and could buy small packs of 3 at some places, and no age restrictions for cigs. Tattoo parlors were closed in NYC. I never knew anyone who sued another person. We knew how to talk to each other and negotiate, and compromise. My parents gave us a kids book "Rob Whitlock, A pioneer Boy in Ohio", which was about a boy who hunted and trapped, and no one thought that a book like that was unusual for a boy to read ( I still have it). We all had coonskin caps because of Davey Crockett ( Fess Parker). No one used narcotics, and didn't know what they were...... but drank some Thunderbird wine with the boys at night.. Pitched pennies..I had fun...
  24. Elmo... I have called in crows with all of my crow calls, so they've all worked. Some that I wasn't crazy about brought in a lot of crows.. I have a few favorites... My favorite store bought ( I made 2, that are my real favorites) is the Mallardtone . The Mallardtone Crow Call has a really great sound in my opinion. I'm not sure which is my second favorite. I like the Haydel's too. I like the changing tones as you bite down on the Haydel's. I always carry 4 to 6 calls when I go. Some will freeze, or stick so carry a few. Blow from the diaphragm, also try some calls by gargling into the call . Just a suggestion... set up a tape recorder a distance from you and record your calling...When you play it back,you'll see how it sounds to them.. In "MY" opinion you can't hear how the crow call truly sounds by blowing it and hearing it while your calling...I do that with all calls.. duck.. turkey.. goose.. etc.
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