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Everything posted by greybeard
shawnhu.. you sent me a message and I don't know how to respond .. I tried, but not sure if you got it. I'm not good with computer stuff...
Since I asked the question I have spoken to other hunters and also looked up some stats. A few years ago the statistics showed that deer hunting licenses declined in 33 states . Massachusettes dropped by 50%. Growing suburbs and lack of interest by young people seemed to be the reason. My friends agreed with the reasons some citing discussions in their own family. I guess it's just the way it is...Times change
NFa- ADK..I haven't hunted the Adirondacks for over 20 years, I thought the whole area was hunter friendly. I'm sorry to hear it's like that now. Too bad that so many young people will never know the challenge and excitement of the hunt. They're missing a lot, I can't imagine my younger years without hunting..
Fasteddie..Me too !!
I see very few young huters over the past few years, and read somewhere that the average hunter's age in N.Y. is 50 years old. I don't know how accurate that statistic is, but that's what I read on a hunting site. I thought that the decline in young hunters was only down here. Do you see that upstate as well ?
Government Dependence
greybeard replied to Grouse's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Tonight I heard on the news that farmers in the midwest are getting LOW INTEREST loans to help them out because of the drought and loss of crops... I've also seen numerous times where the U.S. Government helped people who lost homes etc. due to tornados, floods, hurricanes etc. Don't you think that these victims once stood on their own two feet ? Many were strong independent men and women until tragedy struck. Sometimes people need help and it can happen to any of us, or God forbid our children. Would any of the people opposed to gov't helping these people openly oppose such assistance in the media where all could see how non charitable they are ? Do they teach their children to ignore those who need help. Third world countries may ignore their people, I pray that we in the GREATEST country in the world never become so uncaring when our citizens fall on hard times. The amazing thing to me is that our government is being criticised for helping it's people too much !! many of our citizens have lost jobs through no fault of their own and may need the help of those of us who have not been affected. I don't think that they should get unemployment payments forever, but in this economy I am in favor of extended coverage (I am retired so I have nothing to gain from giving extended coverage). -
Government Dependence
greybeard replied to Grouse's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
He says the best investment is being poor.. give me a break.. I'm sure he's never been poor.That's among the stupidist statements I ever heard. As far as Gov't gimme's....what about social security.. It's a gov't pension ,but you didn't have to work for the gov't...so since some people don't want the gov't help then after they get back the money they put in plus interest they should stop taking it.. Medicare... It's gov't healthcare.. As a senior I know many people on medicare ... Some complain about the gov't being socialist , but then after they have a major illness, they don't stop putting in for it whan they're sick even thought they more then spent what they put in.. I know some who would be in bad financial shape if they had to shell out the amount of money needed for their care,which was covered by medicare. An awful lot of complainer's sure have their hands out and ready to take when it benefits them. Unemplyment.. Doesn't he want to help the poor american citizens who lost their jobs...Does he propose letting them starve ? What about the american children of those poor families .. does he propose letting them go without food, medical care , and housing. ? At what age does he think we should let children suffer ? There are lots of complainers, but they all stop complaining when they fall on hard times.. I don't want to be taxed to death either, but I feel that we, as a civilized society, who claims that the Bible and religion are such a major part of our lives should .. "feed the hungry, care for the sick .. etc.". Our tax system gives extra deductions for having more children, yet they use more services, shouldn't those with less, or no children be charged less ? And schooltaxes....Why should people with no children pay for schools ? I don't like either of those taxes and don't like paying for many things, but we as a UNITED country contribute to the good of all. -
I recently heard about this and was not paying too much attention. I may have misinterpreted. I thought that the aircraft was used to see if some kind of contaminents were being ,dumped illegally into the local water supply. My assumption was that it was possibly for 2 reasons. First : So that the local people did not drink contaminated water with things like fecal matter .. ( No one wants to drink a cup of feces) Second: They possibly were afraid that contaminents would get on some kind of vegetables which would get shipped around the U.S., or consumed by the local people.( I don't remember which states were involved and I am not even sure that they grow vegetables in the subject areas) Like I wrote above I was half listening and then made an assumption. Am I wrong ?? What was the reason ? .
greybeard replied to sits in trees's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Thank you Ncountry. I agree with your point of view.. NFA-ADK. Why do you want the gov't to step in on oil prices. You pretty much wrote that you feel that they always screw things up, and my interpretation is that you don't want them involved in anything. I will be off the computer for a while so this will be my last reply to this topic.. I enjoyed reading both sides just as I enjoy listening to both sides on conservative and liberal radio and tv. I get a good education, and helps me form my opinion after researching the reliability of the topic as best I can. I do not need to be defined by my political beliefs whether it be conservative, or liberal, as many do. I believe that the good of this country is not served by extreme views. Extremes on one side create a backlash from the other side .Discussion and compromise , in "my opinion", is what serves us best. I generally avoid all political discussions, I keep most opinions to myself and can express my views best behind the curtain in a voting booth, but thought I would jump into the ring for this one. I will end with this...... MY OPINION : The government is not perfect and cannot be all things to all people.This is not a tv world with a perfect ending.. Mistakes occur and many times there is no perfect solution. We all think that our way is the correct way, and that's why we vote . Sometimes we get our way and sometimes we don't. In a democracy sometimes the other side wins. I accept that and I sleep better for it. I am happy to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world and have a government that has programs to protect us all. The programs may not all work , but am glad that they try. -
greybeard replied to sits in trees's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Mike G. You're the only senior I know who has turned down social secutiy, medicare, and veterans benefits(if applicable). I am glad to see that you have done so well . I have just never heard of that before. Even the wealthy people that I know don't turn those down.I wouldn't do it, but there are apparently some who would like to follow your lead, how did you cancel those government entitlements ? Did you cancel after you figured you met your contribution amount, or just refused it all. I gather that you don't take advantage of the lower hunting/fishing license rates since that would be an entitlement based on your age. Seniors get so many government assisted benfits I'm just astounded that you turn them all down. I realize that on some senior discounts, since I pay less the young pay more, but I accept it and always did. , How come you don't take advantage of those discounts ? . I am truly interested since you are so different from everyone I know. For those that like to throw the term socialist around so freely. I would ask you again to think about what YOU take from the gov't.... Public roads, public parks,, public hunting land, public schools, etc. Everyone pays so everyone CAN use, but even those who don't use them still pay. What about disabled people.. I guess in your definition it's socialism for the government to assist them. What about the wounded vets that require lifelong assistance from the government ? What about the veteran benefits that the government provides for free to the combat vets ? If you go to a nursing home the probability is that most of your lifelong earnings will be depleted you will then be placed on medicaid. There's a possibility of that happening to any of us. Should medicaid be eliminated and the elderly turned out to die ? For those opposed to health care for everyone, please consider the possibility of the poor not getting preventive health care and infecting you, or your families especially the very young, and very old. The sick will be in your supermarkets , department stores , workplaces, schools, etc. touching the products you touch, the doors you open, etc.and spreading their disesaes that were undiagnosed and therefore untreated.There will be more contagious diseases and those who become infected could include you, or members of your family. For those who say you don't care about our people as long as you don't have to pay for their healthcare. You will still have to pay the government to collect the bodies from their homes , or pick up the dead from the streets. I guess you like the stories about the plague. I realize that that is a bit of an overstatement, but the reality is that more people will be sick and more will die without funds. In conclusion I ask those who oppose our government helping all of it's people. . .Why do you have such harsh feelings for those less fortunate then you regardless of circumstances ? When many factory workers in the midwest lost their jobs why do you oppose the government assisting them until they can recover ? Is it ok that their children starve, or go without medical assistance because you don't want to pay a a few tax dollars to help them. When tornados, hurricanes,floods, or other natural disasters strike our communities don't you feel that our government should step in to assist it's people ? If it's you who needs help will you stand up for your beliefs and refuse all assistance from the government for you and your family ? Will you look your children in the eye and tell them that you would rather that they suffer then have them eat, or get medical care, or shelter because the funds would come from the government ? Do you really want to be like a 3rd world country ? -
greybeard replied to sits in trees's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
This topic seemed to go beyond just health care for some, so here's my thoughts.. I have heard the pros and cons and I feel that affordable healthcare for all americans is a good thing. We are inundated with the religious citizens preaching about the ills of this country and then they would deny people affordable health care. It is a fact that thousands of people die each year because of lack of health care. Why don't these deeply religious folks feel that we should "care for the sick" ( one of the corporal works of mercy.. I believe). Wasn't it said in the Bible that one of the 2 greatest commandments was to love your neighbor. I am a senior citizen and hear people complaining all the time about government, but they sure don't return their benefits. It's easy to complain while you collect. I asked one recently if he would turn down medicare after his contributions to the system had been met.. The question was not appreciated...would you turn it down ? Why not exclude medical deductions on your federal tax forms ? Aren't we all contributing because you got sick. Why should charitable deductions be allowed..If you feel so good about helping people so be it, but why should the government reward you for your personal beliefs. Why allow additional deductions for children, it was your choice, so why should you be rewarded. Locally, why should I pay for school taxes. I don't have kids in school and I paid when I did. And especially why should I pay for school sports. Why should my taxes fix roads in Alaska (etc.) I'm never going to drive on them. Why pay unemployment benefits ? If you don't like them then turn them down if you lose your job. My point is this : The answer "FOR ME" to the above is that we contribute because we are a civilized society who cares for each other and sometimes we contribute for the good of others. We don't all benefit by everything we pay for. What happened to "United We Stand." I'm happy that for all my years I lived in a country that cares for the well being of it's citizens. It may not be perfect, but I love it !! -
NCOUNTRY... Now that's a trophy !!!!!
Great job.. I used to mount my own game, so I understand and applaud your skills.
Rev. Ed.. I agree, with you on what a trophy REALLY is, but I was just wondering what size fisherman considered trophy size.Twenty inches sounds good, Dom.. I never thought of a largemouth 36 inches, I'd love to see one like that. The only 36 inch bass I get are stripers. I knew a guy some years back that caught a 27 inch Largemouth , but he was not from NY. It was caught in Texas. The photo of that 18 inch bass is what I WAS talkin' about.. This winter I have caught more 18 inch and over Largemouth then I ever did before,( up to 22 inches) and I feel that I am in HAWG HEAVEN. I mostly fish alone so I was looking for kind of what you might call a reference point.
I do not carry a scale when fishing and have always considered that, in New York , a Largemouth Bass of 18" and over to be a trophy. I was speaking to another fisherman the other day who seemed to agree. I realize most people judge by weight, but was just wondering what size( in inches) in other fishermen's minds was a Largemouth considered a trophy to them. It's just curiosity.
A few years ago I was kayaking near oyster bay and got out to eat and saw quite a few tracks along the water, I was surprised because I had never seen tracks there before.. I mentioned it to a Resident of the area this past fall who knew that they were there.A few weeks later he saw me again and told me that he had recently seen two deer in that area . Seeing the photo of the local Turkeys reminded me of the flock that used to be on Wantagh Avenue, in Nassau County. They've been gone for years now, I heard that they captured them and moved them. They really looked out of place in Wantagh.
Those are by far the best wood duck (or any other duck) pictures I have ever seen. You should enter them in a contest. I'm not good with a computer so I don't know how to save them, but I would if I could. You truly are a master. I am truly impressed. Thank you for sharing them.
I live on L.I. where there are no coyotes, only fox and raccoons (if you consider raccoons predators).. By predator control I gather from the questions that you mean coyotes only. I have opinions about predator control , but my knowledge of coyotes comes only from reading ,or videos so I doubt that they would be much value to you. I am familiar with red fox,and raccoons so if you are interested in general predator control I'd be happy to give my opinion.
I should have done more freshwater fishing in winter throughout my life. I wasted lotsa winter days when I coulda been lake fishing. This past month I caught quite a few Bass that were really big (Big by my standards anyway). I got a bunch of pickerel too, I've caught pickerel in winter before,so I expected some of those. Guess I woulda got more Pickerel too if I spent more time at it...I love catching both Largemouth Bass and Pickerel so it really made my winter memorable.. Most of my past winter fishing had been for Herring and sometimes Mackerel. I enjoy gettin' them too, but not as much as the bass and pickerel.
New Video - Make It Quick
greybeard replied to downwindoutdoors's topic in Small Game and Predator Hunting
Another 5 star prouction. I love your videos.. I'm curious, how often do fox come in to your calls ? Do you have grays and reds up there ? -
Good luck, I look forward to reading about your hunt and hopefully see some photos. Have fun !!
I have a grey beard.
Long Island is loaded with ticks. I've taken loads of them out of me . My coonhounds used to have them all over after hunts. My friends used to call me a tick magnet. I never got sick from a bite. I was lucky. I knew a guy who got Lyme and it was brutal. There are other diseses that they carry like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and one that begins with a "B". I can't remember the name, but my friend got it and he got REALLY sick... I know some guys that won't hunt on L.I. because of the ticks.
Wow.. that's a lot of birds. Congrats It must've been a real exciting day....