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  • Hunting Location
    Orange County NY
  • Hunting Gun
    Winchester 7MM
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Hoping to christen my new Optima on the last afternoon sit. I was fortunate to see a lot of deer this season, let some youngsters go during bow and missed on a nice one first morning of gun. But it’s still been a great season. And I’ve learned a lot from many on this forum and really enjoy the posts. Congrats to everyone who filled their tags. And good luck to all who are still at it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  2. Out in 3m for last day of gun. Beautiful morning. Muzzleloader up next if today isn’t productive. Good luck to everyone still on the hunt! And congrats again to all who filled tags- some great deer taken.
  3. Good news is I’m still seeing lots of activity on my cams this week. Bad news is I can’t get out again until Friday Best of luck to everyone still out there hunting!
  4. Congrats to all who have harvested already this season. Seen some amazing bucks taken by this hunters here and even though I haven’t posted much I learn something new every time I read this forum. And good luck to everyone who is still working on filling tags- like myself! Even though it’s cold and windy here in 3m, I’ve learned to always expect the unexpected. As long as you’re in the woods good things can happen at any moment.
  5. It’s private land that my brother-in-laws good family friends own. Only about 20 acres but we’ve hunted it for about 25 years now. It’s a pretty good producer but we see more action there in bow season than gun because of the bordering properties in which some have gun hunters on. You hunt 3m?
  6. My brother in law and I went out this afternoon on the property we hunt in 3m Wind was pretty brutal but right before sundown my brother in law caught this guy coming out of thick woods into the swamp by his stand. Small 7 but for late in the game he will add to the freezer. After passing on several bucks during bow I’m still after my target buck who made an appearance after the closing bell with 8 doe last week. So I’ll be back out solo tomorrow.
  7. Out in 3m since 5am this morning. One small doe so far but that’s it. Breezy now but it still beats working today.
  8. Congrats to all who have tagged out already. Going for my 3rd sun up to sun down sit in 3m this week. Saw 5 bucks yesterday but not the target buck I’m after. Will see what today brings. Good luck to whoever is going out today!
  9. After seeing 12 different bucks Fri-Sun and passing on a 7 pointer I sat from sun up to sundown yesterday and only saw 3 doe at 6:30. Then the wind came and that was it. My wife asked me how I can sit for 12 hours in a tree. Last 2 nights this guy has come by at 2:40am. This is why we do it lol
  10. I sat yesterday afternoon in 3M, was 65 degrees but I saw 3 doe and 5 different bucks. 4 of the bucks passed by me at about 20 yds. A couple of 6 pt and 4 pt One was a nice 8 but unfortunately he was the only one not to come in range. Several of the bucks sparred with each other. Also watched a cool encounter with a young doe and fox literally 5 feet from each other about 10 yards in front of me. The doe stomped her hoof a few times and fox said see you later. Definitely seeing new scrapes and rubs. And plenty of action on camera. Activity is picking up.
  11. Congrats to all. Heading out in 3m this morning looking to fill my gun season buck tag after a successful bow season. Good luck to everyone else still on the hunt!
  12. Hi all. New to the forum and just recently came across this great site and joined. Last Thursday afternoon I was fortunate enough to shoot my biggest buck. I’m down in southern tier hunting in orange and rockland counties. Took this guy in 3m over in warwick on property I have hunted for years with my brother in law. Had been a slow early season but something told me to wrap up work early last thurs and get in the woods. I get to the property around 2:15pm gear up. I grab a water bottle from my passenger seat and turn around to 3 does that stalked up behind me and were literally 10 feet away from my trunk staring at me and grazing. They wander off after checking me out for a few minutes without a care. On my way to my stand it’s pretty swampy from all the rains we’ve had. I kick up a small 6 as I take my time going in. Sprayed some estrus scent as I get to my stand. Finally get all settled in and realize what an idiot I am as I left my release in the car! I move as quietly and quickly as I can back to my car and grab my release. By time I get back to my stand I’m sweating. Aggravated with myself. Within 5 mins I hear something in the stream behind me. It’s a doe and she swims across and pops out to my right. After grazing for several minutes she bolts into the field in front of me that has high grass and thickets. I scan to my right to see what may have startled her and see the sun hitting something behind some small trees. I took a double take when I realized how big this buck was. He followed the doe into the field but I had no shot. As I watched and gave some grunts he kept his distance. At that point 3 more bucks came in and left chasing a couple other does. But this guy and a smaller buck stayed in the field. I watched him rub up a tree and hang out in the field for 30 mins. I tried bleats and more grunts and he would stop and,listen but not come close. Finally I gave a few more aggressive grunts and he lowered his head and went into the heavy brush straight in front of me. I got ready and he stepped out into the clearing at 25 yds and I hit him good. He took off back across the field and disappeared out of sight. But I was confident I hit him good. After half hour I got down and found my arrow. Had a very good blood trail but I waited some more before following it and finding him about 60 yds across the field. I was hunting by myself so dragging and getting him into my trunk was a hell of an effort. But it was the most amazing hunt of my life and I am so grateful! 190 lbs 8 pts
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