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Hey Everyone! I just uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel! If ya'll enjoy watching whitetails in the rut then you need to watch this! One of the coolest encounters that I've ever been able to video! All filmed off the back of my horse. Note: this is not on a deer farm. These are all wild free ranging whitetails! I'd love it if ya'll would give me some follows on my hunting pages! You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at Cross Over the River Outdoors! I hope Ya'll enjoy the video! God Bless!
I put up another post a few days ago about the buck I harvested and the favorable weather setup I took advantage of. A member replied asking me to expand on this and how barometric pressure impacts deer movement so I decided to make a new post about it. Cold fronts are one of the best catalysts for deer movement and there are three phases to any cold front which we will discuss later as it relates to hunting. I’ve generalized the wind conditions below which are based on our typical north westerly winds for cold fronts but we occasionally have a NE system come through: Just before: winds will typically shift NW to N and barometric pressure will start increasing as temps slowly start to drop During: winds typically still NW to N, barometric pressure is high (30.2+) but typically flattens out as temperatures bottom After: winds shift S to SW, barometric pressure starts dropping as temps increase Before we get to the hunting part I think it’s worth explaining why cold fronts impact deer movement and how the deer react and interpret the weather conditions. Cold weather causes deer to use more energy to sustain which means they need to eat more and thus must head to food more during day light. During the rut it also drives more movement because it’s more favorable for bucks to run around – think about working out on a 90 degree July day vs. a 60 degree September day; I bet you can do a lot more and be more comfortable in September than July. So how do deer react to a cold front? Deer can sense changes in barometric pressure - I believe through a sensor in their ear - and they know if it starts rising that probably means colder weather is coming and vice versa when it drops. This means you’ll see movement just before it hits because deer will sense the pressure rising and will hit the feed to try and get enough reserves to get through whatever is coming. Once the cold is here and pressure is high they will typically continue to feed heavy or if during rut running around like crazy (partly because does are out more trying to eat). Finally, once the pressure starts dropping deer will understand better conditions are coming which I find usually has one good day of movement where deer are out restocking feed reserves and getting their social fix; after the first day of warmer temps I find movement drops off pretty drastically. Now to the fun part – how do you hunt them? Most of you know how powerful a October or early-to-mid November cold front can be at getting deer – especially mature bucks – up on their feet and I think any one of the above phases is a good time to be in the woods, although I’ve seen the most movement in #2 when temps are the lowest followed by #1 just before it hits and deer are preparing for it. That all changes from my experience once we get past the middle of November - they are still just as powerful (if not more) at driving movement but require different tactics. The cold fronts are now much colder with typically higher wind speeds and the deer are much more run down from already going through the bulk of rut. This translates to much more movement on phase #1 when the first northerly winds come in and pressure starts rising (signaling to deer bad weather ahead and the need to feed) and phase #3 when wind switches out of the south, temps start rising and pressure starts falling (signaling to deer the coast is clear and better conditions ahead). I’ve spent many lonely cold hours in the stand during the middle of those cold fronts thinking deer would be out feeding hard when temps are the lowest but based on my observations they more so just hunker down in thermal bedding and forage on whatever is close to that. It’s almost like they avoid movement to try and conserve as much food reserves as they can which makes sense given the difference in temps (an October / early November cold front probably bottoms out at 20-40F while later season they will usually be single digits). I think the very low movement characteristics of phase #2 really enhance phase #3 which is by far my favorite time to hunt one of these cold fronts - phase #1 is good too and I definitely go out but I generally stay out of woods during phase #2 and do stuff like pull trail cam cards, put up new sets, etc. Deer are social creatures and become more like humans late season in that they don’t like nasty weather any more than us. Deer will crave social interaction after being bottled up for a couple days dealing with extreme cold so there’s two powerful factors driving movement in phase #3 (need to restore feed reserves and get their social fix). If you get one of these cold fronts from say 11/15 to 11/25 then you add another even more powerful factor and that’s the desire to breed with the tail end of rut. Bucks will finish breeding any does they are locked down with during the cold front but they don’t really go out seeking new ones until weather gets better so you can see some powerful seeking and chasing on the first south wind after a cold front (especially with mature bucks). This is exactly what happened on my hunt – Tuesday afternoon the winds shifted NW and pressure started rising so I jumped in an observation stand overlooking a creek bed and rye grass field on one of my properties and saw quite a few does and some bucks (including a big frame 10) hitting the tallest section of grass an hour before sunset. Temps dropped to single digits Wednesday and Thursday – I ended up hunting Thursday because it was thanksgiving and who doesn’t hunt on Thanksgiving (?!) but only saw a few does – I usually see at least one 3 year old buck and minimum of 10-15 deer every time I hunt this property so this was a very slow day. Friday AM was still very cold but winds switched to the south, pressure started dropping, and it was probably 35 degrees by 2PM when I headed out. I went to the closest spot I could get to where I saw the deer feeding in the rye on Tuesday which happened to be in a hedgerow – we didn’t have a stand on it so I put some brush together and made a DIY blind to ground hunt from. I had a 3 year 130-140 class 8 pointer cruise by within 60 yards of me less than ten minutes after I was set up and had constant action the rest of the evening (two mature bucks, two 3 year olds, three 2 year olds and ~15 small bucks and does). I had 8 does in front of me in the rye around 430PM when I saw one snap her head back to the creek bed at the head of the hedgerow I was on and a second later I had my buck in sight at a full run after her grunting like crazy. I couldn’t stop him and ended up shooting him on the run, but it was something I will never forget and is a good example of how powerful the action can be right after one of those brutal late November cold fronts. The best stand locations are pinch points between bedding and food or right on a food source (my favorite are green ones like winter wheat, clover, rye, etc. or a cut corn field). I like to sit an observation stand where I can see a lot of ground on the first phase so I can get an idea of where the deer are moving and then I move in on those spots and either ground hunt or do a hang and hunt on that first day of southerly winds (unless of course I’m lucky enough to already have a set hung there but I’m usually not that lucky). I hope this helps explain my strategy better and helps one of you put a nice buck on the ground! Definitely let me know if anyone has any questions or has different opinions or experience on the matter. --- Horn Hunter
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I’m hesitant to rattle (grunt, bleat etc) at the best of times—afraid that my novice attempts are way more likely saying “idiot hunter over here” instead of “hot all estrus doe action”. how do you guys feel about it? Are you using your rattling antlers? Is it working? Is it going to work but not until next week? Any suggestions and advice welcome I am located in 4Y—Columbia county—eastern NY 1 hour below Albany. Seeing lots of does and a couple of spikers. Except after I rattle. Then I see nuthin.
Last minute whitetail and whitetail -mule deer combo hunts for sale at discounted price in Alberta Canada. Hunt the monarchs of the north in the peak of the rut. Dates are November 9-15 2016. Price starts at $3250 for 6 day wt hunt. References available.
OK I am a flat lander and almost every weekend I go up to the cabin in the woods from LI. This morning I go out to my tree stand that over looks my opening day stand where I will go it's about 150 to 200 yards away. With binoculars you can see the difference between does and bucks but can't see exactly how points. So I am in the stand at first light and see a few does eating in a moss field with the 2 bucks I have been watching since August. By 8 the show is over and they have gone up into the mountains. I decide to walk down and check my cameras. That is what this flat lander always does. As I walk I hear something less them 25' from my side. I peak over the bushes their he was a 12 pointer. His head is down sniffing. He never looks up. WHAT DO YOU DO!! I hit the deck I can hear him walking closer about to enter the trail am on. 20' 15' CRAP he is going to see me smell me a run away forever never to be seen in daylight again Think fast I lay on the ground like a log grab my iPhone get the camera ready because no one will ever believe this. As I am laying there he hits the trail 9' from me looking at me but sniffing the ground. I could see the morning dew on his nose. I am thinking he is going to run right in to me. He just kept walking looking at me as I looked at him. I was to afraid to move he turns a little snap a picture he keeps going. He walks up the hill behind me and every once and a while looks back at me. I try to stay behind a tree between us peeking around the side he looks see me but keeps walking knowing he is the king in this area. Finally he walks pass my stand that I will be in on opening day. I swear on my life, my guns my right to bear arms and become a Democrat anti if this is not a true story Oh here he is. I will not be touching the 5 or 6 they can live on until next year. Here is my white whale
I dont get to hunt northern zone as much as I used to, now that we have moved to the western part of the state, but I was up in the Speculator area this past weekend. Only saw 1 deer in three days of hunting, but was fortunate enough that the one deer was this 8pt on Sunday morning (Nov 9). I was sitting on a ridge overlooking several active scrapes, when he approached from behind me. I sat down at 6:45AM, and he came in at 7:05AM. He litterally came to within 6 yards. He was DIRECTLY behind me, and so I couldn't even get turned around for a shot until he turned to my left and gave me a short 10 yard shot. I was hoping he didn't spook before giving me a shot - two bounds and he would be over the ridge and out of sight. And it was quite thick right behind me. Anyway, this river bottom area I was hunting had excellent scrape activity this past weekend. And this guy was definitely working that scrape line and looking for does. And his tarsal glands reeked. Wondering if you guys are seeing similar activity up north. LiveToHunt
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Check out this photo and the size of that silencer. The police need to catch this guy before the rut kicks in. Totally ruined the first couple of Weeks of the season.
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So the full moon falls Nov 6the this year, and according to alsheimers formulas. The rut should fall classically.. seeking should Nov1st - Nov. 10th, with chasing falling 8th-17th. With breeding following for ten - 14 days or the 13th-27th. this will place main breeding during the opening 2weeks of gun.. or if youhunted in 2006 it should be the same as then ..... I'm lucky if I can remember last week.. hope this helps if any one is trying to schedule vacations...
Hello, and glad to be a member of I wanted to send a note to let people know that Charles Alsheimer will be in Eden, NY on Saturday, September 13th to give a presentation on whitetail deer biology, alunar nalysis of the rut, wildlife photography and Charles’ personal story of faith. As you may already know, Charlie is a nationally known whitetail deer expert, hunter, photographer and speaker ( It will be a great show and there will be lots of door prize and Chinese auction give-aways, right now at almost $4,000 in outdoor related prizes. More details below: "An Evening with Charles Alsheimer" “Whitetails: A Photographic Journey Through the Seasons”, including Charlie’s Lunar Rut Research Sponsored by: St. Paul's Lutheran Church's L.E.G.O.S. HOUSE "A community spiritual support center" Saturday, September 13th, 2014 Eden Jr./Sr. High School 3150 Schoolview Road Eden, NY 14057 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Door Prize Give-aways: to include: a muzzleloader, a Mathews bow, as well as many other prizes Large Chinese Auction: Currently almost $4,000 in prizes and auction give-aways! The more tickets that sell, the more we buy to give away! Tickets: Show only: $10.00 per person Show plus full meal: $16.00 per person (limit of 250 people, pre-sale only) Meal includes: roasted quarter chicken, pulled pork sandwich, various side dishes, beverage, dessert Come talk to our Pros: between 5:00 – 6:45 PM, there will be a number of outdoor Pros assembled to talk with you prior to the show about their area of expertise. Food Donation: We will also be collecting food for the Eden / North Collins Food Pantry – please bring a non-perishable food donation to help support the pantry. Tickets for sale at: Go to for more information and to purchase tickets, or contact Kevin at (716) 361-7458. Pre-sale tickets recommended. Attached is a flyer for more information. Please help spread the word for this great show and new community center as well, thank you! Alsheimer Show Flyer, Final.pdf
Unfortunately I have hardly had a chance to get into the stand much this year, due to that glorious thing called work. I have read some reports online that the Rut was going to start slightly later this year from around Nov.15th to Nov.29th. I went out Monday afternoon(it was 65degrees, sunny, and windy) and was using Tink's Doe in Rut and some estrous bleats. I had a Monster Buck come in about 50 yards away behind some heavy brush. He stopped and put his nose in the air, then looked in my direction for about 3 minutes, then turned and slowly walked away. I am heading back out this afternoon and was wondering if I should stay away from scent today, bleats?? Is the Rut winding down or is it the prime time right now??? any Suggestions?? Thanks
If you missed this yesterday it's pretty crazy! Reminds me of the muley lockup I shared last year. Those guys were going at it, too bad the other didn't make it. Still great rescue and brave attempts to help by the hunters.
Whats this weekend's rut activity / outlook look like? Last weekend I had my wife's birthday, the weekend before that was my daughters baptism... The weekend before (Oct 12th) that I saw bucks making scrapes and very light chasing. I can't wait to get back in my stand, hoping that at least some chasing and movement is going on. Not sure how accurate any of this prediction stuff is, but this coming weekend from past experiences (right around Halloween) is always a great time to be in the woods.
Hi All, Back at it for another awesome season!!! Waiting to get down to camp again to hunt but in the process of scrapping a trailer and getting another hauled onto my property. I'm a few weeks behind but its rather warm anyway. I'm aiming for Oct. 21st to start my hunting....!!! I was wondering has anyone heard or read Charles Alsheimers Rut prediction this year. The best week to be in the woods? Please share your opinions and thoughts!!! Good Luck to ALL to a successful and safe season!!! Mike.
Just got back from a week of paradise. The first 2 days were a disaster. I have a week end worrior nieghbor who shot a 7 point and lost it in the woods. That bothers me. I had another camp up the mountain from me who dicided to "sight in" and drink on the day before opening day. All 8 of them. They could not figure out why they did not see any deer. The good news was they all left by lunch time Sunday. All quite!! I went out on Monday morning and and saw 5 does walking through the woods with out a care in the world making more noice then I ever heard before. That was of caurse before a 7 pointer that was following along with what sounded like he was wearing snow shoes going through the woods. I thought it was a group of hunters because i never heard so much noice in my life. They were 70 yards away and if i was using an Ipod, I still would have heard them. I spot my deer but it was not clear so I waited until he hit the trail after the does finally thier he was but i only had 2 seconds for a shot. i know he was legal as I could see his points from the tree stand but not his body. BOOM I take a good safe clean shot. I hit him him and waited for 10 minutes to go look. I go down my tree stand walk to where I hit him but no blood. I walk around for 10 minutes making all kinds of racket looking for a sign and nothing. I take my second hat from my pocket and put it on the ground where I know I hit him. I go back up the hit hill back up the tree stand to get a better visual again. As I settle in and zero in on the hat all of sudden the 7 is walking towards me. He was at 60 yards and closing in. I thought why shot him as he is getting closer to me and walk towards a better area to gut him out. I thought I hit him. As he got to 40 yards or less he turned sideways and I saw the hole. So I took the neck shot and he dropped like a stone. If I saw that I hit him sooner I would have never waited. 2 deers in 2 years all within 20 feet of each other. This is my spot and i am not telling anyone I hope all had a a good safe opening week.
Driving through a wooded area by the train station this morning in Saratoga springs, I saw a large doe cross in front of me. I went up, parked for about a minute to pick up my son and as heading back down saw a buck running parallel to the road along side the car and then ran ahead and crossed in front of me. He was a 4 point from what I could see. Not a massive buck but nice looking!