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Favorite Raccoon Baits?

Cabin Fever

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I plan on dusting off the traps (after many years) and thinning out the raccoon population on my property. They've destroyed dozens of tree tubes to get to yellow jacket nests/larvae, and while doing so, killed the majority of the trees that I planted. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/10635-damn-raccoons/ I'm gonna use their pelt money to recoup some of my losses!! :spiteful: In addition, I want to reduce the number of nest raiders on my property as well. They've gone unmanaged for far too long now!

What baits do you have the best luck with for raccoons? I recall using cheapo/Dollar Store sardines, canned fish, and marshmellows. BUT, I also recall smelling like fish all the time also during trapping season, because of the baits that I used. (Can't be having that during bow season!!!) I've been reading that dried dog food is very good and easy. OF COURSE, I will ONLY use this in my cage traps! I have ~18 live traps, so I might only use those.

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I usually buy something sweet, like marshmallows and molasses...and then something meat or fish based. Used to have good luck with dog foord soaks in fish oil...throw it in a ziplock and you can just pour some down dirt holes, etc.

Used some past baits too, but mice seemed to wipe them out fast.

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