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Obama's record on gun control

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Complete and utter crap. I'm really looking forward to four years of laughing at you all for your paranoia if Obama wins.

And if Romney wins, hey, there are two main ways to redistribute wealth in nation. Taxes are the most common form. Marie Antoinette can tell you about the other way. ;)

You brain is the only thing full of complete and utter crap. How about an intelligent debate with a rebuttal of a few of the issues addressed in the link, rather than posting such a juvenile comment?


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First the reason it is on quotes is becasuse Obama used the term incorrectly last night. Romney used it correctly.

Secondly fully automatic weapons can be owned in the US with proper application, approval and tax stamps. Check you facts

uhhhh yeah I know they can be owned, so can suppressors...............not in NY though........................ in something like 34 other states( the exact number eludes me at the moment) I didnt realize how you were using it, didnt see the qoutation marks,

damn near all politicians and alot of other uneducated people use the term automatic/semi autos as one in the same

Edited by waterweasle
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My personal views on the subject are this (and yes, they will be very unpopular) :

I do believe fully automatic weapons should be banned.

I agree with current NYS high capacity clip limits

I do not see semi auto hunting rifles being banned federally.

I'm a hunter. I'm not a gun nut. Give me my bolt action and a few hundred acres to roam and I'm a very happy man. I'm not saying anyone should agree with me, or even that I'm right, its just how I feel about the subject.

What you are saying is you don't give a damn about anyone's freedom and rights but your own.

As long as your desires are not infringed upon, you couldn't care less about the next guys.

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You brain is the only thing full of complete and utter crap. How about an intelligent debate with a rebuttal of a few of the issues addressed in the link, rather than posting such a juvenile comment?


I'm not going to debate the stupidity on a fear mongering propaganda site. I'll make it simple, what stricter federal gun bills have been signed into law in the past four years?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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What you are saying is you don't give a damn about anyone's freedom and rights but your own.

As long as your desires are not infringed upon, you couldn't care less about the next guys.

What's the Republican stance on abortion again? Or gay marriage?

K, thanks.

Edited by Sogaard
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I'm not going to debate the stupidity on a fear mongering propaganda site. I'll make it simple, what stricter federal gun bills have been signed into law in the past four years?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Personally I think the fact that they only had the begining of his term before they lost the house played a role. I also think they are aware that his reelection could have been impacted by moving forward on them. That hold back is not on the table for this election and I don't knw how te house will turn out. The SCOTUS is my largest concern.

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and I cant recall what was the deal that obama was supposed to sign with the UN?? that was agun crontol issue wasnt it? and not even FROM our OWN govt

You have no idea what you are talking about here. Please take the time to research what the "UN thing" was about, and then come back and post an intelligent comment and I'll address it.

Edited by Sogaard
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You focused on the word "right", but left off his other two words, "freedom" and "desires".

Can't pick and choose like that. :)

I kinda can since the thread is about gun control and you interjected the other topics of abortin and gay marriage. He was commenting on your desires and your not being concerned for others feedoms. His focus o the OP has been on the rights. He sin't claiming "desires" and "freedoms" should be protected. That is the way I read it anyway

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You have no idea what you are talking about here. Please take the time to research what the "UN thing" was about, and then come back and post an intelligent comment and I'll address it.

yeah...thats why I said I couldnt recall it, hoping that someone would have further info on what I was thinking.......................... thanks for pointing that out capt obvious

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Gotcha, so you're talking out your ass and you know it. And you're too lazy to bother doing your own fact checking, so you want me (or anyone else) to do it for you. Ok, I'm going to pass on that, other than to say, you're very much mistaken. Feel free to do a little research and prove me wrong. :)

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are you really this stupid...............I said i COULDNT RECALL, which means I didnt know the full context of what I menioned, hoping that someone would chime in with the content I was looking for.......................yet you apparently arent smart enough to realize that, and put the info out to inform me..................tough to fact check anything when I CANT RECALL anyhing else other than what I posted.......dolt

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So you had nothing to contribute to the conversation, yet did. Again, I know I'm the slow one here, so you'll have to excuse me, but the point of my Lincoln quote was, if you had nothing of substance to say, maybe you should just........not......speak.......

I'm working..............on my ...........use.............of.........ellipsis.............to..........................prove........I'm.......right? Is it working?

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I'm not going to debate the stupidity on a fear mongering propaganda site. I'll make it simple, what stricter federal gun bills have been signed into law in the past four years?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

That seems to be the left response every time someone brings up what Obama might do in a 2nd term. Answer.... no stricter gun bills have been signed while Obama has been in office. But the thought that it can not happen in a 2nd term, especially given his gun control record before taking office, is wrong.

This is the part where you call me stupid...moron...far right and oh yeah Racist!!

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Nah, I'll just point out that it would have to get through Congress. You know, that silly branch of our government that actually makes the laws.

The fact that you're a stupid, right-winged, racist moron has nothing to do with it.

(I couldn't resist) :biggrin:

Edited by Sogaard
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Nah, I'll just point out that it would have to get through Congress. You know, that silly branch of our government that actually makes the laws.

The fact that you're a stupid, right-winged, racist moron has nothing to do with it.

(I couldn't resist) :biggrin:

through congress that is a good one. He has side stepped and byassed congress so many times it is really worth mentioning hence the UN.

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