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What crappy weather


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Ended up going out and just got back in. Glad I went! Saw one of the bucks on my hitlist, he was bedded down in the field with another smaller buck. He never got closer than 80 yards so I didn't have a shot. Was nice to see him in person though.

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It's a long season. Many of the days have been down-right "hot", and it's still darn difficult to see very far through the woods. The last thing I want to encounter is those sneaky deer that just all of a sudden appear standing there looking at you.....lol. Really, I like some time to settle myself down a bit before the deer actually gets there. I do have a few spots that are so thick that even when the leaves are completely down, you still can't see very far. Those places can be productive, but they're not a lot of fun to hunt. I never do get a chance to just sit back and relax because I have to be at-the-ready all the time. Right now the whole damn woods is like that.

Yeah, we're getting into the rainy season, but we're used to that every bow season right? This is the time of year when the nice days are really nice, but the crappy weather is extremely crappy.

Plus, I am using the extra time to make sure my flinching is under control. So I have been taking this part of the season real casual.

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