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My Weekend (Subtitled: Upstate folk have it easy!)


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Dakota Dog,

"And our one hour of driving is not 4 city block neither it is 40 - 55 miles woundering if a deer will run out if front of your truck. B) "

Yeh this always cracks me up when I hear the talking heads on tv business shows on the weekends saying it doesn't matter, and people don't care if gas goes to 5 dollars a gallon. Their reasoning is: "well in Europe it has been 5 dollars a gallon for years". Hey news flash you jerks, in Europe you drive a couple hours in any direction you end up in another country. Here we drive two hours and get to Walmart!

Theres nothing worse than a bunch of NYC business people/tv celebrities who have no clue what it is like to live in "real upstate" dictating how we should live or how much we should pay to survive. I'm all for as many from NYC as possible moving up here so we may eventually have enough swing in population that we might even realize what it is to have a vote that counts. This state is the classic example of the tail wagging the dog.

On the other hand, I have heard all the wise cracks about "the guys from the city coming up here" and doing all kinds of stupid things like shooting cows, goats and each other, and can tell you some of the best guys I ever met were from "downstate". The issues I've had over the years have been with local people, not hunters from "the city". The best neighbor I could ask for for the past 15 years is from NYC. He is a real quality guy and I wish all my neighbors were like him.

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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I disagree that its a "classic example of the tail wagging the dog", unless you are speaking geographically. Almost half the population in the state is located in the 5 Boroughs of NY City. Those people deserve the representation as much as anyone else.

I love upstate, one day I hope to buy a place three or four hours from the city and eventually retire up there. You are right in saying that there are a lot of people that live in the city and have no clue what its like to live upstate, but the same is true vice versa. Strictly by the numbers, the rest of the state could overrule anything the city wanted. Of course in practice, we know it doesn't work like that.

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I hope someday you get to live out your dream and retire up here someday. Heck, I would be happy to even show you around or buy you a cup of coffee if you decided on this area. And, you are right that "vise versa" part.

But where I don't agree is backed up by the very population fact you correctly point out. 2010 Census numbers (according to my quick check just now of Wikipedia) reports about 64% of New York is in the five boroughs which means "all in favor say aye" and the rest of the state has no way of ever being represented. So in my humble opinion what we have up here is the good old taxation without representation. Anyway, enough about the political side of life and back to more important things like hunting talk. Good luck this season, bag the big one!

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Hmm, not sure what Wiki page you mean, but from the census info I have, the population of the state is a little under 19.5 million, about 8.2 million of which live in the five boroughs of NYC.

Maybe if you include Long Island and Westchester? I'd have to do the research, because I usually only deal with the city.

Either way, I do understand your point.

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I've done 90 miles to Berne a few times at 4am and back in one day. Usually it's due to time constraints. I have spots within 15 miles of my house as well, but truthfully I like going upstate even though the hunting is harder. It's more about the hunt for me.

Virgil, am I reading that correctly? You chew tobacco? Holy crap! Now if you drive a pickup, that's a real game changer. See, I knew we could be buddies, lol!

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