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Gun Malfunction


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I went out this afternoon and I was working my way around a mountain top I looked down at the shelf below me and there was a huge 10pt looking back at me. I put the gun up and go to pull the trigger and it doesn't move, I try again with no luck I try to move the safety and its not moving either. I run the bolt and the safety finally moves but it was to late he took off. Has anyone ever had this happen to them before?

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Yep. .... because I oiled my bolt face where the firing pin comes out.I also oiled the trigger mechanism that also houses the safety. It froze almost solid. If oil is your problem,that is easily fixed.If it is something other than that,I would have a smith check it out. Try to use it after it warms up and is unloaded ofcourse.

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I also thought it was because the bolt wasn't fully closed but im not sure so im going to take the bolt out and clean it up and oil it alittle. Thanks for your help guys

I would NOT oil it. Make sure it is unloaded and check for proper function first. Oil is not your friend inside the bolt.A lightly oiled rag rubdown is fine.

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This has occured to other Orange county hunters.

I am not a gun guy but over the years have used sllcon spray on a rag and just let it be rubed in and around the bolt and also I put on the barrel rag as well.

But the stuff I use does not seem to have a high water content.

I am sure everthing worked as soon as you got the gun back in the house. After unloading the gun I sure would again wipe down with a rag to get any oil off the moving parts.

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It may be due to the oil u used. I am always sure to clean / lube and remove any oil or cleaners. A properly cleaned gun should function in just about any temp. I am beyond picky when it comes to cleaning my guns, and i have never had an issue with anything. Strip your gun, clean, lube, and be sure to dry any excess or wet looking spots. Best of luck!

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