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DMP= Deer management permits (out normal Doe permit)

DMAP= Deer management Assistance Permit= a localize herd reduction permit as outlined in the Regulations. Only landowners

DDP - Deer Damage Permit. this is the out of season Nusance permit that allows a lot more fredom in the fillnig hte tag.

yup thats it

DDP - Deer Damage Permit. this is the out of season Nusance permit that allows a lot more fredom in the fillnig the tag.

worst thing to happen EVER..... farmers use to let hunters keep the hurd in check.....now a couple guys with a good light and rifle can ruin the population

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what you are talking about would be a nuisance permit

when farmers get nuisance tags you can shoot at night with whatever firearm you like

Not entirely true . This is from the General Deer Damage Permit

Only shotguns with rifled slugs or centerfire rifles may be used . You must possess a Big Game License and be 18 or older .

The permit is only valid on lands owned , rented or leased by the Permittee , where damage is occuring , as specified in the permit .

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Not entirely true . This is from the General Deer Damage Permit

Only shotguns with rifled slugs or centerfire rifles may be used . You must possess a Big Game License and be 18 or older .

The permit is only valid on lands owned , rented or leased by the Permittee , where damage is occuring , as specified in the permit .

I'm sorry Eddie.... I thought shotgun and rifle would be considered anything you want, I forgot about grenades, rocket launchers and tanks.... my bad

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I'm sorry Eddie.... I thought shotgun and rifle would be considered anything you want, I forgot about grenades, rocket launchers and tanks.... my bad

Umm, how about buckshot, birdshot, rimfires, handguns and archery equipment?

Edited by covert
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