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Disturbing Trend

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Wow, a bunch of mostly untrue generalizations. Most people that have a problem with law enforcement are loser criminals who blame thier lowly lives on the people enforcing the laws that they can't abide by. After reading some of your ridiculous posts, you probably are the same.


Make a sweeping generalization after accusing someone of making untrue generalizatons. Excellent debate technique. If what I say is untrue, please explain why I see officers of the SCPD sitting 3 and 4 deep in parking lots wasting taxpayer dollars doing nothing but drunking smoothies and/or other means of being idle. I don't have a problem with "law enforcement". I have a problem with government waste. When I see the equivalent of a half a million dollars per annum sitting on their asses in a parking lot, wasting time and resources, yeah, I have a problem.

Take care officer. Stay safe tonight.

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2 years college absolute minimum. But with the amount of applications they get nowadays you probably wont make it without a college degree.

Suffolk county does not require college, which i never understood since they are some of the highest paid salaries in the country... i have alot of cop freinds one of which was just sworn in to Suffolk 2 years ago.

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Suffolk county does not require college, which i never understood since they are some of the highest paid salaries in the country... i have alot of cop freinds one of which was just sworn in to Suffolk 2 years ago.

But with the amount of applicants that Nassau and Suffolk get, having a college degree makes you stand out and you are more likely to get picked. Bet some of the older cops don't have degrees though.

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sad to see this thread has deteriorated to personal attacks and insults......from both sides.

Actually, it started out as legitimate criticism of misuse of taxpayer funded resources by members of a certain department. In response one particular individual began leveling baseless charges and impugning the character of other members.

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Actually, it started out as legitimate criticism of misuse of taxpayer funded resources by members of a certain department. In response one particular individual began leveling baseless charges and impugning the character of other members.

yup, most of these threads start out as legitimate discussions but eventually turn into personal attacks that detract from the original purpose.........to make blanket statements about any one group tends to create an unneeded animosity.

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sad to see this thread has deteriorated to personal attacks and insults......from both sides.


I don't know a whole lot of cops / LEO's.

I do work with ENCON and the state police commercial vehicle enforcement units from time to time and went to college with a guy that's now a forest ranger.

I also went to high school with one of the first officer's on scene in the Webster shootings. I am proud to say i went to school with him. He was a great guy in High School, hard working, honest, and a stand up guy.

Mark Reed

Out of everyone i have worked with / know (maybe two dozen) I can think of maybe two who consistently under preform.

I think they are like anyone else, they are people. There are good ones, bad ones and indifferent ones.

If your an LEO god bless and stay safe. If your an under achieving LEO you know what you should be doing. If your not an LEO try and think before you post.

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But with the amount of applicants that Nassau and Suffolk get, having a college degree makes you stand out and you are more likely to get picked. Bet some of the older cops don't have degrees though.

Suffolk is based soley on test score... Has nothing to do with your college background. Test score is everything. there can be 600 people who score 98, it's then put to a lotto draw say if they need 100 people. They don't care your background until your picked for interview, physical, psych test and so on.

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Not really from both sides, mainly the cop lover trolling. But of course you would say both sides to make it seem like both are to his level.

actually if you read most of the posts, they're coming from the cop hater, so you're right, it's not coming from both side....my mistake.

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Lets just all agree and put things into perspective....There are good and bad ppl in law enforcement...It is a dangerous job at times and these ppl choose to take that risk to improve their way of living.

These facts are no different than...There are good and bad ppl in all fields of employment and just like ppl that work on oil rigs... coal mines...the armed services or pilots some jobs hold inherent risks ...ones they chose to take to improve their way of life.

The one difference is because police are hired by the state or county to serve and protect...the ppl in authority should be held accountable for whom they choose to do this job and the level of competency with in their work force..when you have the management of this work force making statements such as....

"I'm just trying to plan for the future, hopefully for something that will never happen, that will never even leave their cars."

Well I personally find that disturbing

Edited by growalot
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actually if you read most of the posts, they're coming from the cop hater, so you're right, it's not coming from both side....my mistake.

Who's the cop hater? Who's the one that called other members low lives?

It is possible to criticize the police, and to criticize police policy or unproductive waste by police departments without "hating police." The hating police argument is a strawman fallacy built up to discredit any valid criticism leveled at police tactics/behaviors/policies. Just as any government agency creates arguments in defense of itself which tries rather than to prop itself up, to rip the side making such detracting arguments down.

It was a video about Muhammad that made those people kill the ambassador, it wasn't our failure in the state department.

Fast and Furious was a great idea. We had no idea that guns we sold to Mexican Drug Cartels would be used in murders. It's not DoJ or BATFU's fault.

If you criticize the police, regardless of what they did -- even if it was shooting a 90 year old woman after serving a no-knock warrant at the wrong address -- well you're obviously just a criminal that hates cops.

It's nonsense and you know it. Valid criticism of any agency by taxpayers is what this country is about. Only in modern history have we become a cult of the golden badge.

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Lets just all agree and put things into perspective....There are good and bad ppl in law enforcement...It is a dangerous job at times and these ppl choose to take that risk to improve their way of living.

These facts are no different than...There are good and bad ppl in all fields of employment and just like ppl that work on oil rigs... coal mines...the armed services or pilots some jobs hold inherent risks ...ones they chose to take to improve their way of life.

The one difference is because police are hired by the state or county to serve and protect...the ppl in authority should be held accountable for whom they choose to do this job and the level of competency with in their work force..when you have the management of this work force making statements such as....

Well I personally find that disturbing

Understanding the fact that every profession does indeed have their flaws, as we are all human, but certain professions are held at higher standards than others when it comes to specific flaws. I.e., doctors are expected to heal, and not kill, everything else could be forgiven. In the role of a law enforcement officer, their role is to serve and protect the people, and if that is not being carried out, then there is a problem and it needs to be addressed.

I'm not saying ALL LEO are flawed, but what I am saying is too many are in my neck of the woods, IMO. For someone to come out and make all LEO out to be saints, well, I'll be right behind them telling otherwise. There's always 2 sides to a story.

PS, for what it's worth, I have several friends in the NYPD now, and have met and are on a first name basis with some DEC LEO, they are great people.

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